‘Yes well, you only have yourself to blame Robert. Perhaps this will teach you not to tease young girls. Janice and her friends will be taking you down to the park in your pushchair to feed the ducks. When they bring you home you will be dressed in your babyish pink pyjamas and put straight to bed at four o'clock!’
Wincy regretted objecting when Aunty began discussing his bedtime with his girlfriend and whether he should wear his cosy, teddy bear winceyette pyjamas that chilly night.
“Oh no you don’t. When I say four o’clock is your bedtime I mean four o’clock! Now say night-night then we will get you into your jim-jams.”
“Stop that sulking at once. Just because you are eighteen I see no reason why you shouldn’t wear your pretty baby clothes for many a year yet. Now I want to see that dummy being sucked for the duration of my friends visit or you will be spanked and put to beddy-byes early!”
He is old enough to be introduced to a tawse