Thursday, 17 May 2018
PPM offers some advice
Dear Pyjama Punishment Monthly
Even though I admire and enjoy your publication I must confess to having had doubts about the methods employed to discipline errant boys. Imagine my surprise when I discovered for myself that your recommendations could be deployed successfully.
My nephew is fifteen and typically lacking in manners and respect for his elders. One evening, after a heated debate about his staying out late, I decided to try a little experiment. While he was taking his bath, I locked his bedroom door. I then selected a pair of my most voluminous pyjamas, a yellow floral pair of robust flannelette and returned to the sitting room to await his return.
Soon, he was standing in front of me holding a wet skimpy towel in front of himself to cover his modesty. He demanded access to his clothes but I calmly told him that I had decided he was not going out tonight and pointed to the floral pyjamas warming on the radiator.
I told him he could either put the pyjamas on or remain naked - the choice was his. Of course, he blustered about his 'rights' and such nonsense that he had picked up at school until I told him that he was still a child and under my strict jurisdiction.
He then pathetically attempted to change my mind by reminding me that I was expecting the female members of my book club. Foolishly, he assumed that in some way that would sway my decision.
I informed him that future circumstances depended entirely upon him, if he wanted to be seen naked by my lady friends totally naked then that would be so, alternatively, he could appear modestly attired in his infantile sissy pyjamas.
Having time now to consider his options, he decided the sissy pyjamas warming on the radiator were his best option. I watched triumphantly as he stepped into the pyjama bottoms and slipped on and buttoned up the pyjama jacket.
As I had anticipated, the pyjamas were far too large for his slender frame so I assisted by turning up the sleeves of the jacket and pulling the bottoms up high to shorten the length of the bottoms. He struggled with the unfamiliar female button arrangement and I happily fastened them for him.
The effect on him was staggering, almost immediately after putting on the female pyjamas and being enveloped in the soft caress of the cosy winceyette material he was a different person.
He politely requested that he be allowed to go straight to bed but I informed him he had to stay up to say night-night to my guests. When he asked me how we would explain his appearance he called me 'aunty', something he had not done for weeks.
We would say he was recovering from flu, I advised. He had been so ill that he had run out of clean pyjamas and that aunty had let him borrow a pair of her warmest winceyette pyjamas I told him reassuringly.
When my guests arrived he was politeness personified, sitting quietly and only speaking when spoken to. Everyone accepted our explanation of his unusual attire, some even commenting on how sweet he looked in his floral feminine pyjamas. Only when Miss Gotobed, produced her camera, saying she must have a picture of such a delightfully polite little boy, did he murmur an objection?
By now I felt sufficiently confident to give his bottom a little smack, he gave a small cry of distress before he complied, admittedly somewhat shyly, sitting coquettishly on my lap - a picture that is prominently positioned framed on my mantelpiece to this day.
At seven o'clock I told him it was time for bed and to kiss everyone night-night He did so a little hesitantly but without a murmur and soon I was tucking him into bed in my daughter's old bedroom.
The next day I kept him dressed in his floral pyjamas to reinforce my newfound discipline and after school, on Monday I took him shopping and bought him some female pyjamas of his very own. His pyjamas are infantile little girl ones, in primrose and pink; soft winceyette with a frilly lace Peter Pan collar and teddy bear motifs.
Since then, if I feel he has misbehaved, I only have to clap my hands and say, ‘pyjama time please’ and no sooner have I spoken then he is ready for bed dressed in his girls' pyjamas, cuddled up beside me.
Thank you PPM for promoting this truly effective style of discipline.
Yours truly
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Phillip Jones left a comment that I felt was worth a posting of its own. (Slightly edited by me)
It is always very humiliating being supervised by younger females and I have had the misfortune to experience this myself. My sister was two years younger than me but when she became thirteen, mother gave her full authority over me and she excelled in humiliating me with bath times and getting me into my pyjamas ready for bed.
My ex-wife was seven years younger than I was and it was she who initiated one of the worst experiences of my life.
It was a rare occurrence, but I was actually not working one weekend and we decided to hold a barbeque on Saturday. My wife invited a few of her friends and her mother. It was a hot day and I was tasked to cook for our guests, all going fine until my wife asked me to get her a drink, as I was still tending to the food I replied, “why don’t you get it I am busy, can’t you see I am standing here cooking for your guests?”
My wife gave me one of her angry looks and well grabbed me by my ear, she was a strong, dominant person and I was helpless as she led me into the lounge. She gave me a telling off that all our guests could hear and then put me over her knee and smacked my bottom.
When she was stopped spanking me she stood me up and took me to the bathroom, first washing my mouth out with soap for answering her back and then she bathed me and dressed me in an infantile nightdress.
She led me downstairs outside into the garden and stood me in front of my mother-in-law and her female friends. “This naughty little boy would like to apologise for his bad behaviour and he is going straight to bed after he has said nighty-night to everyone.”
I had to say goodnight to all our guests individually and when I had finished my wife took me upstairs to the spare bedroom and put me to bed with a blankie teddy bear and a babies dummy in my mouth. She closed the windows and drew the curtains and then left me in darkness.
I could hear our guests laughing at my embarrassment and enjoying themselves while I was tucked up in bed at 3 pm in the afternoon. I went to sleep knowing I would have the embarrassment of having to face our guests sometimes again and my mother-in-law in the morning. Now everyone knew how I was treated as a silly little boy by my younger wife.
My ex-wife was seven years younger than I was and it was she who initiated one of the worst experiences of my life.
It was a rare occurrence, but I was actually not working one weekend and we decided to hold a barbeque on Saturday. My wife invited a few of her friends and her mother. It was a hot day and I was tasked to cook for our guests, all going fine until my wife asked me to get her a drink, as I was still tending to the food I replied, “why don’t you get it I am busy, can’t you see I am standing here cooking for your guests?”
My wife gave me one of her angry looks and well grabbed me by my ear, she was a strong, dominant person and I was helpless as she led me into the lounge. She gave me a telling off that all our guests could hear and then put me over her knee and smacked my bottom.
When she was stopped spanking me she stood me up and took me to the bathroom, first washing my mouth out with soap for answering her back and then she bathed me and dressed me in an infantile nightdress.
She led me downstairs outside into the garden and stood me in front of my mother-in-law and her female friends. “This naughty little boy would like to apologise for his bad behaviour and he is going straight to bed after he has said nighty-night to everyone.”
I had to say goodnight to all our guests individually and when I had finished my wife took me upstairs to the spare bedroom and put me to bed with a blankie teddy bear and a babies dummy in my mouth. She closed the windows and drew the curtains and then left me in darkness.
I could hear our guests laughing at my embarrassment and enjoying themselves while I was tucked up in bed at 3 pm in the afternoon. I went to sleep knowing I would have the embarrassment of having to face our guests sometimes again and my mother-in-law in the morning. Now everyone knew how I was treated as a silly little boy by my younger wife.
Monday, 14 May 2018
Babysat by a younger girl. This was sent to me by someone who prefers to remain anonymous
When I was a 16-year-old boy my mother obtained an evening job that meant she was out of the house from 5 until 10 pm. Because I had once been in a little trouble that had resulted in my being escorted home by a policeman, mother insisted that Jocelyn, a neighbour babysit me. I was aghast, as she was only 15 and I did not want anyone let alone a 15-year-old girl babysitting me.
Jocelyn was taller than me and very strong, she excelled on the athletic field. Once, a schoolboy bullied her younger brother, she cornered him in the school playground and lowered his trousers then humiliated him by spanking him on his bare bottom in front of everyone.
She would arrive a few minutes before my mother left the house and from the outset was very strict and I never dared disobey her. I was free to do what I liked until 7.30 when it was time for my bath. The first time she told me it was my bath-time, I thought she was joking and laughed however, I quickly discovered she was not joking as she immediately took me across her lap and spanked me like she had the boy at school then stood me in front of her and removed my clothes herself as she told me off for being a naughty boy.
Once in the bathtub, I was shocked to realise that I was to be bathed under her close supervision. When she wasn't satisfied with my efforts at cleanliness, she would grab the flannel and wash me all over and I often received a smack to my bottom as I stepped out if she hadn’t been satisfied with my behaviour, she would tell me she had often spanked and bathed boys while she was babysitting them and that I would be no exception despite my age.
After my bath, Jocelyn insisted I put my pyjamas and slippers on which as you can imagine, I was not happy about, a 16 year old ready for bed in pyjamas and slippers before 8 pm.
Usually, my mother would arrive home at 10.15 and embarrassingly, I would already be tucked up in bed with lights out as Jocelyn determined that my bedtime was 10 pm.
Jocelyn babysat me until I was 17 and nowadays I regret never having never another female as formidable as she was.
Jocelyn was taller than me and very strong, she excelled on the athletic field. Once, a schoolboy bullied her younger brother, she cornered him in the school playground and lowered his trousers then humiliated him by spanking him on his bare bottom in front of everyone.
She would arrive a few minutes before my mother left the house and from the outset was very strict and I never dared disobey her. I was free to do what I liked until 7.30 when it was time for my bath. The first time she told me it was my bath-time, I thought she was joking and laughed however, I quickly discovered she was not joking as she immediately took me across her lap and spanked me like she had the boy at school then stood me in front of her and removed my clothes herself as she told me off for being a naughty boy.
Once in the bathtub, I was shocked to realise that I was to be bathed under her close supervision. When she wasn't satisfied with my efforts at cleanliness, she would grab the flannel and wash me all over and I often received a smack to my bottom as I stepped out if she hadn’t been satisfied with my behaviour, she would tell me she had often spanked and bathed boys while she was babysitting them and that I would be no exception despite my age.
After my bath, Jocelyn insisted I put my pyjamas and slippers on which as you can imagine, I was not happy about, a 16 year old ready for bed in pyjamas and slippers before 8 pm.
Usually, my mother would arrive home at 10.15 and embarrassingly, I would already be tucked up in bed with lights out as Jocelyn determined that my bedtime was 10 pm.
Jocelyn babysat me until I was 17 and nowadays I regret never having never another female as formidable as she was.