"What is the meaning of this?" The Thurston sisters had returned
early to find Philip in the kitchen brazenly drinking coffee with a young lady.
"I..I.. thought you weren't coming back until 4.30 stammered Philip,
spilling coffee as he anxiously looked at Agnes and Enid. The sisters
ignored his question. "Well, aren't you going to introduce us?" asked
Agnes. "This is Melissa my friend from college, she..she is helping me
with an essay." Philip managed to reply despite turning a very pale
colour. Melissa these are my landladies Agnes and Enid.. I m..m..m..mean Miss
Thurston and Miss Thurston," he babbled. Melissa nodded to the two
sisters, "Good afternoon ladies, I believe you know my mother Mrs Hazard?
Anyway I had better be going, Philip, I will see you on Monday." Enid smiled,
" Mrs hazard's daughter, indeed we know her very well, please, stay and
finish your coffee my dear, did you know that Philip was a very naughty,
disobedient little boy?" Melissa laughed nervously. "Well I know he's
not the tallest, ha-ha but.." Enid joined in the laughter as Agnes left
the kitchen. "That's not quite what I meant. When Philip left this morning
he was told that as we would possibly be detained in town he was to come home,
take his bath, put on the pyjamas that he would find laid out on his bed for
him and to sit quietly in his bedroom until we arrived home." She turned
to look directly at Philip, "is this not the case?"
" Y..y..yes Miss Thurston." Philip cast his eyes down to the floor. "You willfully disobeyed us didn't you? Undress please Philip." Poor Philip
looked aghast. "Oh no Miss Thurston, not here, not in front
...." Miss Thurston again ignored him as she addressed Melissa. "You
see what a naughty little boy he is Melissa? Perhaps you could help by turning
that computer on for me?" She asked pointing to the laptop that stood on
the worktop. Melissa depressed the button and the computer began to whir
into life. Philip removed his shirt and trousers and socks but had to be
cajoled into taking off his underpants. "I am sure Melissa has seen naked
little boys before, I believe you have two younger brothers is that not
correct?" Melissa confirmed this was so, she now seemed relaxed and
unperturbed at Philips predicament.
"Here we are," said Agnes returning to the room carrying Philips
red striped pyjamas. "Time to get you ready for beddy-byes." Melissa
watched as the two sisters buttoned him into the pyjama jacket and stepped him
into the pyjama bottoms. "This is how you should have been attired two
hours ago," Agnes said as she tied pyjama cord into a neat bow. Philip
wished the ground would swallow him up as he stood looking ridiculous in his
pyjama clad state in front of Melissa who was busy speaking to Enid.
"Would you print that for me dear? Thank you." Melissa laughed out
loud then began typing. Seconds later the printer chugged out a piece of A4
paper. "Show Philip what it says please Melissa," prompted Enid.
Melissa smiled and held up the piece of paper. "Sorry Philip, if only I
had known I would have bathed you and put you into your pyjamas myself. I have
done it often enough times for my brothers." Philip moaned as he read the
print on the sheet of paper. It read, I am a naughty disobedient boy and
deserve to be spanked after my pyjama corner time.
"Hands on head and into the corner with you Philip," ordered
Agnes. "We three girls will have little chat about how we can improve your
behaviour and after that we will fetch our hairbrushes and deliver a sound
spanking to that naughty bottom of yours. You can be certain that this weekend
will involve lots of smacked botty and early bedtime for you Philip dear."