Sunday 10 December 2017

The Case of the Pyjamaring Landladies. Holmes faces his most terrible adversary since Moriarty

"For Gods sake Watson, help me barricade this door. Mrs Hudson is on her way up with pyjamas for you too. I have been pyjamaed for the last three weeks, her and her fellow landladies are determined to administer pyjamarings to all of their male tenants You are the only one left, help me or you will soon be dressed in striped pyjamas permanently!"

Holmes and Watson will now be confined to their rooms permanently attired in striped winceyette pyjamas and tartan slippers. Gas light out at by 8 o'clock each night.


  1. Naughty Sherlock for walking around in his bare feet. Where are his slippers?
    They should be on his feet.

  2. Mrs Hudson is replacing his old well worn leather slippers for a new faux fur lined, tartan patterned pair.

  3. I presume the leather slipper would be applied to naughty sherlocks bared behind.
