I'm nearly 20 and have (much) earlier bedtimes than my two
younger half-sisters (13 and 11). My mother prefers the girls and likes to stay
in peace and chat with them in the evening. That's why she send me to bed at 6
pm on weekdays, at 8 pm on Saturday because my sisters usually dine (and
sometimes also sleep) by friends, and at 4 pm (or earlier) on Sunday afternoon.
I've the same bedtimes during holydays. My younger sisters not only have to go
to bed later than me, but the most often that's they who make me ready for bed.
They sometimes baby-sit me. I'm also put to bed daytime as a punishment,
because mom or sisters have guests, because mom goes out, or even because of
bad weather which forces us to stay indoor. I'm curious to know if other big
boys or girls are in the same situation.
Can you describe your nightclothes in detail? In the last question you mention wearing a nightie, can you tell me more about styles and materials? Are you involved in buying them and do you have any choice in what you wear? Also do you wear different nighties if you are being punished or sent to bed for your sister's convenience? Do you normally wear anything else to bed like a nightcap, earplugs or a sleep mask? How do you feel wearing nighties, are they comfortable, embarrassing, exciting or?
When you are in bed are you allowed to read or listen to music and can you get up to go to the bathroom or is your door locked? Do you have a baby monitor in your room? What sort of sheets and covers are on your bed and are there any other restrictions on you. Does your mother use medication to make you sleep?
When you are prepared for bed do you undress yourself or does another undress you? Is this different for a punishment? When do you normally change into your nightie? Also what are the arrangements for bathing, both normally and for a punishment?
When your sisters baby-sit you do they treat you more strictly (earlier bedtime or immediate bed time) or the same. Does anybody else baby-sit you if your mother and sisters are away?
"How you are put to bed for a start?"
I've ever been put to bed early by mom. At the birth of Edith, my first half-sister, I was 6 y.o. My bedtime was already set at 6:00 pm. My sister did sleep in my room at the same time. Two years later, when Sarah, my other sister came, that continues so: bedtime at 6 for the three of us, in the same bedroom. When Edith was 7 (and I was 13-14), she slept in her own bedroom and her bedtime was later because she had dance lessons and mom takes care of her. My bedtime and the one of Sarah did stay at 6 for a while, until Sarah starts also to dance and to play piano. Both the girls had then the same room (my former one, I had to move in a smaller one), and a later bedtime than mine that did stay at 6:00 pm. Since such an early bedtime suits mom (who doesn't like I'd go out in the evening and thinks I'm less mature and reliable than the girls) and my sisters (who can stay in peace after dinner with mom, play together, chat, watch TV programs they prefer€¦), I've still to be ready to sleep for the night at 6:00. As when I was younger, I've then to make me ready for bed at 5:15 and to dine in nightie at 5:30 to be in bed on time, while the younger girls are still fully clothed.
I've then such early bedtimes since I was a little baby, and mom said I'm today a big baby and I'll have to get into bed as soon as she wants, as long as I'll live with her and my younger sisters. The girl’s bedtime is at 9:00 or 9:30 on weekdays and 11:00 or even midnight on holidays.
My mother was always stricter about me than about my younger sis. When we fought (and still we fight) or when one of my sisters accuse me rightly or unfairly, that's every time me who's punished, put straight to bed for the rest of the day, had (and has) earlier bedtime on weekdays and whole day in bed during weekends and holidays. And that's often so. Besides, sometimes mom spanks me bare bottom (with only my nightie on) in front of my younger sisters (and even some of their young mates) before a corner time and a more or less long time bed confinement.
Mom always put me to bed earlier every time she or my sisters have guests. I've to sleep before they come and in this case mom usually uses medication (syrup or suppositories). I've off course to stay in bed since next morning even when the guests leave early.
When mom goes out, I've to be in bed before she leaves. When she's absent only for a short while, that's rather my sisters who put me to bed and baby-sit me. For a longer length, my babysitter is usually a neighbour (a girl younger than me, without a risk for her because I'm anyway in bed and locked up with baby phone on) or Catherine, a classmate who is also my girlfriend.
Once in bed, at any time, I'm not allowed to read nor listen music or radio, except sometimes when I'm in bed before 3:30 pm (I've next to take a snack then to sleep) because of bad weather outdoors (and for not hampering mom and sisters at home). That's usually Edith and/or Sarah who do me ready to sleep. They close my shutters and curtains, tuck me in, switch my baby monitor which has also a walkie-talkie function), kiss me nite-nite, order me to obey and to sleep immediately, switch my light off, then lock me up.
Punished or not, I'm not allowed to get up once put to bed. Moreover I’m not able to leave my bedroom since I'm shut away nor allowed to get dressed again since I had to leave all my clothes and shoes in the wardrobe before getting into bed. I'd be punished if I forget this. I've a potty in my bedroom and if I need to use it during the daytime, I can call mom, sisters or babysitter by the baby monitor. One of them eventually goes upstairs to let me go to the toilet before to put me again to bed.
"Can you describe your nightclothes in detail?"
I never wear pyjama nor panties, only female or girl nighties with nothing under. They are different depending the season. In summer, they are short and fine, light coloured (pink, blue pastel, white, yellow), most of them without sleeves, often with floral or childish motives. In autumn and winter, they are longer and larger, are in cotton and have sleeves. Some of them were the former ones of mom. Others are gifts from mommy, from my girlfriend and babysitter Catherine (2 years a half younger than me even if in the same class), and even from other classmates.
The one I prefer comes from Catherine’s mother. Its colour is salmon; it's long, almost transparent, with black thin straps. I received its for my 19th anniversary. I had to accompany Catherine, her mother and her younger sister Christine in the lingerie boutique of a friend of Catherine’s mom and mine. I had to undress fully for fitting some baby dolls and nighties. The owner was amused seeing me walking so barefoot and naked under nighties through her shop in front of other amazed female customers. She gives me a well-matched nightcap! During the whole fitting, I was very, very embarrassed but I'd in the same time to refrain my trouble and my excitation. I was happily soon token back home and put straight to bed in the early afternoon by Catherine, after the boutiques owner and her customers wished me an "happy birthday" and a "good night".
I normally wear a fresh nightgown once a week, when I've to get into bed at my usual Sunday bedtime, at the latest in the middle of the afternoon.
I've not other nightclothes when bed punished, but I put my current nightie on when I've to be spanked bare bottom and to have a corner time downstairs in the living room.
Mom wants I have my nightcap on when I've to stay in bed all day as a punishment or by bad weather, especially during winter weekends and Xmas holidays. On cold days, I've then to spend most of the time in bed and, rather than to get up barefoot to go to brush my teeth and occasionally go to the toilet or bring back downstairs my tray after a meal in bed, mommy lends me slippers of her. They are pink with a pompom and have heels.
I feel absolutely comfortable with a nightie on in bed, but at once embarrassed and excited to be seen by everyone, as a near 20 years old boy so undressed, already in bed or ready to go to sleep, at any time in the day, when all the others, even very much younger kids, are still up and fully dressed for hours. Usually, however, I'm already tucked in bed and asleep light off when guests come home, and like this I don't see them when they come by curiosity to glance at me being without a doubt the only for miles around lying so early, daytime, between his sheets, without to be ill nor actually a When confined to bed as a punishment, I've all the time shutters and curtains tightly closed. My bedside lamp has also to stay off constantly, except for eating baby's cereal and to drink sleepy tea or milk from a baby's bottle in bed. That's also sometimes Edith or more often youngest Sarah who spoon-feeds me in bed before her own meal downstairs with the others.
With the baby monitor, mom and my sisters may hear the slightest movement I could make in my bedroom. I'm then not allowed at all to get up for bathing nor for eating. I've a potty near my bed. I can only leave my room after breakfast, lunch and tea time (all eaten in bed, off course) to empty and to rinse out the potty, to go to the toilet and to brush my teeth. I occasionally have myself to bring back downstairs my bowl and my baby's bottle. On the other hand, when I've been punished following a misbehaving towards one of my younger sisters, before having to sleep before 4:00 pm and without dinner, I'm obliged to go downstairs wearing only my nightie and my night cap, then to say her sorry kneeling, in front of mom, my other sis and sometimes also friends of mommy and mates of the girls. After that, they put me back to bed and I've to sleep immediately since next morning.
Even if not as a punishment, when I've been put to bed already in the morning or in the early afternoon for any other reason, I've every time to sleep right after tea time, between 3:30 and 4:00 pm. I'm also locked up and have to eat in bed with a bib tied round my neck. The only change in this case is that I'm the most often (but not always, depending the mood of mom) allowed to keep shutters and curtains open, to read books or comics and to listen radio in bed until snack at tea time. Sometimes, one brings me the same meal as the ones who eat downstairs, instead baby's cereal or puree. I've all the same to drink sleepy milk with a baby's bottle, but never a coffee since I've to sleep earlier and because a stain of coffee on a nightie or on bedclothes is really a serious thing.
Very interesting, can you answer a few details? Are your light nighties made of nylon or polyester, since you mention your winter nighties are cotton? Also can you describe your nightcaps? When you are in bed with the monitor on are you punished if you make noise? Also when your girlfriend Catherine is babysitting is the routine and treatment different from when your sisters babysat? Also can you tell me more about when you have a babysitter? You mentioned that your girlfriend Catherine sometimes puts you to bed when your mom and sister are out. Does she do anything differently, more or less strict, earlier or later to bed? How often are you fed baby type foods instead of regular food? Thanks
I am the mother of a poorly behaved 20-year-old young man. I use a nanny cam to make sure he doesn't get out of bed without permission during his bedtime punishments. He has learned my strap can make him wish he did as he was told.
Early bedtimes were very popular with my mother when I was younger. Most night’s bedtime would be 6-30pm. I would usually arrive home from school about 4-30pm and my mother would bath me and put me in my pyjamas before tea that was usually 5pm. After tea I could watch TV until about 6pm when I would have to go upstairs and get into bed where I could read until about 6-30pm when mother would come and put me down to sleep. Mother used to dress me in very childish 'ski' pyjamas that were the same style as my baby brother. My baby brother would always be put to bed after me at I think about 9pm. Quite often my friends would come to the house to see if I was playing out after tea and mother would tell them no as I was in my pyjamas and ready for bed. Most weekends and holidays I was kept in my pyjamas all day. In the summer I was allowed out to play in the garden but I still had to wear my pyjamas. I was usually brought in and bathed about 4pm and changed into clean pyjamas and ready for bed. Sometimes I was put to bed as early as 4pm on holidays and weekends, early bedtimes continued up till I was a teenager
You say "a teenager". 13? 19?
I think I was about 14 when I was allowed to have a later bedtime.
And what time were you allowed to stay up until then?
I think it was about 8pm, but mother still expected me bathed and in my pyjamas by 7pm.
Please tell us what happened later. When did your mummy stop making you go to bed early? Or does it still happen? After the 8 o'clock bedtime at 14 what was the next stage?
Mummy extended my bedtime to 8-30pm. But if I were naughty I would be put to bed at 7pm and made to wear a footed sleeper which mummy had bought me which was identical to my baby brother.
And do you still have to go to bed at 8.30?
My bedtime is now 9 o'clock. Well, actually, my bath time is 9 and my bedtime is straightaway afterwards so it's about half past by the time Mummy is tucking me in with my teddy bear. I’d love it to be later but she says that it's plenty late enough for me. So I just have to accept what she decides.
If my son misbehaves and I hear it on his baby monitor, I go into his room, turn him bottoms up over a folded up pillow and take my leather strap to his bare bottom.
It has always been part of my disciplinary philosophy to treat adolescent boys (and young adult males) as if they were at least five years younger than their physical age. Girls, in general, mature much quicker and as such it is correct that the male should go to bed sooner and in some cases their sister or sisters should supervise their bedtime. A 16-year-old boy under my supervision would be looking at a bedtime of between 6 and 7p.m with a pyjama time of 4 or 5 p.m. I always advocate dressing boys in their pyjamas 2 hours before bedtime. If a younger sister or sisters are around to witness this then so much the better. This reinforces the boy's immature status in the sibling hierarchy. That is why I put the boys into childish nightwear. When they have to walk around in front of their younger sisters for 2 hours before bedtime wearing little boy pyjamas they quickly lose their aggressive attitudes and respond to discipline much better. If especially sewn little boy pyjamas are beyond your means then a few pairs of female pyjamas from any high street chain store are an acceptable alternative. A 16 year old wearing a pair of teddy bear patterned pyjamas kissing his younger sisters night-night at 6pm is very rewarding in terms of discipline. The girl or girls can be part of the boy’s bedtime routine, perhaps helping select his pyjamas, buttoning up his pyjama top for him and helping to tuck him into bed. Having your 12 year old sister drawing the bedroom curtains on a sunny summer evening at 6p.m as the 16 y.o is put to bed is a good way to involve younger siblings in his education as a well disciplined male.
Good for you Helen That is exactly how boys should be treated. A good bedtime spanking also helps.
Thank you. Over the years I have endeavoured to ensure that the males who have fallen under my patronage come to appreciate their subservient role in regard to the superior female. I have developed the doctrine of pyjama and early bedtime discipline as an excellent way to achieve this. Naturally during my career I have used maternal, over the knee spankings to reinforce my control. However this is a punishment I tend to use sparingly, not least because being put across a matronly lap for a spanking can be surprisingly stimulating for adolescent males. For maximum effectiveness spankings should be delivered in front of several females, I prefer to spank in the presence of ladies from my own circle who understand and appreciate my efforts. This reserves the ultimate humiliation of spanking males in front of younger females as a trump card so to speak. I always begin a spanking with the recipient pyjama clad and then expose the naughty boys bottom for further punishment if the naughtiness warrants. I trust this clarifies my position on bedtime spankings for naughty boys. Incidentally, it is only very recently that one piece; footed pyjamas have been available in the UK. Mainly they appear to be retailed by a very downmarket chain store. As a disciplinary item of bedtime attire for males I can certainly see their potential, however, the actual quality of the material and overall "cheapness" of these items leave a lot to be desired A cosy pair of babyish pyjamas are currently still much more effective as demeaning and humiliating nightwear than high street fads.
My mother her sister my aunt my older sister grandma and grandpa my mom's parents raised me and my sister after my dad died when I was a yr old. I was spanked nude by every woman including my sister and one of her friends and much more. I was taught to obey submit and was kept in line by them every day sense I was 2 years old. I'm 27 now and when I visit my mom and her sister I am still given bare bottom thrashings by them both and if my sister is there her as well.