Sunday 2 August 2015

Maaike needs some advice on how to continue her boyfriends journey to permanent early bedtime and pyjama discipline

I am trying to enforce some rules on my boyfriend Maarten, slowly but surely. He is 35 years old and I have been slowly training him into going to bed early. Currently, his bedtime is 8 PM during the week and 9 PM on Fridays and Saturdays. He sleeps in the spare room which is only equipped with a bed, a drawer and nothing else. 

He always sleeps in a nappy and winceyette footed pyjamas. After dinner he has to go up to shower, brush his teeth, and wait in the corner of the guest room. Then after some time I come up, pin him into his nappy, dress him in his footed pyjamas and put him in his bed.

Now recently he has been complaining since it is summer time that his pyjamas are too warm for him and that he wants to enjoy the evenings together with me. I however think a strict regime is the way to keep him in line. After all, the reason I started this was that he was wasting way too much time late in the evening browsing on the internet, ignoring his hygiene and being really tired as the week progresses. 

I am wondering, could you pass this letter forward to Nanny Smackbottom? I would like to get her advice on this matter, if possible. Am I right in staying strict or is it better to give in a bit too make sure he continues on this path?

With regards,



  1. I think that you should be even more stricter with spanking and earlier bedtime....
    As well nappies all week-end long.....
    Wish i was your boyfriend.....

  2. Nanny Smackbottom was the agony aunt so to speak, for Pyjama Punishment Monthly and is, unfortunately, not available for comment. However you will be as pleased as I am no doubt, to learn that Mrs Jacobson would like to add her two pennyworth on your situation Maaike.

  3. his bedtime is too late. 5pm at the earliest so you can entertain at home and go on out on dates and be with friends. The weekends 3pm would be best and warm up his jammies as well for his whining about it. Let us know what becomes of this my dear...


  4. Dear Janice

    What an excellent idea to warm his pyjamas. In the summer months, Maaike should make him wear his winter pyjamas warmed over a radiator that is kept permanently on in his bedroom.She should then tuck him into bed at 5pm as you suggest, with a hot water bottle and an extra heavy quilt. That will teach him not to complain about his bedtimes and pyjamas.

