Saturday 18 July 2015

Mrs Sykes-Patterson has sent another excellent installment about Lionels and Mr Watts pyjamaring. I am pleased to see that I am not the only one to suffer the,"oversized striped pyjamas" punishment.

Dear Wincy,

I hope you and your readers will be interested to find out what happened to Lionel and Mr Watts following their pyjamaring by Miss Jones, so I have prepared the following account of the ensuing evening.

I have also enclosed a photograph of Lionel in his special pyjamas as dressed by Miss Jones for your information. I am sure that you will agree that they are not well-designed, but do have the desired effect of humiliating the insolent male.

P.S I think your red striped oversized punishment pyjamas are particularly fetching in the way that the trousers puddle around your feet and the sleeves have  disappearing arms but do have some way to go before they match Lionel's!


Mrs. Sykes-Patterson

Poor Lionel was escorted into the spare room and was shocked to see his friend Malcolm dressed in a pair of tasteless blue striped pyjamas that appeared also to have been designed ineptly by the willing Miss Jones. Being a man who prided himself on his fashion awareness, this was obviously a complete humiliation in itself, but in addition, the sad man was facing the cast iron fireplace, hands on head and with his pyjama trousers in a heap around his knees. Malcolm's glowing red bottom with handprint marks imprinted, was fully on display.

'Now Lionel' began Mrs SP, 'Malcolm attempted to resist his pyjamaring by removing them and putting his day clothes back on. Of course we easily restrained him and forcibly re-dressed him in jim-jams. Yes, he screamed and resisted as we removed his clothing and buttoned him back into his lovely jimmy-jams but as you can see you can bear witness to the folly of his misbehaviour. Mrs Dempsey had to remove her expensive silk Hermes scarf and gag him tightly in order to stem the tide of appalling language. The silly man only finally calmed down after he was soundly spanked once attired in his baggy nightwear. Now look at him - a model of obedience smartly dressed in his delightful new striped pyjamas with his punished behind on display. I doubt very much that we'll have  any more trouble from you tonight, will we Malcolm?' 

'Mmmmphhh, Mmmph ' mo mupphis Phys Faferfun'  was all that could be heard from his gagged mouth.

Mrs Sykes-Patterson commanded him. 'Pull up your pyjama bottoms and tie them correctly ready for inspection, your gag will remain tied firmly in place until I decide otherwise.'

Mrs SP walked around a very nervous Malcolm who was fumbling with the tie-cord on his pyjamas.

'It is now 3.30pm and you two will shortly be put to bed in your new jim-jams. Mrs Watts has made up the single bed with crisply starched sheets and a woollen blanket, but prior to that there is one more matter to address. We have agreed that in order to ensure there are no further embarrassing episodes involving male arousal that we recently were forced to endure, drastic measures are needed to make you both realise that we ladies are to be obeyed instantly without hesitation on your part, otherwise the consequences for the two of you will be very severe. The pair of you are worthless specimens, our pyjamaed , flannelled fools who will submit to our every command. Have I made myself clear?

The two pyjama clad males nodded dutifully as Mrs SP fixed them with one of her intimidating stares forcing the pair to lower their eyes to the floor.

"Now gentlemen, Mrs Harbury has discovered a most wonderful device that will extend your pyjama humiliation and further emphasise your inferior  status as. I believe it is effective by tightly containing your pyjama pee-pees' and 'pyjama plums', in a plastic, lockable cage that prevents any display of masculinity. Mrs Watts has advised me that it properly called a 'chastity cage' but I'm afraid that I wouldn't know about these things'.

The quivering men were ordered to the centre of the small spare room where they shuffled in a mass of striped winceyette.  

'Now, stand next to each other with your legs wide apart and place your hands on your head. Do not speak or move a muscle until the procedure is complete - you will then receive instruction as to the next phase of your pyjamaring.'

'Mrs Watts, would you care to assist?  Please undo their pyjama trousers.'

Mrs Watts hands threaded their way up inside the front of the men's pyjama jackets, located the cord under their armpits and after a brief tug, first Malcolm's and then Lionel's baggy trousers folded in a striped mass and fell around their ankles.

'Oh goodness, this simply won't do - their jackets are still reaching down almost to their knees - Lionel and Malcolm, take your hands off your head, grasp the front hem of your jackets and hold it high above your heads.'

Following much squirming, whimpering and whining the two men's masculinity was forced and squeezed so tightly into the lockable devices that tears flowed, much to the delight of the ladies present. With a final click of a small padlock, the procedure was complete. The ladies stood back to admire the effect.

'Marvellous!  Let's get these two dressed smartly back into their jim-jams and show our handiwork to the assembled circle downstairs'.

Mrs Watts proceeded to pull up the blue striped trousers of her husband and fasten them tightly high on his chest before instructing him to release his grip on the front of his jacket whereupon it cascaded down to his knees.

Downstairs, Mrs SP barked out her instructions from the sofa.

'Lionel and Malcolm, please enter the room and stand with your backs against the wall.'

The two men, in their flapping pyjama bottoms, shuffled and stumbled in their respective red and blue oversized nightwear and stood as instructed.

'Now ladies, are we ready? Lionel, you will please stand behind Malcolm, reach inside his pyjamas and unfasten his trousers.  Malcolm was appalled and humiliated as he felt his friend's hands rummaging around inside his nightwear, but soon he felt his trousers falling, billowing to the floor. Now Lionel, please reach round and hold up Malcolm's jacket so that the ladies can see' 

The sight of the firmly caged pyjama plums and pee-pees compressed so effectively brought nods and sighs of approval.

'Now, as it is nearly 4.00pm we shall tuck these two naughty pyjamaed boys into bed for an early bedtime and a night of chastity- the single bed will be somewhat of a squeeze for them but they will manage!'

After being frogmarched back upstairs, the humiliated couple were stood in opposing corners of the spare room facing the wall whilst Mrs. Dempsey prepared the small bed for the pyjamaed miscreants.

'Lionel you first, come here and lie completely straight on one side of the bed - arms by your sides, clever boy. Now you Malcolm.'

The poor men barely fitted on the starched sheet with it's single pillow and had to endure the attention of the ladies who insisted on 'smartening up' their pyjamas. Miss Jones assisted by pulling the overlong trousers down over their feet and smoothed down their pyjama jacket collars. Unfortunately for Lionel he was also gagged, ' to prevent any communication between the pair.'

'Well now, don't they look like a pair of ludicrous naughty little boys wearing their oversized pyjamas that unfortunately for them they will never grow into!' She gloated.

Before adding, 'Ladies, you may come and take any photographs of Malcolm and Lionel that you wish.' 

By 4.10 pm both were lying side by side tightly tucked into the confining single bed with just  their pyjamaed arms and smartly buttoned pyjama jacket collars on display above the sheets.

'Mrs SP addressed the tow men as they lay in bed.

'I do not want to see any creases in those new sheets or the bedclothes disturbed in any way. I expect you both to endure the night's discomfort without complaint and do not want to see evidence that you have been attempting to interfere with your chastity devices..'

 This is the start of your new pyjamaring regime that Mrs Watts and I will impose and enforce with vigour and determination. You can expect to spend all of your non working time dressed permanently in pyjamas!'

With that threat ringing in their ears, the two men were left to contemplate their pyjamaed future during the long hours ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Lionel and Malcom having their pyjama pee pees and pyjama plums caged
    and pad locked. Then theres the starched sheets! I have on occassions heavily
    starched my naughty husbands striped pyjamas they crackle delightfully when
    Their occupant moves. Perhaps Mrs Sykes Patterson can get the industrios Miss
    Jones to starch and iron some of Lionels and Malcoms striped jim jams? Eunice.
