Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Another,Write to Matron Letter, about being punished in short trousers, from the archives of Pyjama Punishment Monthly
Dear Matron
Thank you for publishing my previous letter. I would be grateful if you would let me tell you more about my experiences in short trousers.
When I was18 my parents joined a Bridge Club which meant they went out every Friday evening. If I was unlucky enough to be undergoing a punishment weekend in short trousers and uniform they added to my disgrace by insisting I needed a babysitter despite my being legally an adult. I would be dropped off at the house of friends of my parents and put in the charge of their 1fifteen year old daughter Abby whom I had to address as Miss Abigail
She was told to treat me as a naughty little boy which included slapping my legs whenever she felt I deserved it. For this reason, I was always dressed in a pair of very short trousers with barely two inches of inside leg although the trousers were loosely cut allowing each leg to be lifted even higher.
Miss Abigail would make me stand on a low stool with my hands on my head, lifting each trouser leg in turn she would apply her hand or a short, thick leather tawse which was extremely painful. Initially would inflict two to five strokes per leg leaving my thighs throbbing with pain and me usually in tears despite trying desperately not to cry.
I was rarely babysat without having my legs slapped and on some evenings I would undergo two or even three sessions resulting in very painful red legs which were strikingly obvious to my parents when they collected me later that evening.
Miss Abigail's parents were present in the house throughout the evening and knew exactly what was happening but were quite content to give their daughter complete freedom to deal with me as she saw fit. She viewed me with undisguised contempt for being such a baby by allowing my parents to dress me as a child and for submitting to her punishments. In her eyes I was a wimp who deserved to be punished.
it is true that I was a timid boy and was far too frightened to stand up to either of my parents. In my twenties I discovered that the reason I was made to wear short trousers at weekends was because Miss Abigail's father had recommended such a punishment and my father thought it an excellent idea. They were good friends and shared similar views including that young boys should be properly controlled and disciplined.
My father's friend was delighted when he found out I was regressed into short trousers as a punishment and he and his wife and daughter saw me attired like this many times, indeed it was he who suggested that his daughter should be my babysitter when my parents attended their bridge evenings.
Miss Abigail only ever punished me as I was punished by my parents, that is by having my legs slapped. She was not allowed to spank or cane me although many was the time she threatened to do so and I am sure she would have done if permitted.
I have no doubt that she enjoyed the authority she exercised over a boy three years older than herself. She was a female bully and my timorous attitude simply encouraged her to take advantage. I suspect that had I stood up to her she would have backed off but I never did because I was scared that I would be reported to my father and an even worse punishment would ensue.
Matron replies
I suspect that you really enjoyed your sessions with Miss Abigail and hanker after those days Robert. If that is the case, I suggest that you avail yourself of someone who will satisfy your needs.
Thank you for delving into the archives of PPM again, Wincy. It's always interesting to read about older boys being put back into short trousers and uniform, even it it is only for a weekend! I'm sure Robert's parents must have been very pleased to be able to enjoy their evenings at the Bridge Club in the knowledge that Miss Abigail was looking after their son. I wonder if Robert ever stayed at his parent's friend's house? I was thinking Robert's parents might have had the opportunity to attend a Bridge Tournament, necessitating a trip away. If such a situation did arise, I feel sure Miss Abigail would have been more than capable of dealing with Robert's bathtime and pyjama-time, etc.
I will have to delve further into the Write to Matron letters mogg. As far as I can remember, Robert was a regular contributor and he did write telling more of his adventures. It is just a question of wading through all the original correspondence sent to PPM that I managed to salvage.
ReplyDeletei do hope that you are successful!!! Like many others, i am desperate to read more about how you were treated