Wednesday 7 January 2015

Nanny Susan.. continued

Susan was already untying the cord that restricted his arm movement and it dangled from his blue mitten as she slid his pyjama bottoms down to his ankles.

Roberts need was so urgent that he had no choice other than to rapidly sit himself down onto the plastic monstrosity.

‘My mittens, what about my mittens?’ He cried, pathetically, holding his hands up for her to unfasten the bindings.

‘Oh, I think you can manage.’ She laughed as she disappeared into the kitchen.

Robert tried to direct his flow, but the mittens made this task somewhat difficult and, when he was finished, one mittened hand was sodden and a damp patch on the front of his pyjamas proved his aim had been poor.

‘I’m wet and it’s all your fault Nanny,’ he shouted petulantly, sounding more and more like a frustrated toddler. So annoyed was he, that his unbroken voice cracked into an even higher octave, and tears of pent up frustration trickled down and mingled with the still encrusted food on his reddened face. 'Aunty……..' he bawled.

Aunt Harriet was standing in the hallway.

‘What’s all this noise about?’ She demanded.

She was confronted with an image of her seventeen-year-old nephew squatting on a baby’s potty, with his yellow, nursery rhyme motif pyjama bottoms entangled at his feet, a baby’s bib tied around his neck and his woollen mittened hands, stretched outwards toward her.

Without a word, she removed his bib, used it to wipe his face, and removed his mittens, taking care to place the sodden one on top of the one remaining dry mitten as she laid them down. She stood him up and indicated for him to step out of his wet pyjama bottoms. Gingerly, she folded them to encompass the wetness and placed them alongside the mittens. Only then did she speak.

‘Well, it seems to me that Nanny is right; your behaviour becomes more infantile every day.

“But Aunty...’ he began to whine, ‘it’s not my fault Susan made me......’

‘Silence!’ Aunty held up her hand. ‘I will listen to no more of your pathetic excuses and downright lies. It's fairly obvious now that I need to begin to accommodate your needs. Nanny, take this naughty little baby upstairs and prepare a bath for him  please, I will sort this mess out and join you shortly.’

Susan had barely lifted him into the bath when Aunty joined them.

‘It’s  been a while since I have had to bathe you Robert, but obviously that is what your behaviour warrants.’

Robert was about to protest but the look on his Aunt's face made him hold his tongue.
For the next five minutes Robert howled his displeasure at being washed and scrubbed by Aunty and Nanny Susan. The rough wash flannel explored every nook and cranny his body contained and he moaned childishly throughout.

As Susan rinsed shampoo from his hair Aunty commanded, ‘open wide you deceitful little boy.’ Startled, Robert’s mouth was suddenly full of wet soapy cloth.

‘Let’s see if having your mouth washed out with soap teaches you to not to tell fibs about Nanny Susan.’

Robert fought to remove the invasive cloth , but Susan held him tightly while Aunty worked the flannel around his mouth.

Feeling nauseous and with his eyes stinging from shampoo he was exhausted and helpless as the bath water gurgled away. He was lifted out of the bath by Susan and enveloped in a soft embracing towel.

Roberts head bobbed back and forth as his hair was rubbed dry, blinded by the towel over his head he felt himself being lowered onto his bed.

‘Now then Baby Bobbykins, Nanny Susan is going to put your night-night nap-naps on making him all snuggly-wuggly for beddy-byes, yes we are.’

It was then that he realised he had been positioned onto a square of white towelling he recognised as a nappy. “Nooo……. Nanny no. Please stop… don't”

Robert tried struggling and resisting, but he was helpless as Susan’s hands gently prepared his body for his nappy. He felt her rubbing cream in between his legs and up around his bottom. He moaned at her touch.

 “Now for some lovely talc-um powder on those little dumplings and your tiny little pee-pee,” she said, as her fingers caressed him.

He moaned even louder and instinct took over and he was almost about to bring matters to a conclusion when……….

Aunty’s angry face loomed over Robert. He could see that over her arm were draped his blue, Teddy Bear pyjamas, the ones he had hidden at the back of his pyjama drawer and there was something else in her hand.....

Aunt Harriet looked down at Robert. He had never seen her look so angry with him before.
‘I see my Baby Bobbykins is  all excited about being put back into nappies, don’t worry, Nanny Susan will soon have everything tucked away inside your nappy out of harms way, and dressed in your jim-jams ready for bed, but first you need this.”

A click of a tiny padlock closing and Robert, diminutive, seventeen year old Robert, was completely and utterly chastised.

Susan Phillips faced the mirror. She was pleased with what she saw. She was little more than a girl, but she saw herself as an authoritative, dominant woman and this was the image she had created. Her hair was already pinned up as she slipped her arms into her prim white blouse with the brown stripes. The cuffs were long, double buttoned ones that embraced her wrists. She had fastened the top button of the blouse and the rounded collar was set off by a vintage cameo brooch that had been her grandmothers. She ran her hands down the front of her blouse to smooth a small, barely noticeable crease.

Sitting on the edge of the bed she pulled on her sixty denier black tights, before she stepped into her size eighteen black skirt, pulling it up over her faux silk slip and fastening the button at the side. She ran her hands inside the waistline of the skirt, adjusting the position and once again running her hands against the skirts slightly rough material.

She selected her size ten black brogues and bent to tie them. Standing upright she stared straight into the mirror. This was Nanny Susan.

It was only seven o'clock when she entered his room. Robert was fast asleep. It had taken the two of them to calm him but it had not been too difficult. The chastity device was a masterstroke, and once he had been pinned into his nappy the majority of the fight had gone out of him. He had been totally compliant as she had buttoned him into his blue, Teddy Bear motif pyjamas and he had sat quietly on her lap as she gave him the baby bottle. Of course, once he had drank all his “sleepy time” milk up, it was easy to put Baby Bobbykins to bed even though it was only six o’clock.

Susan wanted to introduce Robert to the quieter, another tool in her regression technique. She had spent most of the previous evening, once he had been put to bed, planning the day ahead and this was uppermost in her mind as she shook him awake.
When Aunt Harriet came down for breakfast Robert was perched in a high chair. He was naked apart from a pair of dry-nites pyjama pants and his now laundered woollen mittens. Robert was looking very sorry for himself as he struggled to avoid a spoonful of semolina pudding that Nanny Susan was insisting he eat.

"Now come along Baby Bobbykins, " coaxed Nanny Susan, "you must eat up your lovely milky pudding, how else will you grow up to be a big strong boy?"

Upon seeing Aunt Harriet she put the spoon in the bowl and left Robert to his own devices, with his ankles secured to the legs of the high chair and the feeding tray firmly locked into place, he wasn't going anywhere.

"Aunty please,…. I'm sorry if I have been naughty but please help me.."

The elongated, shiny plastic teat of the dummy penetrated and filled his mouth. The guard snapped against his lips and chin as Nanny Susan secured the strong rubber fasteners. Robert began to panic as, in trying to eject the dummy from his mouth he forgot to breathe.

"Hush now Baby Bobbykins, don't fight it, breathe through your nose and suck your dummy rhythmically. That's it, don't worry about the dribbles, that's what this is for." Susan flapped out the towelling bib and held it triumphantly in front of him. Snowy white in colour, across it was printed in red lettering, 'Nanny's New Babykins'. Once again he shook his head and tried to voice his protest. Susan laughed, and crooking her finger under his chin wiped away a sliver of dribble that oozed from the corner of his mouth.

Aunt Harriet poured herself a cup of tea. "The high chair and the quieter, so soon?"

Susan removed the plastic apron she had fastened on herself when she began to feed Robert. She glanced across at him as she answered. "Yes he's making fine progress, I thought we could take him to school dressed this morning?"

Aunt Harriet nodded, and drained her cup. Is the milk in the pudding the…" she hesitated. Susan interjected, "yes of course."

Robert's eyes followed Aunty Harriet's movement , imploring her to help him. He was confused as to what he had done for her to place him in the hands of this monstrous girl.

Aunt Harriet wiggled the dummy embedded in Roberts mouth. "Just be a good boy for Aunty and Nanny Susan and everything will be fine you will see." She patted his head condescendingly. "Very well, get him ready and we will set off."

Nanny Susan stared hard at Robert as she re-fastened the plastic apron and picked up the spoon. She slapped the inside of his thigh with the back of the metal spoon, Robert squealed as much as he could with a large plastic teat in his mouth as a bright red mark appeared on the inside of his leg along with a smear of semolina.
"Just a reminder to behave Baby Bobbykins. I am going to release you from the quieter and I want you to eat up all your pudding without a word, understand?"

Robert readily agreed, nodding his head in compliance. The relief he felt when the unerring pressure of the rubber restraints, forcing the plastic deep into his mouth was ended, was worth the disgusting mouthfuls of milky semolina he had to endure.

Half an hour later Robert was stood in front of the mirror as Nanny Susan crouched behind him, her hands firmly planted on his shoulders. He felt strange, he knew he was dressed strangely for a seventeen year old but somehow it didn't bother him one bit.

"See Baby Bobbykins, Aunty has bought you some lovely new clothes, now you can be a proper little boy can't you?"

Anthony was wearing a pair of primrose yellow shorts. They were shorts that barely covered three inches of leg. Tucked into the waistband of the shorts was a similar coloured, short sleeved shirt, a little patch pocket on the left breast had a picture of an old fashioned racing car  and underneath, in red lettering, the word, "vrooooom…".

He wore white ankle socks and on his feet were fastened a pair of red leather, Clarks sandals. In his mouth was a proper, rubber teated, blue plastic, babies dummy. He was sucking on this voluntarily. Nanny Susan had calmly informed him that if he refused to suck placidly on his dummy then the quieter would  again be utilised. She had shown him the knitted, yellow peaked cap with chin strap that would be used to conceal the rubber restraints of the quieter and he was advised that it could well be utilised at bedtime. Robert had only experienced the horrible device for a short time but had no wish to encounter it again so he readily acquiesced to voluntarily sucking on the dummy.

The seventeen year old stared at himself in the mirror and saw a toddler, all dressed up for a day out. Nanny Susan kissed him on the cheek, giggled and ushered him into the hallway where Aunty was waiting. 

Robert was apprehensive, he felt that he should have been not quite so co-operative yet at the same time he was worried about not upsetting Nanny Susan or Aunty. It was for that reason, when Aunty slipped his arms into the baby reins, that he stood and allowed Aunt Harriet to buckle the reins on him.

As Nanny Susan flicked the reins, Robert became aware of two things happening, first he heard the little bells, sewn to the leather straps jingling merrily, second he felt the sting of the leather strap against his calf.

"Off we go Baby Bobbykins, walk at a gentle pace and no pulling."  
Nanny Susan sang out as Aunty closed the door behind them.


  1. i loved this story.Will there be more please? i'd love to read about his walk with Nanny Susan and,as he becomes more and more compliant, maybe his bath time? Will they give him little boy toys to play with?

  2. Great to see a continuation of this delightful story. Looking forward to finding out what happens next! Thanks for posting.

