Sister Mary’s Propensity
It started out as a normal school day in Sister Mary’s seventh grade classroom.
The first hour was devoted to English, and the nun was droning on about
diagramming sentences. Boredom was already setting in for the majority of the students,
as they were entrenched in what looked like just another mundane Wednesday with
Sister Mary. But thanks to one of their fellow students, coupled with their
teacher’s strong propensity towards enforced humiliation, this day would be
anything but mundane.
The thirty-four year old Sister Mary had been teaching grammar school for over
eleven years. For the last year or two her job was starting to feel a little
stale. The monotony of it all was setting in for her, and she longed for
something to spice up her life. She knew she wasn’t going to find that “spice”
in the convent, so she often looked to her students for her diversions. As
alluded to, she took considerable pleasure in embarrassing, if not downright
humiliating her students. She had recently started using her position of power
for that purpose, but up until now, not quite to the extreme that she desired.
There was the time earlier in the year that she punished one of her students by
making him stand in front of the room and sing in front of the whole class. She
remembered the pleasure she felt watching him blush profusely while singing his
Then there was the time she wrapped a woman’s scarf around another boy’s head.
Again, she took extreme pleasure as his face grew redder by the second while
she slowly tied the scarf under his chin and purposefully adjusted it until she
was satisfied. She had conjectured that imposing female clothing on a young man
might be one of the more powerful forms of enforced humiliation, and the boy’s
extraordinarily embarrassed reaction to the scarf certainly confirmed that
It had been over a month since she had utilized the scarf punishment, and since
then she had been waiting for the opportunity to humiliate one of her students
in a similar manner. Maybe today would be the day, she thought to herself
earlier that morning. So when she spotted Tommy turning around and whispering
something to the boy behind him, she decided to pounce on the moment. Little
did Tommy know what the consequences would be of the seemingly minor
transgression. As it would turn out, he picked the wrong day to make a false
“Tommy, is there something you’d like to share with the rest of the class?”
inquired Sister Mary.
Tommy blushed slightly at the admonition. “No, Sister Mary. Sorry, Sister
Mary,” answered Tommy.
A slight smile formed on the corner of her lip. This was the opportunity she
had hoped for. “Well, ‘sorry’ isn’t going to be good enough, Tommy. Stand up,
please.” Tommy, who was seated in the very front of the second row of students,
apprehensively complied. “This isn’t the first time I’ve had to interrupt our
lessons because of you, is it Tommy?”
Tommy shifted his weight uncomfortably. “No, Sister.”
In fact, it was quite true. Tommy, though generally a good kid, did have a
habit of becoming restless when the subject matter didn’t interest him. Already
during this school year Sister Mary had punished Tommy on three different
occasions. The first time he had to write one hundred times, “I will raise my
hand before speaking in Sister Mary’s classroom.” The second time he had to
stand in the corner for an hour, which he found mildly embarrassing. The third
time came on the day of his thirteenth birthday. On this occasion he had to
wear a sign on his chest. Sister Mary made it on the spot, writing in bold and
capital letters, “I HAVE BEEN A NAUGHTY LITTLE BOY.” The teasing he received
from his fellow students was relentless, especially during the recess and lunch
periods. Tommy, embarrassed to no end, seemed to have a constant blush going
throughout that day. That was more than a month before, and he had been very
careful not to give his teacher an excuse to embarrass him again, especially in
light of the fact that Sister Mary’s punishments seemed to be escalating in
their level of humiliation. When she tied a feminine scarf around the head one
of his fellow students Tommy had cringed, and was ever so relieved it wasn’t
happening to him. But now he watched his teacher reach into her drawer and pull
out the very same scarf. He felt himself literally tremble with fear as Sister
Mary approached.
[Oh, there goes Tommy again, talking while I’m trying to teach. I think I’ll
have a little fun with him…yes, he’ll be a perfect little victim…I’ll bet I can
make him blush …ah, he’s already getting a little nervous while I’m
reprimanding him…I think I’ll use the scarf…I do love the way they blush when I
do this…get it out of the drawer here…oh, look at him, he’s already turning
red…just wait until I wrap it around his pretty little head .]
{Uh-oh, she caught me talking…and she’s got a funny smile on her face…oh, no,
she’s opening the drawer…she’s got the scarf!…oh, please, no, I’ll just die!}
It was at that moment that another student chose to become involved. The
student was Tommy’s sister Sally. Tommy had pulled many a practical joke on his
slightly older sister, and she had not been amused by any of them. Her
intrusion would go a long way towards leading to Tommy’s fateful punishment.
She raised her hand, and Sister Mary stopped short of Tommy, somewhat annoyed
at the interruption. “Yes, Sally?”
“Sister Mary, I think you should know that Tommy has done something much more
serious than just talk out of turn in class. You may well want to consider a
harsher punishment when you hear what I have to say.” Sister Mary raised her
eyebrows. She was now suddenly quite interested. In fact, she secretly was
hoping to hear of serious misconduct on Tommy’s part, one that might warrant a
severe, even more humiliating punishment.
Meanwhile, Tommy was becoming panicky, as he knew what his sister was about to
divulge. The day before, during the morning recess, Tommy was walking by the
drinking fountain with one of his friends. Laura, a fellow seventh-grader, was
leaning over the drinking fountain taking a sip of water. Tommy, in an attempt
to impress his friend, lifted Laura’s skirt, resting it on her back. The two
laughing boys scurried around the corner before the startled and embarrassed
girl could see who the culprit was. Tommy had thought no one had seen him, but
that night his sister said to him, “I know something that will get you in deep
trouble.” Tommy dismissed it at the time, but now it appeared his actions were
coming back to haunt him.
“I’m listening, Sally,” answered Sister Mary, somewhat anxiously.
“Well, you’ll be interested to know that yesterday Tommy lifted Laura’s skirt
up and exposed her panties while she was leaning over the drinking fountain.”
Tommy clenched his eyes shut in anguish. Sister Mary outwardly appeared riled, but
inwardly she was thrilled with the possibilities that were presented by the
revelation. She looked at Tommy accusingly. “Is this true, Tommy?” she asked
with feigned irritation.
“No, it wasn’t me,” Tommy lied, desperate to recover from his increasingly dire
Sister Mary turned to Tommy’s victim, who was sitting on his immediate right.
“Laura, did Tommy lift up your skirt yesterday? It’s okay, sweetheart, you can
tell me.”
“I…I…somebody did it, but I didn’t see who,” answered the young, blushing girl.
It was at this moment that another student chose to contribute to the
discussion, an overture that ultimately would seal Tommy’s miserable fate. The
student was Cindy, Sally’s best friend. Cindy was a pretty little blond girl
who sat immediately to Tommy’s left. Tommy had always had a crush on her, but
she treated him more like Sally’s little brother than as a peer. She had also
been involved as a victim in a couple of Tommy’s practical jokes. The two girls
had talked about getting back at him on numerous occasions, but so far the
opportunity hadn’t presented itself. Cindy, sensing that her immediate
involvement would solidify Tommy’s guilt in the eyes of Sister Mary, raised her
“Cindy, do you have some insight into these distasteful proceedings?” asked
Sister Mary.
“Yes I do, Sister Mary. I saw the dirty deed, too. Lifted poor Laura’s skirt
straight up her back; her panties were out there for all to see. It was
definitely Tommy.” She was lying, since at the time of the violation of Laura,
Cindy was engaged in a game of volleyball around the corner from the drinking
fountain. But Cindy’s fib notwithstanding, Tommy was now in serious trouble.
Sister Mary wore a look of agitation.
“Thank you, Cindy; you have been very helpful.” She turned to the troubled
youth, who was now overwhelmed with dread. “As for you, young man…” She let the
phrase dangle there momentarily as she contemplated how she would deal with
what for her was a delicious situation. She held the scarf up. “I think, given
the gravity of your offence, that we need to come up with a punishment that is
a little more creative…something a little more embarrassing than this.” Tommy’s
trepidation increased, while many of the students sat up in their seats, keenly
interested in the scene playing out before them. “Yes, I do believe we can find
something much more interesting for you to wear.”
[Yes! Sally and Cindy’s revelation really opens the door for me…bless their
devious little minds …so the little pervert is lifting up skirts, is he,
checking out the girl’s panties…if he’s so interested in girls’ clothes then
I’ve got just the thing for him…heh- eh…I’ve always wanted to pull out the
nightie…forget this scarf…we’re about to escalate the humiliation…oh, this is
going to be fun!]
{Oh, please, I’ll never talk in class again…please don’t put the scarf on
me…what does Sally want…oh no, Laura’s skirt…she’s telling her!…Oh, God,
Cindy’s backing her up…I’m in for it now…what does she mean, something more
embarrassing for me to wear?…worse than the scarf?…oh, God!…what is she
The Nightgown
Sister Mary smiled to herself. She had already decided on a course of action.
Two months before, she had put a nightgown in her desk drawer. It was the
nightgown that she had worn when she was a young girl. She often fantasized
about forcing one of her boy students to put it on as punishment, but she never
had carried out the fantasy. She was concerned that there might be some
backlash from the one of the students’ parents if word got out about what some
may consider an act of depravity. But at this particular moment the need to
satisfy her prurient desires far outweighed her concern about any possible
“Yes, I’ve got just the thing for you, Tommy.” She stuffed the scarf in the
pocket of her habit and walked purposefully to her desk and opened the bottom
drawer. When she stood up, to the fascination of the students and to Tommy’s
utter distress she was holding a long-sleeved, winceyette nightdress,
femininely decorated with pink flowers. The sleeves were elasticated at the cuffs
to form a ruffle. She held it up and examined both sides. Seeming quite
satisfied, she turned her attention to the cowering boy standing next to his
desk. “Do you know what ‘shame clothing’ is, Tommy?” asked Sister Mary.
Tommy frantically tried to extricate himself from this most disconcerting
predicament. “I-I’m really sorry, Sister Mary; I promise…I promise I’ll never
misbehave again. Please, I promise.” His quivering voice betrayed his
Sister Mary wasn’t about to back down. “Answer my question, Tommy. What do you
think ‘shame clothing’ refers to?”
“I g-guess it would be…clothing that…clothing that…that would…shame somebody.”
The nervous student fidgeted noticeably.
“You are quite right, Tommy. And I’m sure when you’re on display at the front
of the class wearing this nightgown for everyone to see you will feel an
extreme sense of shame. I think you’ll find this a very effective punishment,”
she said as she strolled towards the wide-eyed and horrified Tommy. “I expect
that you’ll be blushing like a little schoolgirl.” She stopped in front of
Tommy and briefly looked down at the nightgown. “And you’ll look like one,
too,” the grinning nun said with a laugh. While his classmates joined their
teacher in laughter, Sister Mary brushed the nightie against his cheek,
"can you feel how soft the material is Tommy?" she said as she then
held up the nightie by the shoulders
for the very red-faced student. “Here you are, Tommy. I’d like you to go
to the cloakroom, strip off your clothes and change into this,” ordered Sister
Tommy was frozen in his tracks. His arms remained at his sides as he was too
stupefied to move. Sister Mary used that moment to assert her power and
establish her dominance. She slapped the stunned boy across the face. The noise
of the slap reverberated throughout the classroom, and the sting elicited a
well of tears in Tommy’s eyes.
Tommy grudgingly reached out
and took the nightgown from her hands. Sister Mary continued with her
instructions. “Now, I’d like you to go back into the cloakroom and take off all
of your clothes, including your underwear. When you are naked, you’re to slip
on your pretty new nightgown, then come out and show off your new look for us.”
Sister Mary looked Tommy up and down and used her imagination to envision the
unfortunate lad naked, then in the female attire. She looked at Tommy’s
blushing face and was unable to suppress a smirk. “Yes, I’m sure you’ll make
quite the pretty little model, don’t you think so? ” She paused momentarily
while Tommy fixed his stare to the ground, wallowing in his wretchedness. “Now,
if you behave yourself then I’ll let you have your school uniform back in time
for the morning recess. Move along now; you’ve wasted enough of our valuable
time already. I’m sure your classmates are very anxious to see you in your new
[My, the look on his face
when I pulled out the nightgown…like a frightened kitten …oh, he won’t take
it…I’ll show him…I hate to slap him, but he needs to know who’s in control
here…there, I think he gets it now…I’ve got him where I want him…he’ll cater to
any humiliation I choose to impose on him …I can’t wait to see him in my old
nightie…he has feminine features, he’ll look just lovely …and I’m sure he’ll be
blushing so…they blush so much with the scarf…imagine what he’ll look like
walking out here in front of all his classmates, wearing a little girl’s floral
nightie…oh, this will be precious!]
{Oh my God, what is that?…it’s a nightgown!…a floral one!…I can’t wear
that!…oh, this isn’t happening…she’s trying to hand it to me…no, I can’t take
it…ow!…she slapped me!…man, that really hurt!…I have to take it…oh, God…I have
to go put this on…how can I face my classmates?}
Tommy, his face now fire engine red, turned and walked towards the cloakroom
with the nightgown. He walked briskly and averted all eye contact by staring
straight down to the linoleum floor. He could hear the giggling and could sense
everyone’s stares. When he reached the cloakroom he threw the nightgown on a
table, purposely avoiding looking at it. He was trembling, and the feeling of
dread for what he was about to do was overpowering. He started to unbutton his
shirt, but he couldn’t bring himself to begin undressing himself. He decided to
make a last-ditch effort to maintain a small semblance of dignity. He stepped
out from the cloakroom and called out to his teacher. “Sister Mary, may I at
least just put it on over my clothes?”
“You mean you don’t have your clothes off yet, Tommy?” Sister Mary was now
genuinely irritated. “As I said, you’re to be completely naked underneath your
nightgown. It’s all part of your shame punishment. You seem to be missing the
point. You see, the whole class will know that you’re naked underneath your
nightgown. We’ll all know that you are just one article of clothing from being
completely nude. Can’t you just imagine how vulnerable that will make you feel,
Tommy? Think about it. If you make one false move, if the mood strikes me, I
can slip the nightgown right off and have you naked in a matter of seconds.”
The nun paused to let it sink in. “So it is in your best interest young man, to
do exactly as I say. I’ll give you two minutes, and if you haven’t stripped all
your clothes off and slipped into your nightie, then I’ll come back there and
undress you myself.”
Again Tommy heard the giggling from his classmates as he returned to the
cloakroom. He shuddered as he visualized himself in the nightgown. And worse,
he visualized Sister Mary pulling it right off at her whim, rendering him
completely naked in front of everybody. He was resigned to his nightmarish fate
as he unbuttoned and removed his shirt. He then grudgingly pulled off his vest.
It was a strange feeling to be naked from the waist up with his teacher and
classmates just on the other side of the partition. He reached down and pulled
off his shoes and socks. He started to unbuckle his belt, but then wavered, and
chose to take another path. He would put the nightgown on first. He shuddered
as he lifted the feminine garment over his head and slipped it on. He saw his
reflection in the full-length mirror and realized how humiliating it was going
to be to have to model the nightgown for his classmates and teacher. He reached
underneath and slowly started undoing his belt buckle.
“Tommy, you have one minute. Trust me, you don’t want me to have to come in
there,” he heard Sister Mary warn. “If I do, I’ll drag you out here, put you
over my knee and warm your bare behind in front of the whole class. Then you’ll
really know the meaning of shame.”
The giggling became louder. Tommy needed no further encouragement. He hastily
undid the belt and slipped off his pants. He looked in the mirror and saw an
image of a red-faced boy wearing a girl’s nightgown. The hem had cascaded to
the floor and nestled, worryingly comfortingly on top of his bare feet. The
sight of himself caused him to shiver. He started to reach under the nightgown
to remove his underpants but then stopped. His sense of shame was already at a
high level; to be entirely naked underneath the nightgown was more than he
thought he could endure. He did remember being told to remove all of his
clothes, but surely, he thought, he could get away with leaving his underpants
on. Besides, she would never know the difference thought Tommy. She certainly
wouldn’t pull up the nightgown to check. Would she?
Tommy’s level of anxiety was already extremely high, but it intensified as he
considered how Sally and Cindy would be revelling in his humiliation. Tommy had
cringed when he heard Cindy’s distinctive giggle as he was walking back to the
cloakroom with the nightgown. He knew the giggling would turn into outright
laughter in a few short moments. He took in the mental image of walking out there,
and he buried his face in his hands at the prospect.
{Oh, God…I can’t believe I have to put this on…I can’t do this…maybe I can at
least put it on over my clothes…I’ll ask her…oh, God, I have to be completely
naked underneath…I have two minutes or she’ll come back here and do it
herself…I certainly can’t let her see me naked...no way!...I have to start
stripping…oh, this is a nightmare…she’s so mean!…here goes my shirt…and my
vest…brrr…I’ve got goose bumps…here go the shoes and socks…now the pants…no,
I’ll put the nightgown on first in case she comes back here…I can’t let her see
me in my underpants…oh, look at me in this nightgown…it smells…smells like
perfume…eww…oh, how can I go out there like this?…it will be unbearable!…oh, I
have one minute or she’ll spank me…on my bare behind!…how did I get in this
mess?…oh, how I wish I never lifted Laura’s skirt…I didn’t think anybody would
see…I have to take my pants off…and look how red my face is…and I’m not even
out there yet…my face is so hot…why do I blush so much?…oh, this is terrible…do
I have to take off my underpants?…she wants me totally bare underneath…here
goes…no!…I can’t do it…she’ll never know…she wouldn’t go that far…oh, please,
don’t let her go that far!…oh, this is just awful!…how can I go out there and
have them all see me like this?…especially Sally and Cindy…I know they’re just
loving this…oh, they’ll all be laughing at me…I’ll never get over this!…oh!}
“Okay, Tommy, time’s up,” announced the nun as another smile formed on her
lips. “Please come out and show your classmates how pretty you look.”
Taunted in the Nightgown
Back in the cloakroom, Tommy could hear the buzzing emanating from the
students. With considerable trepidation he poked his red face out and saw the
faces of twenty-four students, fourteen girls, ten boys and one teacher staring
back at him with looks of anticipation. He quickly retreated and leaned against
the wall, closing his eyes. He braced himself and quickly emerged, looking
straight down and made for his desk. The full length nightie however made
walking difficult as it swished against his legs and he automatically grasped
the winceyette material and lifted the hem so he could walk more easily. Laughter filled the room as the students
took in the extraordinary scene. Tommy just wanted to crawl into the seat of
his desk to secure at least a minimal amount of relief. When he arrived at his
desk in the front of the second row he quickly slid into his seat. He
self-consciously put his knees together and once again experienced the pleasant
sensation of the soft material resting on top of his feet. He couldn’t help but
to turn and steal a glance at his “audience,” and he wasn’t surprised to find
his gaze answered by a host of grinning faces. He blushed brightly as he caught
Cindy’s eye. She was obviously enjoying the moment. He glanced up at Sister
Mary and noticed that she was smiling broadly to herself—she seemed to almost
be glowing in her state of pleasure.
Indeed, Sister Mary was in her glory. She always knew she had a dominant side,
with a strong bend towards humiliation, especially involving the male gender.
And here she had a thirteen-year-old boy completely under her control. Not only
that, it was Tommy, who, given her choice, she would have picked over any other
of her students to play victim to her deviant desires. She was getting an extra
thrill out of humiliating the innocent looking, slender, blond-haired,
baby-faced and blue-eyed boy. She felt a stimulation in her loins that she
hadn’t felt in some time, and there was no telling to what extreme she would
pursue her sordid fantasy. She knew full well that she could get herself into
trouble, even to the point of being dismissed from the convent. But at this
point her prurient desires were overwhelming, and superseded any concerns of
the consequences of her actions. At the moment she sensed instant
gratification, and she certainly was going to make the most of her opportunity.
“Tommy, could you please come up here so we can have a look at you in your
shame clothing?” invited Sister Mary. The abashed Tommy hung his head as he
trudged to the front of the classroom. He stood facing his nemesis. Sister Mary
took his hands in hers and revelled in his blushing, downcast face. “You look
lovely in your new nightie, Tommy,” teased his teacher. “ But you have
forgotten to button up your nightie, we don't want you to catch a chill do we
children?" She addressed her
remark to the class who chorused back, "no Miss." Tommy cringed as Sister Mary bent toward him
and fastened the three neck buttons and deliberately and slowly smoothed down
the Peter pan collar. She then tugged down the sleeves of the nightie so that
the frilled cuffs rested neatly on Tommy's wrists.
"She continued,
"you smell so nice, too. I love your perfume.” She paused to relish in her
victim’s blushing face before continuing. “You know, I used to wear this very
nightgown when I was a little girl, but I don’t think I looked nearly as pretty
in it as you do.” Tommy heard the laughter behind him, and turned yet redder
under the taunting from the nun. “And you’re blushing so much, Tommy, that your
face matches the bright floral flowers on your gown. I think we should share
this with your classmates, don’t you?”
She took hold of his left
hand and turned him around to face his peers. She let go and walked full circle
around Tommy, eyeing him up and down and smiling broadly. She left him standing
there feeling his shame, as his classmates soaked up the unusual spectacle.
Tommy stood and absorbed the humiliation, looking straight down and fighting
off tears. “You may return to your seat now, Tommy, and, if you behave
yourself, I’ll take your nightie back at 9:45.”
Tommy returned to his seat and glanced at the clock. It was 9:15, so he would
only have to endure the agonizing experience for another half an hour. There
was no way he would do anything to jeopardize his already-dismal fate.
Missing Underpants
Sister Mary had already decided that Tommy was not going to get his clothes
back, though, and she found the perfect justification to deny him. When she had
taken hold of his hand she had inadvertently brushed her fingers against his
sides and had felt the outline of his underpants. She decided right then and
there to take full advantage of Tommy’s disobedience. She let a couple of
minutes go by before taking her next step. She called to one of the students in
the back of the room. Not coincidentally, she picked his sister. “Sally, would
you do me a favour and go back to the cloakroom and retrieve all of Tommy’s
clothes for me?” Tommy stiffened in his seat. He wasn’t sure what his teacher
was up to, but he didn’t have a positive feeling about the direction that
things were heading. Sally emerged from the cloakroom with Tommy’s clothes and
sauntered up to the front of the room. “You can lay them on my desk, Sally.”
Sally complied and looked over at her brother. She grinned as she turned and
returned to her seat. “Thank you, Sally,” said Sister Mary.
Sister Mary began sifting through Tommy’s clothes. She picked them up one by
one and set them aside, forming a new pile. For affect, she had a confused look
on her face and again picked each article of clothing up one by one. Tommy’s
heart raced as he realized what his teacher was up to. “Sally,” asked Sister
Mary, “Are you sure you brought all of Tommy’s clothes up here? We seem to be
missing his underpants.”
“I’m sure,” responded Sally dutifully, “I didn’t see Tommy’s underpants back
there.” After a pause, she volunteered, “Maybe he’s still wearing them, Sister
Mary.” Sister Mary glared at Tommy, who had a panicked look on his face. Then
he had an idea.
“I know where they are, Sister Mary, I’ll go get them.” Tommy rose from his
desk as if to run back to the cloakroom.
“You stay right where you are, young man!” she bellowed. The chagrined Tommy
stopped in his tracks and sat back down. “Sally will get them for you if you
just tell her where they are.” She was enjoying herself as she watched Tommy
fidget anxiously. “Well, what did you do with them, Tommy, did you hide them?
You’d better not be lying to me, young man. You’re already in enough trouble as
it is. Now tell us where your underpants are.”
Tommy’s situation was hopeless. He had to confess before digging an even deeper
hole for himself. Looking downward, he said softly, “I’m still wearing them.”
“I beg your pardon?” Sister Mary feigned incredulity. “Did I or did I not tell
you that you were to be naked under your nightgown?” Tommy was silent. “Answer
me, young man.”
“I didn’t know you meant my underpants, too, Sister. I’m sorry. I’ll take them
off now if that’s what you want.” Tommy was desperately trying to find a way
out of his predicament.
“You know very well what naked means young, you disobedient little boy. Well
it’s too late now. Come up here right now.”
Underpants Exposure
Tommy, head bowed, walked up to the centre of the room where he again faced his
“What am I going to do with you, Tommy? First you disobey me and then you lie
to me.”
Sister Mary reached down and
up underneath the hem of the nightgown, with each hand and grasped the
waistband of his underpants and yanked them down so they nestled around his
ankles.. Tommy’s jaw dropped, and he was too dumbstruck to do anything. “Step
to the left Tommy, she ordered. As he did so the underpants remained crumpled
on the floor, but not for long. Sister Mary picked them up and showed them to
the rest of the class. A collective gasp, followed by loud giggling emanated
from the students, as Tommy’s underpants were completely exposed. Sister Mary
then did something even she couldn't have dreamed off. She pulled the
underpants down over Tommy's head, covering his face.
With his eyes were covered,
Tommy couldn’t see Sister Mary grinning at the comical sight. He couldn’t see
her scrutinizing the small, only noticeable to her, protrusion in his nightie
and the little damp stain that accompanied it.
Her grin became even wider.
He couldn’t see her walk the full circle around him, inspecting him from every
angle. But he could certainly hear the giggling from his classmates. He felt
his face flushing as he stood there in his floral nightie with his underpants
over his face.
Sister Mary lifted up the underpants just enough to make eye contact with the
red-faced, agonized Tommy. “Are you happy now, Tommy, with your decision to
disobey me and keep your underpants on?” Tommy shook his head back and forth.
“I thought not. But I can tell you, your classmates are happy with your
decision, judging by the expression on their faces. They obviously find your
exposure highly entertaining.
Tommy listened to the renewed
laughter and felt his face flush yet brighter. In one respect he was relieved
to be hiding his blushing face, but in another way the awkward feeling of being
on display without being able to see anything somehow added to his humiliation.
[Oh, here he comes…my, would you just look at him!…a sight for sore eyes …his
face is even floraler than the nightie …how adorable…this is so much better
than the scarf…I’ll have fun teasing the poor lad…let’s get him up here…yes,
this is delightful…I’m glad I sprayed the nightie with perfume…he gets to
experience his humiliation with all five of the senses…he’s ideal for
this…baby-faced, blond, slender…delicate features…and look at him blushing so
brightly…this is wonderful!…my, I’m getting a little hot and bothered…I might
have to put him through his paces today…an opportunity of a lifetime…you’ve
been waiting a long time for this, Mary…like I tell my students, carpe diem
…let’s turn him around so his friends can see the nightie better and his
blushing face…wait!…what’s this I feel?…the little rascal left his underpants
on…thought he could pull one over on me…thank you, my little pet…that’s just
the excuse I need…we’ll just have to step up the humiliation another notch …is
it getting warmer in here?…no, it’s me …let’s take it slowly, Mary…have some
fun with this…okay, I’ll send him back to his seat…I’ll get Sally to bring his
clothes up here…yes, he’s fidgeting a bit already, wondering what I’m up
to…I’ll toy with him for a bit…go through his clothes one by one…oh, he’s
sweating now…it’s time, my frightened one, you’ve got no way out of this…time
to ‘fess up…that’s it, now come up here and let’s have some fun with you…you
can show off your precious undies to us…oh, I’m actually trembling…this is so
exciting!…look at him, he’s trembling, too…but for a different reason …over his
head they go…perfect…oh, what a treat this is …look at the tiny bulge in his
nightie…poor little lad, I have a hunch he’s been deprived in the penis
department …all the more embarrassing for him, I suspect …an therefore, more
enjoyable for me …let’s take a little stroll around my little victim…
slowly…enjoy the moment…I think I’ve died and gone to heaven…and this is just
the beginning…there’s no turning back now, Mary…you’ll never get a chance like
this again.]
{Oh, God…I’ve got to go out there…I’ll make a run for it…here I go…oh, listen
to them laughing…oh, this is awful…here’s my seat…pull this nightgown down…oh,
it barely goes past my knees…they’re all grinning and laughing…look at
Cindy…I’ve never seen her laugh so hard…oh!…and look at Sister Mary, just
standing up there and smiling at me…just do the English class, for God’s sake,
would you?…oh, no, she wants me to come up there…here I go…she won’t stop teasing
me…oh, no, she’s turning me around to face them…oh, my face is so hot!…Sally,
she’s grinning so evilly…looks like the devil…I can always hear Cindy over
everybody…Sister Mary is walking all the way around me, grinning…she’s really
enjoying herself…I never knew she could be so mean…I’ve got to keep from
crying…please, just let me sit down…oh, thank you…I get my clothes back at
9:45…just a half hour…oh, I can’t wait…just sit here quietly and it’ll be
over…wait!…why is she sending Sally for my clothes?…oh, I don’t like this at
all!…she’ll notice my underpants aren’t there!…oh, why didn’t I take them
off?…I just couldn’t…she’s going through them…I think she notices already…how
did she know?…oh, God, I’m in trouble…she’s going through them again…oh,
Sally’s trying to get me in trouble…I hate her…what can I do?…I know, I’ll run
back there and act like I’m finding them…yes!…oh, no, she won’t let me…I’m in
for it now…Oh, God, she wants me to come up there again…what will she do to
me?…oh!…she’s putting her hands up the nightgown!…no!…oh, she’s putting my
underpants over my head… I can't see anything...they can see my underpants on
my head and I'm wearing a floral nightie !…oh!…I can’t believe this!…listen to
them!…how can I ever face them again?…oh, …this is awful!…this is so weird…I
can’t see them, but I know what they can see…my underpants!…they’re laughing so