Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Timothy Part Three by Jane Marwood
Mrs Grant smiled at her daughter and her friend Gail as they diligently busied themselves putting the final touches to the room. The spare room, it's white walls newly painted, had stood empty and unneeded for several years, until she had on a sudden whim, had it painted just a few weeks ago. Vicki looked at the examination couch, admiring the fit of the new white covers that the girls had sewn. The chromium plated metal of the old stirrups that had been retrieved from the cellar storage now gleamed brightly from diligent polishing and sported new covers to the padded rests for thighs, feet and ankles. The freshly painted shelves around the walls had been filled with test-tubes from the clinic as well as a dozen clear plastic fleet enema bags.
A pile of new towels had been placed next to bottles of lotions and lubricants. All of the instruments she had put away and been cleaned and washed and now lay in neat rows. Vicki laughed at Gail as she held the rectal speculum in front of her and chased Susan around the room, snapping the jaws of the shiny instrument as if it were going to bite her friend.
"O.K. girls, I think that will do. I never thought we could have transformed this room in so short a time. Perhaps your efforts were not entirely altruistic, it is not every sixteen-year-old girl, that has had the opportunity to examine a naked boy so intimately... would the thought of helping the nurse and myself have anything to do with your enthusiasm?"
Susan looked at her mother, her face serious for a moment. "He is such a good looking boy, his body is... well, er... perfect really. I just love touching him and seeing him blush so modestly. But it is well... erm... an opportunity to learn about boys and..." She thought for a moment.
"Being in charge seems sort of natural to me... and I know Gail feels the same way. I just, I don't know why... like being in charge of a boy."
She finished her sentence lamely but was immediately put at her ease by her mother.
"Most girls would be the subjugated ones... er, in a relationship. I am glad you feel like you do... I think Timothy is, how shall I put it, naturally submissive... certainly not a wimp." She smiled at the use of the word.
"I think he could be moulded to be... er. well... in the future... a wonderful and attentive husband to the right sort of female. One that is stronger willed and yet loving towards him."
Vicki smiled. "I probably haven't explained that very well." Vicki's look of surprise was written all over her face as Gail spoke.
"I have to ask you this even though you may think badly of me. I felt really excited when Timmy was being spanked by Hazel... in fact, I wished that he was me that was spanking him... Is that really wrong?"
Vicki looked at Gail and smiled.
"No Gail you are perhaps one of those people that enjoy the experience of spanking someone. It is not to do them particular harm but has more sexual connotations. I assure you that it is widely practised amongst men and women."
Vicki smiled at Gail as she continued. "You are perhaps more strong-willed than most and are naturally more dominant, but I know that you are kind and gentle too. So you have nothing to worry about."
Gail looked at Susan's mother and laughed. "I will probably marry Timothy when he is old enough! I will make sure that he is always sexually active and will punish him when he is naughty... even when he is older... oh and I will let my girlfriends do the same." She smiled at Susan. "He needs someone to look after him... and I think I will be the one. Not that I am going to let him know just yet!"
Susan opened her mouth in wide surprise and then laughed uncontrollably. "Gail... you dark horse. I believe you... I really believe that you will."
She continued laughing, her pretty face in wreaths of smiles as she thought about what her friend had said. Vicki was more reflective, she already knew that Gail never said anything lightly, she also knew that such a determined girl would if she did not change her mind, carry it through.
Susan looked at Gail and said seriously.
"I always thought that I would marry Timothy, so if you are intent on doing it... you will have to share him."
Gail and Vicki laughed, but they both knew that she meant what she said. Vicki suddenly looked reflective and spoke softly and seriously. "In that case, I think Timothy is a very lucky boy."
Hazel gently pushed Timothy away from her and kissed him once more on the cheek.
"Now stand up and I will dress you. I know you are going to behave yourself and do what I say without hesitation, aren't you Timothy? So, up you get and stand with your arms above your head so I can slip this shirt over your head."
Timothy felt his face blush a deep beetroot red as he caught her eye. Her beautiful face only added to his embarrassment as she stood up and took the tee-shirt and slipped it over his raised arms and down over his head. The shirt slid down over his chest and tummy but was held up at the front by his penis, which was standing out stiffly. Hazel smiled as she took a firm hold of the turgid flesh and slipped the shirt over it. The soft material covered his slim body right down to mid-thigh and apart from the telltale bulge of his erection it would not be possible for the casual observer to tell whether he was wearing shorts or not.
Hazel stood back and looked at him.
"I think we will leave your shorts off Timothy, you are well covered and when your penis subsides you will be quite adequately dressed to walk across to Vickie's house.... I mean Mrs Grants."
Timothy blushed and stammered as he looked up at Hazel. "er please Miss Hazel... er..erm can't I wear my shorts?"
Hazel looked at him, her face becoming stern.
"Now Timothy, remember what you have just been through..."
She leaned forward and raised the hem of his shirt, sliding it up over the cheeks of his bottom. Timothy could not help but squirm with embarrassment and humiliation as she bared his flesh. Quickly she slapped him three times... smack... smack... smack. The palm of her hand leaving his flesh freshly reddened over the three stripes already marking his flesh. He gasped and squirmed as she held him firmly by the waist. His shirt had ridden up revealing his penis, which was still erect. Hazel took a firm hold of the engorged flesh and squeezed it, holding him firmly as she turned him towards her.
"You forget your lessons quickly, you naughty boy. I shall not tolerate any more disobedience, do you hear me?"
He looked up at her beautiful face, his lips trembling and his face blushing profusely as he stammered his apology.
"I am so sorry Miss. Please... I will not disobey you again... er..I... promise." He felt absolutely humiliated, so much so that his body shivered as he stood before her. Her firm hold on his penis and her stern look accentuating his extreme embarrassment and feeling of foolishness as he stood before her.
Hazel could not help the sudden thrill of excitement that ran through her body as she looked at the perfectly formed body of the young boy held captive in front of her. His complete subjugation to her will had thrilled her more than she ever thought possible. She looked at him intently, noting that even though his face was blushing profusely, his penis was still hard and throbbing between her fingers. She let go of him and pulled his shirt down over his throbbing member.
"Now come along downstairs and we will walk over to Mrs Grants."
Without looking at him further she turned and left the room.
Timothy endured the humiliating walk over to his neighbour's house. He was trembling not just from the freshness of the cooler evening air, but also from his embarrassment at being naked apart from the thin tee shirt. Although the shirt covered him to the middle of his thighs, the thin material only seemed to accent his nakedness. Hazel held his hand and almost propelled him along the narrow path, his tennis shoes, which were the only other items of clothing that he had been allowed, slapped against the paving slabs as they hurried to Mrs Grant's cottage.
Hazel was well aware the embarrassment the boy must be feeling, rather than put him at his ease, she flipped up the back of his tee shirt as they stood facing the front door of the cottage. She lightly tapped his bare bottom with the palm of her hand. "Right you know what will happen should you disobey me, don't you Timothy my boy? He could not help himself from looking round to see if anyone was watching, acutely aware of the cool evening air upon his buttocks. In consequence, he received a sharp slap upon his naked bottom.
"Stand still and look at me young man, I will have no more of this."
He blushed profusely as he looked up at her, his lips trembling from the shame he felt. Hazel looked him straight in the eye, her beautiful features stern and foreboding as she spoke.
"If you dare to defy me, I will strip you bare and put you across my knee in front of everyone and let them watch me smack you until you are crying like a baby. Do you understand me?
Timothy looked at her, his face turning an even brighter red. Through trembling lips he spoke, his voice soft and tremulous. "Yes Miss Hazel, I won't disobey you anymore. Hazel held his gaze for a moment, enjoying the boy's acute embarrassment. At last, she reached behind him and pulled his shirt down to cover his naked bottom.
"Right young man... I will take your word, but you know your fate should you relapse into childish behaviour."
She stood straight and knocked on the door, smiling as she saw Vickie approach on the other side of the glass pane.
"Come along in, I have some coffee on the stove and the girls have made me open a bottle of wine to welcome you, so perhaps you would prefer that." Mrs Grant smiled at Hazel as she ushered her in and then turned her attention to Timothy, who was looking down at his feet in utter humiliation.
"Come along in young man, the girls are in the sitting room, why don't you go and join them, while I introduce Hazel to the nurse. Just put your shoes here by the door."
Timothy blushed as Mrs Grant mentioned the girls, rather than just Susan. He knew that it must be Gail that was with her... and the thought of being almost naked in front of both of them sent shivers down his spine.
Rather than wait for Timothy to reply, Mrs Grant ushered the boy to the sitting room door and bade him enter. She then turned to Hazel leading her down the small corridor to the kitchen.
"Penny is the daughter of one of my friends at the clinic. She is only seventeen, so she has only been nursing for a year and she showed no hesitation when I told her what was to be done."
Both Vicki and Hazel laughed as they entered the kitchen. Penny was standing by the stove as they entered. Hazel immediately noticed how pretty and petite the girl was. Her uniform was a crisp white tunic, which did little to conceal the jut of her firm breasts or the narrowness of her waist. Her legs were bare below the short tunic. As she moved towards them, Hazel could see that her legs were slender and perfectly shaped; the smooth flesh betraying an athletic and healthy glow aided by a light suntan.
"This is Penny."
Vickie put her hand around Hazel's waist and moved her forward as she spoke. "Hello Hazel"
Penny smiled, displaying perfect teeth behind her pretty lips as she moved forward and took Hazel's hand in a firm grip. Hazel smiled back at the pretty young girl and spoke softly.
"Hello, Penny I am pleased to meet you."
The girls smiled at each other as Vickie handed them a glass of wine each.
"I think we will leave Timothy for a while so that I can show you how busy the girls and I have been this afternoon, so if you would both like to follow me."
Vickie was laughing as she led the girls along the corridor into the new examination room. Both Hazel and Penny were pleasantly surprised at how professional and imposing the room was. Hazel began to explore the mechanics of the stirrups while Penny looked around the glass shelves noting the abundance of instruments as well as the jars and bottles.
Hazel looked at Vickie, the obvious surprise at the professionalism of the room showing on her face.
"I had no idea that you were so well equipped, in fact, I thought you had retired from nursing practice."
Vickie laughed.
"No I still run the district nursing group, but we fetched this up from the cellar this afternoon... and although the shelves and the lighting were fixed back into place after I had had it decorated, the girls and I have managed to get all the rest ready after we got back from the clinic. I didn't really expect to have it finished so quickly, or that it would look as professional as it does."
Vickie laid her hand on one of the stirrups.
"I cleaned the leather up and polished the chrome, while Susan and Gail made the new covers from linen sheets. I think that it has come up really well, even though I say it myself."
The girls laughed as Vickie held up her glass.
"Here's to our new examination room." They toasted their glasses before Vickie led them back into the kitchen.
Hazel had observed the young nurse as they had looked at the new examination room. On the surface, she appeared to be a conscientious and capable girl, but Hazel had a feeling that there was more to her. She decided to try and elicit a little more information.
"Are you on a rota for home visits; forgive me for asking but I wondered how these things work."
Penny looked at Hazel, immediately realising the line of questioning.
"No we don't have a rota as such, but Dr Ashcroft asked me if I would assist her with Timothy... she thought I would be erm... more suitable."
Hazel smiled. "Did she indeed. Do you have an experience of handling young boys?" Penny smiled, her expression near to laughter as she looked at Hazel.
"No I have had only a little experience but I think she felt that perhaps I had the right attitude." Hazel smiled back at the girl. She knew that from what she had seen of the pretty Dr Lucy Ashcroft, that she would certainly have been selective in her choice of a nurse for such a delicate therapy. Penny looked at Hazel and decided to be a little more forthcoming.
"I would like to know what has happened to him so far... and as you have charge of him, perhaps you would give me a rundown."
The girls talked together, Hazel gave Penny a complete history of the day's events and also her opinions about the attitude towards Timothy. Penny listened avidly, she was intrigued by the boy's punishment and what both Hazel and Vickie thought was the best way to handle him for the future.
Hazel explained every detail of her own handling of her young charge, explaining the rather embarrassing positions she had made the boy adopt, as well as her verbal and psychological management of him. It was Vicki who told her of Gail's long-term plans for the boy. Penny smiled at Vickie as she spoke. "I think Gail must be a very determined young woman already even if she is rather young. Do you think she will change her mind on the subject?"
Penny was surprised at the confidence of Vickie's reply. "I would bet that Gail will do exactly what she has said. I have never known a girl more in touch with her own feelings, or as determined. Of course, she has the added advantage of being the only daughter of a very rich family. Their wealth must run into millions and yet she has her feet planted firmly on the ground."
Timothy could not help blushing as he entered the sitting room. He felt horribly aware of his nakedness beneath the thin tee shirt. The girls were sitting on a large comfy looking settee while they watched the television set; both girls were wearing the crisp white shirts and short navy pleated skirts of their school uniforms. Their skirts had ridden up as they sat on the sofa revealing their long legs, which were bared almost to the brief white panties they were wearing.
As Timothy entered the room, Susan got up and walked towards him and took him gently by the arm.
"Poor Timothy, you do seem to be in a state... don't be nervous, I am sure Mummy and the nurse will be gentle with you. My my... your face is bright red... and you are shivering all over. Come with me and stand by the fire until you get warm."
Timothy blushed even more as Susan led him by his arm and made him stand next to the open log fire. He could not help gasping as Susan ran her hand over his shoulders and down his back. He gasped as her hand proceeded even lower, her gentle fingers teasing over the soft material that covered his bottom.
"Why Timothy!" She exclaimed. "Haven't you got any underclothes or shorts on... no wonder you are cold." Susan noted the boy's exquisite look of anguish as she lifted the hem of his tee shirt and looked at his bared his bottom.
He gasped; "Please er miss... er, please don't. Hazel wouldn't let me wear anything under my shirt."
Ignoring his pleas Susan lifted the hem even further up his back as her eye caught sight of the three red stripes, which delineated the cheeks of his bottom.
"What on earth are these?" She exclaimed as she bent over to examine him closely. "Come and look, Gail, I think Hazel must have given him more than just a smack bottom. Timothy gasped as Susan turned his body towards the light of the standard lamp, which stood next to the fireplace. She bent him forward pulling his shirt further up his back so that she could examine him more closely. He was acutely aware that his penis and testicles were now on show as he saw Gail get up from the settee and move towards him.
His face was on fire as the two girls bent him over even further so that he his head was bent towards his knees. He shivered as he felt Gail gently stroke her hand over the quivering flesh of his bottom.
"Keep still and let me have a look and see what Hazel has been doing to you. Oh, dear.. it looks as though he has been given at least three strokes of the strap. Is that what she smacked you with Timothy... the strap?"
Timothy was blushing so much that his cheeks were burning. His body was shivering uncontrollably as he felt their hands exploring the cheeks of his bottom. He gasped as Susan's soft fingertips deftly parted the cheeks, exposing him intimately to their interested gaze.
"Please er.. miss... no more pleeease!"
He managed to stammer as he felt the utter humiliation of being bent over and his bare bottom being stretched and examined so intimately.
"I asked you a question!" said Gail as she smacked her hand smartly across the cheeks of his bottom. "Did Hazel beat you with a strap?" Timothy gasped at the sharp slap and shuddered with anguish, his voice almost a croak as he tried to answer. "Yes, miss... er... it was the strap.
To Timothy's surprise, Gail's voice became soft and concerned as she bade him stand upright and turned him towards her. She laid his head gently on her shoulder and put her arms around him.
"Oh you poor baby, fancy having to have your poor bottom beaten with a strap. Never mind my sweet boy, Susan and I will make it better for you... won't we Susan."
Gail looked at Susan who was standing behind the boy. She lifted the back of his tee shirt up once more, pulling the hem upwards until it was almost up to the back of his neck.
She knew that his penis would be exposed and vulnerable to the intimate contact of Gail's body as she held Timothy close. Gently she stroked her fingers over the soft flesh of his bottom, her fingers trailing gently and intimately between the cheeks. Gail heard him quickly draw in a breath at the further intimate exploration of his bottom. She slid her own hand down his back until she was able to caress his naked buttocks.
"There poor baby, let's get you over to the sofa and Susan will fetch some cream so that I can rub some in for you. Now don't be shy just come and lie across my knees.
For Timothy it was all too much, he could not resist the tear that rolled down his cheek or the burgeoning throb of his penis as Gail nonchalantly took a firm hold of both his penis and his scrotum and casually placed the soft flesh between her thighs. Both she and Susan helped lay the boy face down over Gail's knees.
"Right I'll leave him in your capable hands, while I go and ask mother for some cream for his bottom." She smiled at Gail and winked before turning on her heels and leaving the room.
Vickie and Hazel were not the least surprised when Susan told them what she and Hazel were doing to the boy, instead, they burst into good-natured laughter. Vickie could not contain her merriment as she reached into the cupboard for some body lotion. Hazel was still laughing as she addressed Susan.
"You were not long finding the marks on his bottom. I am afraid that I just had to punish him for his disobedience at the medical centre. Was his bottom still red, or was it just the marks of the strap?"
Susan looked at Hazel, her admiration growing for the confident young woman.
"No Hazel it was just the three marks of the straps. Did he cry when you punished him... er. was his bottom bare when you gave him the strap?"
Hazel laughed at the girl's very obvious interest in how she had punished the boy. She did not disappoint Susan with her answer, as she already guessed from her actions at the medical centre that her interest in the boy was far from platonic.
"I spanked his bare bottom over my knee, using his tennis shoe as his implement of punishment. After I had given him a sound spanking, I had him bend over and grasp his ankles with his legs spread widely apart, so that he could not clench his buttocks. I gave him three strokes with the strap. I am afraid he couldn't contain himself after the third stroke and danced about all over the sitting room, trying to relieve himself of the pain. I think that the strap hurt him far more than he ever thought possible. I am sure that, should he ever forget himself, a timely reminder of the sting of the strap will soon bring him back into line."
Susan's look of admiration was not lost on Hazel as she finished relating the details of Timothy's punishment. She placed her hand on Susan's cheek and bent her head so that she could whisper in her ear.
"You may find that someday soon, either you or Gail may have cause to punish him. Just remember that if you have a good cause to smack his bare bottom, that it must be tempered with love and kindness. In that way, you will not only gain his respect, but also his love and supplication. Do you understand what I am saying?"
Susan looked intently at Hazel her face serious, but with a wistful, almost spiritual expression. She spoke softly, her words slow and measured.
"Yes Hazel, thank you... yes I know exactly what you mean and I know that Gail does too!"
Vickie looked at her daughter and then back at Hazel, her expression was thoughtful as she spoke to them.
"Gail has said that she is going to marry Timothy when he is older and that she will smack his bottom when he is naughty. I know she may only be in her teens, but I believe she will. I have never known Gail say anything that she did not mean, or ever break a promise."
Susan looked at Hazel and smiled at her.
"Oh she will marry him, I know it... but she won't be the only one smacking his bottom if he is naughty... I will be doing it as well."
Hazel chuckled, knowing full well that was what Susan had said, would probably happen, just as she had said.
The End
A pile of new towels had been placed next to bottles of lotions and lubricants. All of the instruments she had put away and been cleaned and washed and now lay in neat rows. Vicki laughed at Gail as she held the rectal speculum in front of her and chased Susan around the room, snapping the jaws of the shiny instrument as if it were going to bite her friend.
"O.K. girls, I think that will do. I never thought we could have transformed this room in so short a time. Perhaps your efforts were not entirely altruistic, it is not every sixteen-year-old girl, that has had the opportunity to examine a naked boy so intimately... would the thought of helping the nurse and myself have anything to do with your enthusiasm?"
Susan looked at her mother, her face serious for a moment. "He is such a good looking boy, his body is... well, er... perfect really. I just love touching him and seeing him blush so modestly. But it is well... erm... an opportunity to learn about boys and..." She thought for a moment.
"Being in charge seems sort of natural to me... and I know Gail feels the same way. I just, I don't know why... like being in charge of a boy."
She finished her sentence lamely but was immediately put at her ease by her mother.
"Most girls would be the subjugated ones... er, in a relationship. I am glad you feel like you do... I think Timothy is, how shall I put it, naturally submissive... certainly not a wimp." She smiled at the use of the word.
"I think he could be moulded to be... er. well... in the future... a wonderful and attentive husband to the right sort of female. One that is stronger willed and yet loving towards him."
Vicki smiled. "I probably haven't explained that very well." Vicki's look of surprise was written all over her face as Gail spoke.
"I have to ask you this even though you may think badly of me. I felt really excited when Timmy was being spanked by Hazel... in fact, I wished that he was me that was spanking him... Is that really wrong?"
Vicki looked at Gail and smiled.
"No Gail you are perhaps one of those people that enjoy the experience of spanking someone. It is not to do them particular harm but has more sexual connotations. I assure you that it is widely practised amongst men and women."
Vicki smiled at Gail as she continued. "You are perhaps more strong-willed than most and are naturally more dominant, but I know that you are kind and gentle too. So you have nothing to worry about."
Gail looked at Susan's mother and laughed. "I will probably marry Timothy when he is old enough! I will make sure that he is always sexually active and will punish him when he is naughty... even when he is older... oh and I will let my girlfriends do the same." She smiled at Susan. "He needs someone to look after him... and I think I will be the one. Not that I am going to let him know just yet!"
Susan opened her mouth in wide surprise and then laughed uncontrollably. "Gail... you dark horse. I believe you... I really believe that you will."
She continued laughing, her pretty face in wreaths of smiles as she thought about what her friend had said. Vicki was more reflective, she already knew that Gail never said anything lightly, she also knew that such a determined girl would if she did not change her mind, carry it through.
Susan looked at Gail and said seriously.
"I always thought that I would marry Timothy, so if you are intent on doing it... you will have to share him."
Gail and Vicki laughed, but they both knew that she meant what she said. Vicki suddenly looked reflective and spoke softly and seriously. "In that case, I think Timothy is a very lucky boy."
Hazel gently pushed Timothy away from her and kissed him once more on the cheek.
"Now stand up and I will dress you. I know you are going to behave yourself and do what I say without hesitation, aren't you Timothy? So, up you get and stand with your arms above your head so I can slip this shirt over your head."
Timothy felt his face blush a deep beetroot red as he caught her eye. Her beautiful face only added to his embarrassment as she stood up and took the tee-shirt and slipped it over his raised arms and down over his head. The shirt slid down over his chest and tummy but was held up at the front by his penis, which was standing out stiffly. Hazel smiled as she took a firm hold of the turgid flesh and slipped the shirt over it. The soft material covered his slim body right down to mid-thigh and apart from the telltale bulge of his erection it would not be possible for the casual observer to tell whether he was wearing shorts or not.
Hazel stood back and looked at him.
"I think we will leave your shorts off Timothy, you are well covered and when your penis subsides you will be quite adequately dressed to walk across to Vickie's house.... I mean Mrs Grants."
Timothy blushed and stammered as he looked up at Hazel. "er please Miss Hazel... er..erm can't I wear my shorts?"
Hazel looked at him, her face becoming stern.
"Now Timothy, remember what you have just been through..."
She leaned forward and raised the hem of his shirt, sliding it up over the cheeks of his bottom. Timothy could not help but squirm with embarrassment and humiliation as she bared his flesh. Quickly she slapped him three times... smack... smack... smack. The palm of her hand leaving his flesh freshly reddened over the three stripes already marking his flesh. He gasped and squirmed as she held him firmly by the waist. His shirt had ridden up revealing his penis, which was still erect. Hazel took a firm hold of the engorged flesh and squeezed it, holding him firmly as she turned him towards her.
"You forget your lessons quickly, you naughty boy. I shall not tolerate any more disobedience, do you hear me?"
He looked up at her beautiful face, his lips trembling and his face blushing profusely as he stammered his apology.
"I am so sorry Miss. Please... I will not disobey you again... er..I... promise." He felt absolutely humiliated, so much so that his body shivered as he stood before her. Her firm hold on his penis and her stern look accentuating his extreme embarrassment and feeling of foolishness as he stood before her.
Hazel could not help the sudden thrill of excitement that ran through her body as she looked at the perfectly formed body of the young boy held captive in front of her. His complete subjugation to her will had thrilled her more than she ever thought possible. She looked at him intently, noting that even though his face was blushing profusely, his penis was still hard and throbbing between her fingers. She let go of him and pulled his shirt down over his throbbing member.
"Now come along downstairs and we will walk over to Mrs Grants."
Without looking at him further she turned and left the room.
Timothy endured the humiliating walk over to his neighbour's house. He was trembling not just from the freshness of the cooler evening air, but also from his embarrassment at being naked apart from the thin tee shirt. Although the shirt covered him to the middle of his thighs, the thin material only seemed to accent his nakedness. Hazel held his hand and almost propelled him along the narrow path, his tennis shoes, which were the only other items of clothing that he had been allowed, slapped against the paving slabs as they hurried to Mrs Grant's cottage.
Hazel was well aware the embarrassment the boy must be feeling, rather than put him at his ease, she flipped up the back of his tee shirt as they stood facing the front door of the cottage. She lightly tapped his bare bottom with the palm of her hand. "Right you know what will happen should you disobey me, don't you Timothy my boy? He could not help himself from looking round to see if anyone was watching, acutely aware of the cool evening air upon his buttocks. In consequence, he received a sharp slap upon his naked bottom.
"Stand still and look at me young man, I will have no more of this."
He blushed profusely as he looked up at her, his lips trembling from the shame he felt. Hazel looked him straight in the eye, her beautiful features stern and foreboding as she spoke.
"If you dare to defy me, I will strip you bare and put you across my knee in front of everyone and let them watch me smack you until you are crying like a baby. Do you understand me?
Timothy looked at her, his face turning an even brighter red. Through trembling lips he spoke, his voice soft and tremulous. "Yes Miss Hazel, I won't disobey you anymore. Hazel held his gaze for a moment, enjoying the boy's acute embarrassment. At last, she reached behind him and pulled his shirt down to cover his naked bottom.
"Right young man... I will take your word, but you know your fate should you relapse into childish behaviour."
She stood straight and knocked on the door, smiling as she saw Vickie approach on the other side of the glass pane.
"Come along in, I have some coffee on the stove and the girls have made me open a bottle of wine to welcome you, so perhaps you would prefer that." Mrs Grant smiled at Hazel as she ushered her in and then turned her attention to Timothy, who was looking down at his feet in utter humiliation.
"Come along in young man, the girls are in the sitting room, why don't you go and join them, while I introduce Hazel to the nurse. Just put your shoes here by the door."
Timothy blushed as Mrs Grant mentioned the girls, rather than just Susan. He knew that it must be Gail that was with her... and the thought of being almost naked in front of both of them sent shivers down his spine.
Rather than wait for Timothy to reply, Mrs Grant ushered the boy to the sitting room door and bade him enter. She then turned to Hazel leading her down the small corridor to the kitchen.
"Penny is the daughter of one of my friends at the clinic. She is only seventeen, so she has only been nursing for a year and she showed no hesitation when I told her what was to be done."
Both Vicki and Hazel laughed as they entered the kitchen. Penny was standing by the stove as they entered. Hazel immediately noticed how pretty and petite the girl was. Her uniform was a crisp white tunic, which did little to conceal the jut of her firm breasts or the narrowness of her waist. Her legs were bare below the short tunic. As she moved towards them, Hazel could see that her legs were slender and perfectly shaped; the smooth flesh betraying an athletic and healthy glow aided by a light suntan.
"This is Penny."
Vickie put her hand around Hazel's waist and moved her forward as she spoke. "Hello Hazel"
Penny smiled, displaying perfect teeth behind her pretty lips as she moved forward and took Hazel's hand in a firm grip. Hazel smiled back at the pretty young girl and spoke softly.
"Hello, Penny I am pleased to meet you."
The girls smiled at each other as Vickie handed them a glass of wine each.
"I think we will leave Timothy for a while so that I can show you how busy the girls and I have been this afternoon, so if you would both like to follow me."
Vickie was laughing as she led the girls along the corridor into the new examination room. Both Hazel and Penny were pleasantly surprised at how professional and imposing the room was. Hazel began to explore the mechanics of the stirrups while Penny looked around the glass shelves noting the abundance of instruments as well as the jars and bottles.
Hazel looked at Vickie, the obvious surprise at the professionalism of the room showing on her face.
"I had no idea that you were so well equipped, in fact, I thought you had retired from nursing practice."
Vickie laughed.
"No I still run the district nursing group, but we fetched this up from the cellar this afternoon... and although the shelves and the lighting were fixed back into place after I had had it decorated, the girls and I have managed to get all the rest ready after we got back from the clinic. I didn't really expect to have it finished so quickly, or that it would look as professional as it does."
Vickie laid her hand on one of the stirrups.
"I cleaned the leather up and polished the chrome, while Susan and Gail made the new covers from linen sheets. I think that it has come up really well, even though I say it myself."
The girls laughed as Vickie held up her glass.
"Here's to our new examination room." They toasted their glasses before Vickie led them back into the kitchen.
Hazel had observed the young nurse as they had looked at the new examination room. On the surface, she appeared to be a conscientious and capable girl, but Hazel had a feeling that there was more to her. She decided to try and elicit a little more information.
"Are you on a rota for home visits; forgive me for asking but I wondered how these things work."
Penny looked at Hazel, immediately realising the line of questioning.
"No we don't have a rota as such, but Dr Ashcroft asked me if I would assist her with Timothy... she thought I would be erm... more suitable."
Hazel smiled. "Did she indeed. Do you have an experience of handling young boys?" Penny smiled, her expression near to laughter as she looked at Hazel.
"No I have had only a little experience but I think she felt that perhaps I had the right attitude." Hazel smiled back at the girl. She knew that from what she had seen of the pretty Dr Lucy Ashcroft, that she would certainly have been selective in her choice of a nurse for such a delicate therapy. Penny looked at Hazel and decided to be a little more forthcoming.
"I would like to know what has happened to him so far... and as you have charge of him, perhaps you would give me a rundown."
The girls talked together, Hazel gave Penny a complete history of the day's events and also her opinions about the attitude towards Timothy. Penny listened avidly, she was intrigued by the boy's punishment and what both Hazel and Vickie thought was the best way to handle him for the future.
Hazel explained every detail of her own handling of her young charge, explaining the rather embarrassing positions she had made the boy adopt, as well as her verbal and psychological management of him. It was Vicki who told her of Gail's long-term plans for the boy. Penny smiled at Vickie as she spoke. "I think Gail must be a very determined young woman already even if she is rather young. Do you think she will change her mind on the subject?"
Penny was surprised at the confidence of Vickie's reply. "I would bet that Gail will do exactly what she has said. I have never known a girl more in touch with her own feelings, or as determined. Of course, she has the added advantage of being the only daughter of a very rich family. Their wealth must run into millions and yet she has her feet planted firmly on the ground."
Timothy could not help blushing as he entered the sitting room. He felt horribly aware of his nakedness beneath the thin tee shirt. The girls were sitting on a large comfy looking settee while they watched the television set; both girls were wearing the crisp white shirts and short navy pleated skirts of their school uniforms. Their skirts had ridden up as they sat on the sofa revealing their long legs, which were bared almost to the brief white panties they were wearing.
As Timothy entered the room, Susan got up and walked towards him and took him gently by the arm.
"Poor Timothy, you do seem to be in a state... don't be nervous, I am sure Mummy and the nurse will be gentle with you. My my... your face is bright red... and you are shivering all over. Come with me and stand by the fire until you get warm."
Timothy blushed even more as Susan led him by his arm and made him stand next to the open log fire. He could not help gasping as Susan ran her hand over his shoulders and down his back. He gasped as her hand proceeded even lower, her gentle fingers teasing over the soft material that covered his bottom.
"Why Timothy!" She exclaimed. "Haven't you got any underclothes or shorts on... no wonder you are cold." Susan noted the boy's exquisite look of anguish as she lifted the hem of his tee shirt and looked at his bared his bottom.
He gasped; "Please er miss... er, please don't. Hazel wouldn't let me wear anything under my shirt."
Ignoring his pleas Susan lifted the hem even further up his back as her eye caught sight of the three red stripes, which delineated the cheeks of his bottom.
"What on earth are these?" She exclaimed as she bent over to examine him closely. "Come and look, Gail, I think Hazel must have given him more than just a smack bottom. Timothy gasped as Susan turned his body towards the light of the standard lamp, which stood next to the fireplace. She bent him forward pulling his shirt further up his back so that she could examine him more closely. He was acutely aware that his penis and testicles were now on show as he saw Gail get up from the settee and move towards him.
His face was on fire as the two girls bent him over even further so that he his head was bent towards his knees. He shivered as he felt Gail gently stroke her hand over the quivering flesh of his bottom.
"Keep still and let me have a look and see what Hazel has been doing to you. Oh, dear.. it looks as though he has been given at least three strokes of the strap. Is that what she smacked you with Timothy... the strap?"
Timothy was blushing so much that his cheeks were burning. His body was shivering uncontrollably as he felt their hands exploring the cheeks of his bottom. He gasped as Susan's soft fingertips deftly parted the cheeks, exposing him intimately to their interested gaze.
"Please er.. miss... no more pleeease!"
He managed to stammer as he felt the utter humiliation of being bent over and his bare bottom being stretched and examined so intimately.
"I asked you a question!" said Gail as she smacked her hand smartly across the cheeks of his bottom. "Did Hazel beat you with a strap?" Timothy gasped at the sharp slap and shuddered with anguish, his voice almost a croak as he tried to answer. "Yes, miss... er... it was the strap.
To Timothy's surprise, Gail's voice became soft and concerned as she bade him stand upright and turned him towards her. She laid his head gently on her shoulder and put her arms around him.
"Oh you poor baby, fancy having to have your poor bottom beaten with a strap. Never mind my sweet boy, Susan and I will make it better for you... won't we Susan."
Gail looked at Susan who was standing behind the boy. She lifted the back of his tee shirt up once more, pulling the hem upwards until it was almost up to the back of his neck.
She knew that his penis would be exposed and vulnerable to the intimate contact of Gail's body as she held Timothy close. Gently she stroked her fingers over the soft flesh of his bottom, her fingers trailing gently and intimately between the cheeks. Gail heard him quickly draw in a breath at the further intimate exploration of his bottom. She slid her own hand down his back until she was able to caress his naked buttocks.
"There poor baby, let's get you over to the sofa and Susan will fetch some cream so that I can rub some in for you. Now don't be shy just come and lie across my knees.
For Timothy it was all too much, he could not resist the tear that rolled down his cheek or the burgeoning throb of his penis as Gail nonchalantly took a firm hold of both his penis and his scrotum and casually placed the soft flesh between her thighs. Both she and Susan helped lay the boy face down over Gail's knees.
"Right I'll leave him in your capable hands, while I go and ask mother for some cream for his bottom." She smiled at Gail and winked before turning on her heels and leaving the room.
Vickie and Hazel were not the least surprised when Susan told them what she and Hazel were doing to the boy, instead, they burst into good-natured laughter. Vickie could not contain her merriment as she reached into the cupboard for some body lotion. Hazel was still laughing as she addressed Susan.
"You were not long finding the marks on his bottom. I am afraid that I just had to punish him for his disobedience at the medical centre. Was his bottom still red, or was it just the marks of the strap?"
Susan looked at Hazel, her admiration growing for the confident young woman.
"No Hazel it was just the three marks of the straps. Did he cry when you punished him... er. was his bottom bare when you gave him the strap?"
Hazel laughed at the girl's very obvious interest in how she had punished the boy. She did not disappoint Susan with her answer, as she already guessed from her actions at the medical centre that her interest in the boy was far from platonic.
"I spanked his bare bottom over my knee, using his tennis shoe as his implement of punishment. After I had given him a sound spanking, I had him bend over and grasp his ankles with his legs spread widely apart, so that he could not clench his buttocks. I gave him three strokes with the strap. I am afraid he couldn't contain himself after the third stroke and danced about all over the sitting room, trying to relieve himself of the pain. I think that the strap hurt him far more than he ever thought possible. I am sure that, should he ever forget himself, a timely reminder of the sting of the strap will soon bring him back into line."
Susan's look of admiration was not lost on Hazel as she finished relating the details of Timothy's punishment. She placed her hand on Susan's cheek and bent her head so that she could whisper in her ear.
"You may find that someday soon, either you or Gail may have cause to punish him. Just remember that if you have a good cause to smack his bare bottom, that it must be tempered with love and kindness. In that way, you will not only gain his respect, but also his love and supplication. Do you understand what I am saying?"
Susan looked intently at Hazel her face serious, but with a wistful, almost spiritual expression. She spoke softly, her words slow and measured.
"Yes Hazel, thank you... yes I know exactly what you mean and I know that Gail does too!"
Vickie looked at her daughter and then back at Hazel, her expression was thoughtful as she spoke to them.
"Gail has said that she is going to marry Timothy when he is older and that she will smack his bottom when he is naughty. I know she may only be in her teens, but I believe she will. I have never known Gail say anything that she did not mean, or ever break a promise."
Susan looked at Hazel and smiled at her.
"Oh she will marry him, I know it... but she won't be the only one smacking his bottom if he is naughty... I will be doing it as well."
Hazel chuckled, knowing full well that was what Susan had said, would probably happen, just as she had said.
The End
Thursday, 21 September 2017
Timothy Part Two. A story by Jane Marwood
They held him in the throes of ecstasy, manipulating his flesh so expertly and for so long that the boy began to shiver as if his body was in spasm,
On and on it went until the last spurts of semen were drained from him. His back arched one final time before he fell back on the bed exhausted. His chest heaved for breath as the nurse milked the last few globules in an upward motion from the very base of his penis, watching as the very last drop escaped into the glass test tube. She gently let go of his penis and placed the oxygen mask over his face.
Simultaneously the doctor slowly and gently slipped her finger from his bottom and patted his penis gently.
"That's a good boy Timothy, you have done very well. We are going to let you rest for a while now."
Timothy sucked at the rich air. His mind and body were in turmoil. He had never imagined that he could have experienced such feelings. He could feel his heart beating within his chest. He could, he imagined, feel every inch of his skin, and still impossibly feel their hands roaming over every inch of his body.
Paramount to all these feelings was the utter humiliation he felt. He knew that his face was as red as a beetroot. Not just with the physical and overwhelming experience of his first ejaculatory orgasm but with the already deeply carved humiliation, that he had suffered at the hands of his cousin and the doctor and nurses.
These feelings had been made even acuter by the presence of Susan and her mother and of course the head girl, Gail.
They had not only heard him have his bottom smacked in public, but had also witnessed his nakedness and humiliation, being made to stand with his hands clasped behind his head, unable to stop his penis from erecting in front of them. Now they had witnessed his utter shame as he had been made to reluctantly ejaculate. He shivered again at the thought of the utter humiliation of recent events, his young body shaking visibly.
Had he known or been able to foresee the events that would follow, he might well have died of shame and humiliation. Or even had he been able to hear the conversation centred around the doctor's desk his unease would have been multiplied tenfold.
Both Hazel and Vicki were seated in front of the doctor. Susan and Gail had gone back to their seats rather hurriedly as the proceedings with Timothy had finished. Although they were sat some way away from the desk they could hear the conversation quite clearly.
Lucy Ashcroft was, without doubt, one of the brightest young doctor's that visited to take school medicals. But there was much more to Lucy's persona than mere skill and efficiency. She had realised for some time that her leanings towards an authoritarian management of young boys had been hidden and recessed in the back of her mind. That was until she had been appointed to carry out the medical examinations of young school teenagers. She had however discovered that only the most physically perfect would excite her. In Timothy, she had found the most perfectly proportioned young boy she had ever seen. His young body had delighted her more than she thought possible as she had thrust her finger up into his bottom. His naïve reactions and utter distress had sent thrill after thrill through her body.
She knew that she had experienced great sexual pleasure from the morning events and was already planning to repeat the episode. Not for her the pimply, greasy skinned adolescents that she had to deal with from time to time. For her, it was the huge significance that she had actually experienced the pleasure of toying with the emotions and physically exploring the body of the most perfect young male individual she had ever seen.
Her thoughts turned to her college friend who was now operating her own private IVF clinic in London as well as several days a month at Lucy's own private practice in town. A quiet and hugely successful establishment that relied upon, apart from the necessary skills, what she now held in her hand; a test-tube full of the reluctant emission of the perfect donor she had ever seen.
Lucy looked at Hazel and Vicki Grant and held up the test-tube.
"I have never seen such an amount ever... and from one emission. He must obviously have been in physical discomfort as well as the emotional one of not daring to masturbate. I think we have an obligation to the boy to make sure that he is well managed over the next few weeks."
She looked thoughtful for a moment before continuing.
"I don't know how you both feel but I think it would be wrong of us to set him on a course of masturbatory habits at his age. Apart from the clandestine and furtive approach young boys seem to have to this activity, it can be physically damaging to the penis. The penis can become bent and malformed with vigorous and constant masturbation. Therefore I propose that we keep it on a supervisory and clinical basis as we have already discussed. There is one other thing - and that is that I would rather like a colleague of mine in London to see him at some time, a second opinion is always welcome."
Lucy smiled at Hazel and Vicki as she stood up from behind her desk and placed the test-tube in a holder.
"Would you like me to have a word with his mother and tell her what I am proposing? I think it would be best if she was kept informed right from the start."
Hazel spoke, her voice confident and steady. Although she was only nineteen years old, her confidence and manner were of a much more mature woman.
"I will ring my mother tonight and tell her of the events so far. We have a relationship as such, that I can easily talk to her about such things, I am sure that she will be able to talk to his mother, my aunt, and explain what the poor boy has been going through."
Hazel thought to herself, that what he had gone through would be nothing to what she was going to do to him. She had thrilled at the boy's humiliation and her total dominance of him, where at a whim she could play with his body as she wished.
Susan and Gail had been sitting quietly listening to the conversation. Susan had known for some time that Timothy's popularity with her and her mother had not been just for his practical usefulness with the various jobs he had done for them. She remembered when he had once been emptying a pail of water, that he had wet his shirt and shorts so much so that they were wringing wet.
Her mother had instantly rushed to the boy and started pulling his shirt from his body with which she succeeded, however, when she had tried to pull his trousers down, he had resisted and quickly elected to return home in the sodden garments. Susan thought then that her mother had been rather keen to divest the boy of his clothes, however well-intentioned her motives.
What had surprised Susan more today was that her mother had seen nothing untoward in Susan seeing the boy in all his nakedness - and that in fact she had encouraged Susan and Gail to go and talk to him while he was being made to stand naked with his hands on his head, obviously knowing that his penis and testicles would be completely on display for the girls to see.
Susan spoke;
"Mummy, will Timothy be alright now, I just heard him moaning, he seemed to be very distressed while you were with him in there."
Vicki Grant smiled at her daughter and before answering her question, looked at the young doctor.
"Will it be alright for Susan to see Timmy for a moment? Susan seems a little concerned about him... and of course, she is a going to have to babysit him while his mother is away if Hazel needs a night off, which I am sure she will."
The doctor smiled at Vicki, understanding immediately the implications of what she was asking.
Hazel almost chuckled at Vicki.
"That sounds a nice idea... I mean the night off; are you proposing to show me the bright lights of this agricultural county?"
Vicki laughed; "Well I thought I might take you out for a meal while you are here and perhaps the theatre afterwards... there is a good rep company here."
The doctor answered Vicki's question;
"But of course Vicki, How remiss of me. I think it would be very sweet of you girls if you were to go in there and keep him company. I am going to extract some more semen from him and then measure his testicles. He has been in quite some discomfort I imagine, but I am sure that he is going to be much better in a few days."
Susan looked at Gail, the mischievousness in her eyes made the head girl smile as Susan took her hand.
"Come on Gail, let's go and cheer him up."
Susan led Gail through the gap in the screens. Both Susan and Gail stood and stared at the sight that greeted them. The boy's body was raised up as if in supplication, his bottom supported upwards off the bed and spread open by slim clear plastic pads. His legs were fastened high in the air and his hands were loosely restrained above his head on the padded surface of the examination couch.
He looked at the two girls as they entered and groaned. Both nurses were standing at the side of the bed as the girls entered the screened-off area. The dark haired nurse smiled at the young girls and spoke.
"He seems to have recovered from his little ordeal."
She looked at his penis that was now hanging down between his legs and saw a globule of clear liquid, which had emerged from the tip of the urethra.
The nurse took a gauze pad from the instrument trolley and moved between his legs, gently lifting his penis she wiped the moist teardrop of liquid from the opening. Susan watched Timothy turn his faceaway from the girls in shame. He blushed, his cheeks colouring immediately into a bright red hue. Susan moved to his side and took his burning face in her hands;
"Don't worry Timmy, the doctor says you will be feeling a lot better in a few days. Mummy and Hazel are going to milk you every day to make sure that you don't get... erm, big balls again."
Gail nearly laughed out loud as Susan described his condition so innocently. Her amused expression was not lost on Timothy as Gail bent right over him, her firm breasts pressing against his chest as she looked into his eyes.
"Are you feeling better now Timothy?"
He could hardly bring himself to answer as he looked into the beautiful faces of the two girls. He was aware that their soft hands were placed casually on his chest as they looked at him with expressions of concern. He could barely stammer an answer, as Gail casually placed her other hand on his lower tummy and moved it downwards over his freshly shaven pubic area
"Er... erm... yes... err miss... "
Timothy did not know what to say... his embarrassment increasing with every moment as the girls looked at him their hands gently stroking over his body. Gail looked at the nurse and spoke sweetly.
"Have his testicles reduced in size much? The test-tube the doctor had looked really full."
The nurse almost nonchalantly moved around to stand in-between the boys widely spread legs.
"Come and have a look, you can see that the scrotum is no longer stretched and that they seem to be hanging normally. They are very large for a boy of his age, but you can see even though he is not erect that his penis is well developed too. Some boy's do develop early, but even so, his penis is unusually large."
To Timothy's horror, he felt the nurse lift his testicles and take hold of his penis. He could not help but look down at himself as the nurse spoke once more.
"Take them in the palm of your hand, you can feel the weight of them, you will notice if you roll them between your fingers, that they are now able to move freely in the scrotal sac."
The nurse casually held his penis upwards so that Gail had completely free access to his testicles. Timothy groaned in anguish as Gail gently lifted his testicles and moved the softballs around in her hand. He could not believe that such a thing was happening as Susan spoke.
"Let me have a feel, they look awfully large."
She too moved to stand between the boy's legs. Timothy's mind was in turmoil, his embarrassment like a wave washing over him as he felt the nurse let go of his tingling penis and her soft hand stroke over the sensitive skin between his legs, feeling his testicles being gently lowered as Gail let them hang freely between his legs.
He was in anguish as his humiliation continued. Gail spoke sweetly to her friend.
"I will hold his penis for you so that you can lift his testicles. They feel very soft and delicate."
Timothy sighed in utter embarrassment as Susan took his sensitive scrotum in her cool fingers; her touch was soft and sensuous as she moved the soft orbs to and fro within their sac. Worse still he felt his penis throb as Gail delicately took it between her finger and thumb.
Not content with holding the tumescent flesh, he felt her slide his foreskin back down the shaft. The cool air of the examination room was apparent against the unprotected flesh, fully accenting his rude exposure.
He groaned inwardly as he felt his penis throb involuntarily. To his horror, it seemed to be becoming erect. He groaned in utter anguish as he felt it began to pulse and stiffen as her delicate fingers nonchalantly encouraged and stimulated the sensitive skin. He tried to pull back as her thumb casually rubbed over the sensitive rim of the glans. Both Gail and Susan looked at each other as they let go of him, almost giggling as they left him with his penis completely erect and standing straight up between his legs. The nurse smiled as she saw the effect the girl's hands had had upon the young boy.
"Well girls, he obviously doesn't seem to need a lot of encouragement, does he? You might as well help us turn him for the doctor, He seems to be rested enough."
The nurses experienced hands soon had the boy released from the confines of the apparatus and laid flat on the bed with his legs hanging over the end.
"Right young man," the young nurse said brightly to Timothy: "Let's have you over on your tummy, I want you up on your hands and knees."
The nurse was perfectly aware that the boy would not be able to turn over with his penis so stiff and erect. So, as he groaned in embarrassment at their positioning of him, the nurse casually took hold of his penis and at the same time gestured to the other nurse, as well as Susan and Gail, to help him up onto his knees.
Their hands were everywhere, under his tummy, between his legs and buttocks as they positioned him upon the examination bed. His final humiliation was when he was forced to rest his head on his hands and lay with his elbows flat on the bed to each side of his head.
His knees had been spread wide with his bottom high in the air and his testicles hanging freely between his legs. His penis was jutting forward under his tummy with the tip almost touching his stomach well above his navel.
Both Susan and Gail were absolutely delighted with his new position. Susan instinctively ran her hand over his buttocks, marvelling at how vulnerable the boy was positioned.
Gail looked at Susan, her beautiful lips set in a wide smile that showed her perfect white and glistening teeth. She could not have explained her excitement at having a young boy so completely exposed and humiliated before her. Of course, there was the curiosity of being able to examine a young boy so intimately; but her enjoyment and excitement at his humiliation were a revelation to her. Gail was also aware that her feelings were very much echoed by her friend Susan - and as she quickly glanced across at her friend, she could see a similar sexual excitement written clearly across her face.
Rather than dismiss her feelings or try to hide them, Gail was confident enough to explore them and felt no embarrassment at all in perhaps exposing her newly acquired desires. She spoke to Susan, her words really intended for the young boy so rudely exposed before her.
"It is a good job that young Timothy here is being well behaved, he is in a most suitable position to have his little bottom smacked."
Delivered with the sentence was a light tap on his upturned bottom, her delicate fingers immediately stroking over the quivering cheeks of his buttocks where she had smacked him.
Gail looked at his face to see the effect her words had had upon him, the deep blush to his cheeks immediately rewarded her. His bottom lip had begun to quiver and his eyes had a look of anguish as he turned his head to look over his shoulder at the young and beautiful head girl.
It was the nurse who put a stop to his embarrassment, at least for the time being, by addressing both Susan and Gail. Her voice was soft and gentle although she was smiling at the obvious pleasure that the girls were experiencing as they examined the boy.
"Poor Timothy is quite embarrassed by all your attention and... I think it is perhaps time for the doctor to see him again. If you would like to go through and tell her that he is ready."
She raised her eyebrows in a questioning look to which both Gail and Susan, rather disappointedly, obeyed.
"Bye Timothy," Susan said as she turned and walked with Gail through the gap in the screens to the first part of the room.
Timothy was in turmoil; his body was shaking with pure anguish and deep-rooted embarrassment. It had been several years since anyone had seen his body completely naked, apart from the communal showers after sports lessons while at school. He had jealously guarded his privacy and had avoided situations even where he would have had to take his shirt off in front of a female unless it was at the swimming pool or the beach.
He looked up at the nurses as they stood beside him, their starched uniforms touching his body as they leaned over him to adjust his position. He blushed as one of the nurses smiled at him before touching the inside of his thigh and indicating that he should position his knees even more widely.
He was acutely aware that his penis was erect and that it was in plain view for all to see between his widely spread thighs. He looked back and watched as one of them took a tube of lubricant from the trolley and unscrewed the cap. Subconsciously he contracted the muscles of his sphincter, shuddering involuntarily at the thought of her gentle fingers invading his bottom.
Suddenly he was aware that the nurses were standing more to attention and looking over his body towards the other part of the room. He could not help groan as his eyes followed theirs to the procession of people that were walking towards him. He was acutely aware of his humiliating and vulnerable position as he knelt helplessly upon the examination table.
"Well Timothy, let's see what we can manage this time shall we. Now be a good boy and try and relax your bottom a bit more this time."
Timothy groaned not just at the embarrassing and intimate nature of what the doctor had just said but also at the fact that both Susan and Gail had followed the doctor and Susan's mother into the screened area. He tried to turn his head away as both Susan and Gail looked him in the eye, but was halted by the doctor's next words.
"I want you to listen to what I say and follow my instructions, do you understand me, Timothy?"
He blushed immediately at the authoritative tone of the young female doctor as she laid a hand gently on the cheeks of his bottom.
"Now relax please, there's a good boy."
Her words were followed by a couple of gentle pats on his bottom as in horror he watched, not the doctor, but Mrs Grant takes the lubricant from the nurse and gently placed her soft hand on his bottom.
"Now Timmy, be a good boy and relax, I promise I won't hurt you."
Vicki Grant's voice was soft and soothing as she gently pressed her hand between his widely spread buttocks and applied a cool gel to his upturned bottom. Her fingers delicately sliding over his delicate flesh until her fingertips rested against the tightly closed rosebud of his sphincter. He shuddered as deftly she inserted the tip of her finger. Vicky watched the young boy's flesh almost quake with sensation as she deliberately slid her finger all the way up into his bottom.
Susan looked at Gail, both girls visibly excited as they watched the boy being rudely impaled by a slender finger. "There's a good boy," Vicki said as she rotated her finger until she was able to agitate the boy's sensitive prostate gland.
Timothy could do nothing but groan, his face showing the anguish and humiliation he was feeling.
"Now be a good boy for the doctor. You wouldn't want to make a fuss in front of Susan and Gail now would you?"
Timothy looked over his shoulder in abject dismay at Mrs Grant, feeling her finger move sensuously over his prostate gland. He watched almost mesmerised with fear and trepidation as the doctor moved to his side and sat on a stool before reaching underneath him. Her fingers gently wrapped around his erect penis enveloping him in a firm grasp, as one of the nurses lifted up a test tube from the trolley and rolled one of the smart leather covered stools so that she could sit at the other side of him.
He was acutely aware of the magnitude of his humiliation as he watched both Gail and Susan position themselves behind the second nurse. He was almost beside himself with embarrassment, as the girls looked at him, acutely aware that the nurse had moved closer and was gently stroking his burning cheek as if he was a baby.
Suddenly and involuntarily, his body jerked as he felt the doctor deftly squeeze his penis and quickly draw the foreskin back until it was stretched tight, exposing him fully to the interested gaze of both Gail and Susan.
He groaned as he felt the doctor let the palm of her other hand rub over the sensitive opening of his penis. As if on queue, a second finger was suddenly slipped up into his bottom; his widely parted buttocks and the slipperiness of the lubricant affording him no resistance Mrs Grant's rude invasion of his bottom.
His groans of anguish went unheeded as simultaneously Vicki and the young doctor stimulated the boy. Their hands seemed to elicit sensation from every nerve in his body as together, they began deftly milking his penis and probe and stroke over the soft pliant flesh of his prostate. He watched helplessly as the nurse leaned forward and gently took hold of his scrotum. Her cool fingers cupped the sensitive swollen orbs of his testicles in a deft and practised manner. He began to wriggle his hips in a reluctant and humiliating gyration as Vicki, in absolute synchronisation with the doctor and nurses, relentlessly stimulated the boy.
The young boy's wail of anguish signalled his approaching climax. His body shivered and shook as a plethora of delicate female fingers stimulated him to an anguished and humiliating climax. He raised his head and wailed aware of the utter humiliation of being forced to ejaculate as the nurse nonchalantly held the test-tube to the tip of his thrusting penis.
He seemed to have lost any semblance of control over his body; such was the intensity of his ejaculation. Spurt after spurt of semen entered the jar as the doctor slid her slender fingers up and down the shaft of his penis in a practised milking motion. Cleverly they prolonged his climax, almost nonchalantly using their expertise to stimulate the boy to greater heights of anguish and ecstasy. Easily they toyed with his emotions, watching him in an almost detached manner as he spurted his semen into the waiting test-tube.
Without warning, Vicki raised her hand and smacked him smartly three times across the left cheek of his bottom. Timothy's eyes opened wide in shock as he reared up, only to feel the quickening strokes of the doctor's hand over the timid flesh of his penis. He gasped in the horrible realisation of being spanked...his shame complete and overwhelming.
The shock of the smack and the smarting of his flesh allied to the quickening strokes of the doctor's hand upon his penis acted like an electric shock. His entire body being spurred onwards, becoming rigid and taut, as his muscles tensed and strained in a violent orgasm.
The doctor smiled up at Vicki, almost amused at her unusual stimulus, as she was rewarded with yet another mighty spurt of semen into the proffered glass test-tube. The second nurse stroked her hand over the young boy's back, gently but firmly pushing his shoulders back down onto the examination couch.
"There... poor baby... there now, it will all be over soon." Her words were soft and gentle as she stroked her hand over his naked body before bending her head down to his and kissing him softly on the cheek.
Both Gail and Susan moved forward to stand on either side of the nurse and began to gently stroke their hands over his back and shoulders. Their excitement was almost palpable as they felt his body shiver uncontrollably while the doctor milked the last drop of semen from his penis.
Timothy sat beside Hazel as they drove the few miles back to the house. He had not said a word but instead had listened to Hazel's admonishment in abject embarrassment and humility.
"Of course I can understand that you are embarrassed... any boy would be, but to be so tardy and slow to obey is quite beyond me."
Hazel had thought about what she was going to say well in advance and had chosen her words carefully.
"Now you would think when so many people are involved in your welfare that you would be a little more co-operative. Susan's mother, I am sure has enough work and responsibility, without her having to take on more. She has offered to help and what do you do... but be downright disobedient."
Hazel was referring to the end of the examination when Vicki had suggested that she take Timothy back to the lockers to dress. Much to his embarrassment, she had led him through the door only to be confronted by a room full of fourth form girls and their parents who had just arrived for their medical examinations. In horror, the boy had let go of Vicki's hand and had rushed back into the surgery. Both Vicki and Hazel had forcibly held his arms and marched him stark naked back through the crowded room.
He had struggled and pleaded in vain as the girls, who were still fully dressed in their school uniforms, had giggled and even pointed at the naked and blushing youth.
"Now what am I going to do with you, Timothy?"
He could not help looking at Hazel as she concentrated on the road ahead. Her exquisite face showed no emotion and yet the mere nearness of such a beautiful girl unnerved him.
"You had better make a decision... either I am going to deal with you or I am going to have to tell your mother and let her deal with you... and I am reluctant to trouble her in her present state of ill health. Well young man what is it to be?"
Hazel knew the importance of the boy's decision but was reasonably confident of what the outcome would be. She smiled to herself and felt a thrill run through her body as she thought of what the boy would have said had he known of what she had in mind for him.
"Oh, Hazel... er, miss... I mean... er please don't tell my mother. I promise to be good I really do."
"Well what about your behaviour so far, do you not think that that needs remedying you will have to learn to modify your behaviour somehow."
"I am sorry... I promise I will be obedient... but please don't tell my mother, I couldn't bear for her to know."
"Alright Timothy, I promise not to tell your mother, if you promise me that you will accept my authority in her absence." Hazel was careful to make no mention of anything specific, or indeed the actual word `punishment'.
"I promise miss... I will be good." Timothy managed to stammer as Hazel glanced at him quickly.
"In that case, we will say no more about it for the moment, now cheer up and I will make you a nice late lunch or early tea... whichever you prefer to call it."
Hazel had deliberately lightened her tone and proceeded to put the boy more at ease. She had won a small battle in getting the boy to agree to her authority and unbeknown to him her punishment of him. She patted him on the knee and smiled at him as she drove steadily down the country road.
"Now you can be the navigator and tell me in plenty of time when I should turn right or left." She watched the boy relax as they continued the journey, Making sure that he had no inkling as to what was to follow.
The journey went without further incident, Timothy relaxing and feeling far more at ease as they finally pulled into the driveway of the house.
Timothy had eaten his tea and was watching daytime television as Hazel finally finished her hour-long phone call to her mother.
She had decided to use the bedside phone in the guest room so that her conversation would be well out of earshot of the boy. During the conversation, she had leisurely painted her long fingernails bright red. She held out first one of her hands then, the other to admire as she walked to her wardrobe. Feeling relaxed and yet excited at the prospect of what was to come she changed into a white shirt, which was tightly waisted and she knew, fully accented the firmness of her breasts.
She wore no brassiere, rather choosing to let her nipples rub sensuously against the fine cotton fabric. Her skirt was a fine cotton navy pleat, the hem of which came to mid-thigh, showing off her beautifully firm and tanned legs. She completed her ensemble with a wide patent leather belt: this she knew would draw even more attention to her slender waist and full breasts.
She now carefully applied new make-up to her face before examining herself in the mirror. Bereft of false modesty she knew the effect her exquisite appearance would have on the young boy. She stepped into a delicate pair of Gucci slender high-heeled shoes and fastened the minute straps around her ankles. One last look in the mirror confirmed the effect she had been hoping for.
From her shiny black hair to the glint of the patent leather shoes, she was dressed to perfection. She stooped down and unhooked a leather belt from one of her suitcases and placed the broad safety-strap upon her bed. She twirled once more in front of the mirror, revelling in the sight that greeted her. Standing still she held her face in a stern expression before turning and walking slowly and deliberately through to the sitting room.
"Right Timothy, I have just talked to my... your auntie and she says that your mother is doing fine and feeling a lot better for a little care and attention. Now turn off that television and we will have a little chat."
Timothy had been lounging upon the settee and had turned his head almost lazily towards the sound of Hazel's voice. He was wearing his school uniform but had changed his shoes to a pair of comfortable tennis shoes. The thought of getting undressed again had been quickly dismissed from his mind.
As he saw her, he sat bolt upright, his face immediately colouring to the shade of a beetroot, her beauty and cool demeanour immediately denuding him of any semblance of self-confidence. He jumped up as if he had been stung and quickly switched off the television set. He felt strangely faint as he sat down, this time in an upright position with his hands placed primly upon the knees of his school trousers. Hazel moved to stand before him, her legs astride as she looked at his blushing face.
"Right Timothy my boy, I have reluctantly done as you requested and withheld the knowledge of your behaviour from your mother. However you must be dealt with and I intend, as your temporary guardian, to take you firmly in hand."
She watched his face turn from a deep crimson to an almost livid purple as each word deepened his utter embarrassment and total humiliation. She gave him one more cool appraising look before moving through the room and taking a hard-backed chair from beside the table where he would normally have been doing his homework at this time of day. She placed the chair in the middle of the room and sat upon it, her skirt falling around her legs to reveal even more bare thigh. She sat with her knees together, totally aware of her own beauty and the electrifying effect she was having upon the young boy's emotions.
"Right, Timothy, come and stand in front of me. Stand up straight with your hands by your sides." She waited, coolly watching as the young boy struggled to his feet and shuffled shamefaced and embarrassed to stand in front of her.
"Stand to attention and look at me while I am speaking to you. This is a serious matter and I want your full attention."
Timothy was quaking in his shoes as he managed to meet her gaze, standing straight with his arms by his sides he felt himself begin to shiver. Hazel could not have been more pleased with the effect she was having upon the young boy as she delivered her coup de grace.
"I am afraid that it has been left to me to instil in you some proper discipline and good behaviour. To make sure that I have your cooperation and compliance in the future I am going to punish you."
She felt a thrill run through her body as the young boy almost wilted under the word punishment. I am going to punish you, as all young boys need to be punished. I don't want to do it... but it is my duty to correct your behaviour before it gets out of hand. Now I hope you are going to take your punishment with good grace and without fuss. If you disobey me in any way whatsoever, I shall increase your punishment... do you understand me?"
Timothy was almost mesmerised by the combination of her beauty and her authority. He could not believe that he could feel so humiliated and embarrassed... to be punished by a young girl of such beauty... it was unthinkable...and yet here he was standing trembling and ashamed in front of her! He shook visibly as she spoke to him again. Timothy looked at her in absolute horror as she waited for his answer. This beautiful girl that he had met only yesterday, the girl he would have loved to have had been able to impress with his maturity and helpfulness, was now to punish him!
`Surely she did not mean to punish him physically...his whole body shuddered at the thought!'
He managed to stammer a reply... almost incoherently through his haze of embarrassment. "Y'y... yes miss."
"Now take off your Jacket and trousers, you had better take off your shoes and socks first. Place your clothes over the chair by the table and then come back here and stand in front of me again... oh and Timothy..." She paused, savouring the moment. "Bring me one of your tennis shoes."
`So she was to punish him physically'
Before he could protest she held up her hand.
"If you protest or plead with me, I will call your mother and tell her of your behaviour and that I am about to punish you. If you resist physically I will call Mrs Grant and Susan and ask them to help me restrain you... and I don't think you would like the embarrassment of being spanked on your bare bottom in front of them... do you? Now off you go and do as you have been instructed. You may keep your shirt and underpants on"
Timothy, blushing and trembling with abject embarrassment moved over to the table; his trembling fingers just managing to undo his shoelaces. He shivered with humiliation, aware of Hazel's stern glare as he divested himself of his clothes until he was standing in just his shirt and underpants. He felt utterly ridiculous as he bent down to pick up one of his tennis shoes. `The ignominy of having to carry one's own implement of punishment!'
His school shirt, which had long flaps at the front and back, thankfully hid his underpants from view. He returned to stand in front of her, his eyes downcast and his bottom lip quivering with embarrassment. Slowly he raised his eyes to look at her, feeling utterly foolish and small as she raised her beautifully manicured hand and took the tennis shoe from his trembling fingers. Placing it on the floor by the side of her chair, she reached forward and placed her hands on each of his hips and pulled him forward until he was standing with his knees touching hers.
Without a word, she reached under his shirt, her soft hands making him shiver as she touched his bare flesh. She slipped her fingers into the top of his underpants and deftly drew them down until the elasticised waistband was tight around his knees. Hazel knew that he would find this even more embarrassing than her having taken them off completely. He could not help watching, almost mesmerised as she pulled her skirt up until her thighs were completely bare.
"As you will have gathered, I am going to spank your bare bottom. I hope that it will be a lesson well learned. This will be the first part of your punishment only. The second part will be more of a taste of what is to come if you disobey me further."
Timothy shuddered with embarrassment and trepidation as she looked into his blushing face. She took hold of his hips once more and positioned him to her side, his feet shuffling to follow her bidding as his underpants held his knees together. Quickly, with an almost practised motion, she lifted up the front flap of his shirt and suddenly tipped his body over her knee. She heard him gasp, as in an instance; he was positioned with his head hanging down and his hands touching the floor, the right cheek of his blushing face now touching the smooth skin of her shapely calf.
He gasped once more as she opened her knees slightly, allowing his penis and testicles to hang between the firm silky flesh of her thighs. She felt a thrill run through her body as deliberately, she squeezed her knees together, holding his genitals firmly between her legs.
The baring of his bottom was done in a silent and almost ritualistic manner. He was aware of every nuance of the humiliating action, as slowly and deliberately she raised his shirt flap. Her soft fingers gently uncovered the naked cheeks of his bottom, eliciting an involuntary gasp of embarrassment from her victim as she folded the flap over so that it lay on the small of his back.
The placing of the cool palm of her hand over the very centre of his quivering bottom completed his total humiliation. The softness of her thighs was already adding another element to the unthinkable humiliation that Timothy was being subjected to.
To his horror, he felt a throb and an unwelcome swelling in his penis. It was to his utter chagrin that he realised that his penis was beginning to erect. He blushed unable to control himself or his actions; he spoke even though he had been warned not to. He just could not help pleading.
"Please er.. miss... please n no"
Hazel knew the trauma the boy must be feeling and prolonged his degradation by smoothing her hand gently over his bottom cheeks, the objects of her intended chastisement. She thrilled as she felt his penis stiffen and throb uncontrollably between her thighs. She had known that it would not be long before the softness of her skin against his freshly shaven flesh and the intimacy of his position would stimulate him to a delicious erection between her legs.
"Now take your punishment like a brave boy."
Her words were spoken softly as she picked up the tennis shoe and with an apparent cool detachment raised the soft rubber sole to shoulder height. She grasped his waist and held him tightly as she delivered the first stroke.
As the rubber shoe bit into the soft left cheek of his bottom, his body stiffened in an immediate response and a loud gasp was emitted forcibly from the back of his throat. He had no time to think or deal with the unexpected severity of the painful smack against his flesh as a second stroke landed accurately on top of the first. The sharp smack, bringing another vivid blush to the already marked flesh.
He cried out loudly, his body wriggling and shivering as Hazel took aim once more, deliberately hitting the same part of his left buttock with the third stroke. She watched as the white smooth bottom cheeks shivered and shook with the pain she was inflicting upon her helpless charge.
He screamed in pain, trying to raise his head and plead with his beautiful tormentor as she watched him, her face, not for a moment betraying the thrill she felt, as she delivered the next stroke equally hard and in the very same place.
His wail of pain and anguish did not stop but was a continuous cry as she delivered the fifth and sixth stroke, again to the very same spot upon his left buttock.
The boy was beside himself... unable to control the jerking and trembling of his body, his buttocks twitching from side to side while Hazel deliberately and methodically delivered another six strokes of the rubber tennis shoe, this time to the right cheek of his bottom, each stroke landing in the same place as the previous one. The boy was wailing incessantly, his face covered in tears as she put the tennis shoe down and placed her hand gently across both bottom cheeks.
He shuddered and wailed, trying to voice a plea for mercy but it was minutes before his voice became coherent enough for her to hear his pleading.
He sobbed and groaned as he regained some of his senses, his bottom cheeks on fire from the pain of the biting rubber shoe. Hazel watched and waited until he had regained some composure. She slipped her hand between his buttocks, her hand moving under him, feeling his erect penis and heavy testicles before she held her hand flat against his tummy. She almost lifted him to his feet as she herself stood upright.
He stood cowed and humiliated, sobbing uncontrollably as she nonchalantly unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it from his shoulders. She stooped down and drew his underpants down to his ankles. She made him lift his feet before taking them off. She noted that, even after such a painful punishment, that his penis had remained not just stiff, but fully erect.
He looked into her face, his body shaking with his sobs as she coolly looked at him, her beautiful face bearing not even a hint of a flush, in fact betraying none of the efforts she had afforded in his chastisement. He tried to clasp his hands to his genitals to hide his shameful erection. Hazel was aware of what he was trying to do and slapped his hands before he could fully cover himself.
"Hands at your sides and stand up straight."
She placed her delicate fingers under his chin and lifted his head so that his eyes met hers.
"You have three strokes to come young man. These are to show you what your pain will be like should you ever dare to disobey me again."
She watched his face crumple as he started to cry once more, the tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Turn around and spread your legs as wide as they will go, come along now we have a busy evening ahead of us."
Timothy shook and sobbed as he turned around and placed his feet as wide apart as he could, acutely aware of the humiliating view that Hazel would have of his young body.
He gasped with shame as she spoke once more. "Bend over and grasp your ankles... each time you move from that position I will add one more stroke. Now Do It!"
The sharpness of her last three words jolted him into action. She watched delighted with the sight that greeted her as he bent over, his buttocks spreading and his testicles and penis coming into full view as he grasped his ankles.
"Stay there and don't you dare move." Her voice was firm as she turned and quickly walked to the guest room, admiring herself in the mirror as she reached onto the bed for the luggage strap and doubled it, letting the long loop dangle as she walked back into the sitting room.
Timothy could not believe the humiliation he felt, bent over in the most demeaning position imaginable... like an errant schoolboy, stark naked and ashamed... awaiting the salutary punishment of a beautiful headmistress.
Hazel walked around the trembling youth, admiring his perfect form at her leisure, his body bared before her in subjugation, every part of him open and available for her to examine and touch as she wished.
She moved behind him, resisting the impulse to reach between his widely spread legs and grasp his testicles firmly... perhaps the ultimate gesture of her supremacy over him. Instead, she stood back and spoke to him firmly but not unkindly.
"These next three strokes are to demonstrate what will happen if you displease me in future. Move from that position and you will be a very sorry boy."
Leisurely and with a delicious tingling between her thighs, Hazel raised the strap and quickly brought it down to the centre of his quivering and acquiescent buttocks.
The staccato sound of the strap biting into his flesh was accompanied by a howl of pain from his trembling lips. His body shook as he fought to hold his ankles rather than to give in to the overwhelming desire to stand and clasp his hands to his burning bottom.
"Two more to go. Hold on and take your punishment now." The warning tone of her voice was accompanied by the long, almost slow motion, swishing sound of the strap descending. The leather bit into his buttocks, it's imprint of searing pain, this time delineating another red stripe of inflamed flesh lower down on the crease between buttock and thigh.
The sound of the strap was an instant staccato prolonged as the leather bit into the flesh of his bottom. This was immediately and satisfyingly followed by an abject wail of pain and despair, the muscles in his throat tightening, delineating every vein and sinew as he cried out.
The wail of pain and anguish escaped from his lips and lifted in volume as he fought to hold onto his ankles, his distress causing his whole body to shiver and shake as the fiery torment of acute concentrated pain coursed through his body.
Hazel knew that he would not be able to retain control after the next stroke, but she also knew that her purpose had been fulfilled. He was hers... his obedience at taking his punishment... his timid emotion, so apparent at her delicate touch or severe look, were evidence enough. She raised the strap and brought it down between the scarlet stripes of her first two strokes.
She thrilled at the effect of the stroke as he straightened up. It was if a red-hot poker and been pushed up into his bottom. He behaved, as she had unconsciously thought he would, his hands clasping his buttocks and his back arching towards her. His body became rigid for a moment of pure anguish before he raised his head and opened his mouth. The frozen moment in time gave way to a series of jerks and gyrations as the pain infused into every nerve of his body, the silence was broken by a strangled cry which increased in volume to a crescendo as he suddenly wailed in utter despair.
His mouth, which was now wide open, continued to emit the most plaintive of wails as he hopped around vainly trying to rid himself of the biting pain.
He continued to cry out as every vestige of self-respect washed away in a wave of utter torment.
He seemed unaware that his penis was bouncing wildly from side to side as he fought to control the searing stripe of biting torture that now seemed to have spread from his buttocks to his whole body. Hazel watched, her delight well hidden as gradually he brought himself under control. She moved across to him and took hold of his wrists and pulled his hands from his bottom. She could feel his body trembling as she held his arms out behind him and propelled him to face the corner of the room.
"You are to stand here and you are not to move or touch your bottom. Now put your hands on your head."
She lifted his arms and placed his hands on his head. She stroked her hands down his back and over his buttocks, feeling the boy flinch as her fingers traced the welts left by the belt.
"Stand with your legs apart... come along, I want your utmost obedience."
She slipped a hand between the cheeks of his bottom and moved it downwards, tapping the inside of his thighs until he had parted his legs sufficiently for her purpose. Hazel stood back and admired the sight before her. The perfect naked form of a young boy, quivering and blushing in shame and humiliation, his buttocks clenched in pain... pain that she had inflicted at her whim and pleasure. "You must stand like that until I tell you otherwise, you may use the time to reflect on your punishment and a suitable apology which you may give me when I return."
Timothy stood shaking, his bottom was on fire and yet he could feel his penis throbbing mightily as Hazel once more stroked her fingers gently over his bottom before turning away and leaving the room.
He felt utterly shamed as he stood shivering, legs apart and his hands pressed tightly to his head thinking about the events of the day. He blushed as he relived each humiliating and embarrassing moment. He could not help the tears that rolled down his cheeks, or the trembling of his lips as he thought about every detail of his ordeal, unable to shut out the plethora of images that were being replayed over and over in his mind.
It was half an hour later when Hazel approached the boy. She noted that the redness of his buttocks had receded to a mere blush, although the three marks that she had made with the strap were still quite clearly visible across the cheeks of his bottom. She stood behind him and without speaking took his wrist, making him lower his hands from his head. Still holding his wrist she led him away from the corner and upstairs to the bathroom. She noted that his face was already blushing as she stood him by the bath, which she had just filled with water.
"Get into the bath and remain standing. I want you facing me with your hands on your head and your legs apart. I have not put the strap away and I will use it on your bare little bottom if I think you are not paying attention to my instructions. Now, do as I tell you."
Hazel watched as the boy timidly took hold of the side of the bath and stepped into it. Blushing profusely he turned to face her, his face bore an expression of utter dismay as Hazel dipped her hands in the water and began to rub the soap in her hands.
"Now let's have no fussing." She said as she began to soap his legs, her gentle fingers and soft palms caressing his skin as she worked her way up to his thighs. She ignored his genitals and instead soaped his chest before moving her hands down to his tummy.
She felt him quiver and flinch as her hands moved lower, soaping the delicate and sensitive flesh just above his penis. For Timothy, the sensation was acute as her fingers moved almost sensuously over the smoothly shaven flesh above his penis. He trembled, a shudder running through his whole body as suddenly her fingers encircled his penis and pulled his foreskin back revealing the sensitive flesh beneath. He could not help jerking his hips back as she soaped behind the foreskin. He could feel his penis becoming even stiffer as she applied more soapsuds to his sensitive member. "Keep still, I am going to make sure you are thoroughly clean before I take you over to Mrs Grant's."
He could not help looking at her face as she pushed his foreskin back as far it would stretch and hold it there while she applied, even more, soapsuds to the head of his penis. He jerked involuntarily as she deftly handled him as if he were some prized animal. Seemingly she seemed to ignore the embarrassment and intimacy of the situation. His penis was throbbing with sensation, the flesh totally hard and engorged as she moved it this way and that, apparently oblivious of his acute humiliation and throbbing erection. She moved one hand from his penis and reached between his legs, her hand sliding upwards between his buttocks. He could not help jerking his body and gasping as a slender finger was suddenly pressed against the tightened muscle of his sphincter.
Without preamble she teased the orifice, probing gently but insistently until her fingertip was able to slip upwards into him.
"Argghhh." He gasped as she nonchalantly slipped her finger further upward into his anus, the soap acting as a lubricant, denying the tightening muscle of his sphincter any resistance.
"Now keep still, I shall not hesitate to take you over my knee if you are going to be naughty again."
He looked into her face, his own cheeks burning with pure embarrassment as she coolly appraised him. To be standing in front of her, legs outstretched, with her hands firmly holding his penis and penetrating his bottom was almost too much embarrassment for Timothy to bear.
"Now young man, you will have to get used to doing as you are told while I am looking after you. I am going to insist that you are properly bathed before you have your therapy; I have never known a boy make so much fuss at taking a bath. Now just stand still while I soap inside your little bottom and then I will dry you off."
Timothy endured the rest of the humiliating bath in silence. Her beauty completely overawed him as she made him look into her face while instructing him. She handled him like one would a small child, ignoring his obvious erection as if it were to be expected. Her fingers were everywhere as she dried him, prising open the cheeks of his buttocks and then making him bend forward so that she could visually examine him, before having him stand up straight before her with his hands stretched high above his head as she dried under his arms.
The final ignominy was almost too much for Timothy to bear as she took him through to the bedroom and instructed him to lie on the bed.
"Now I want you to lay on your back with your legs open like this." She moved his legs until his knees were wide apart.
"That's the way, stretch them wider so you can put the soles of your feet together."
Her gentle touch helped him position himself to her satisfaction. Timothy tried to turn his head away in shame as he lay looking down at himself with his knees widely spread and the soles of his feet pressed together. His shame knew no bounds as he looked at his erect penis standing upwards from between his widely parted thighs. He could not help looking at the beautiful girl as she bent over him as if he were a baby.
He watched her every move as she took a plastic container of talcum powder and sprinkled it over his genitals. He shivered as she casually rubbed it around his penis and over his testicles. Finally, to his horror, she lifted his legs, bending his body backwards and sprinkled the powder over his bottom, before rubbing it in, her hand moving almost sensuously over the cheeks of his buttocks.
Timothy was wide-eyed with surprise and embarrassment as she continued to treat him as if he were her baby.
"Now you stay there, while I find something loose to dress you in before I take you over to Mrs Grant. She leaned forward, her beautiful face touching his as she kissed him gently on the cheek. Timothy could not believe the rapture he felt as her soft lips touched his face, he was totally under her spell as she straightened up and stood back examining his naked body.
It was around ten minutes later that Hazel re-entered the bedroom. She was delighted to see that not only had Timothy stayed in the position she had left him in with his legs spread well apart and his hands down by his sides. Timothy, rather than trying to cover himself, turned his head away in embarrassment and blushed a deep beetroot red. She laid the tee-shirt and gym shorts, she had found in his chest of drawers, neatly down on the chair beside the bed.
She spoke softly and lovingly to him as she laid a hand softly on his forehead and gently turned his head back towards her. He blushed again as his eyes met hers; she could clearly see a look of love and supplication as she laid her other hand on his tummy. She could feel his naked body tremble as she stroked her hand delicately over his tummy, her slender fingers brushing over his smoothly shaven pubis.
She lowered her head and whispered to him.
"Your punishment period is over now so stand up a moment and let me sit down,"
She helped him to sit upright and then to stand by the bed. Sitting down with her pretty knees pressed together, she took the boy by the waist. Her delicate fingers played havoc with his emotions as she guided him so that he was sitting on her knees. His bare bottom was soft against her firm thighs, as she positioned him sideways across her shapely legs, his knees spread well apart.
She pulled his head to her firm pliant breasts before deliberately and slowly stroking her hand down over his chest tracing her fingers lower and lower over his tummy, before delicately taking the soft flesh of his penis between her finger and thumb. She heard him gasp as she tightened the hand that was around his waist and at the same time moved her fingers around his penis so that his foreskin was pulled back, revealing the intimate flesh beneath. She moved her head and kissed him tenderly on the cheek before whispering softly to him.
"Poor... poor Timothy! Did I hurt you very much when I had to smack your bare bottom? You were a naughty boy... and naughty boys have to have their little bottoms chastised when they have been silly and disobedient."
Her soft voice and gentle touch were too much for Timothy. He felt tears well up in his eyes... and to his horror, his penis began to throb, pulsing strongly between her finger and thumb. Hazel continued to stroke the turgid flesh of his penis, her slender finger and thumb delicately and sensuously arousing the captive flesh. So subtle and effective was her touch that she felt the boy shudder as his penis began to throb uncontrollably.
Timothy could not help himself from looking down at the slender fingers holding his most intimate part. Her red painted nails contrasted starkly against the virgin white flesh of his penis. He could feel the firm mounds of her breasts beneath the silkiness of her blouse as his cheek pressed against her. He sighed, his mouth open in rapture as she aroused him.
Hazel knew that the boy would ejaculate soon if she did not stop. She let go of his penis and turned his head towards her own. With an almost reverent tenderness, she closed her lips over his. Moving her tongue slowly and sensuously between his parted lips, she kissed him deeply. She could feel his young body tremble with emotion as she moved her head away and looked at him. At last... the look she had waited and worked for... there so obvious and innocently displayed... the look of surrender and supplication.
On and on it went until the last spurts of semen were drained from him. His back arched one final time before he fell back on the bed exhausted. His chest heaved for breath as the nurse milked the last few globules in an upward motion from the very base of his penis, watching as the very last drop escaped into the glass test tube. She gently let go of his penis and placed the oxygen mask over his face.
Simultaneously the doctor slowly and gently slipped her finger from his bottom and patted his penis gently.
"That's a good boy Timothy, you have done very well. We are going to let you rest for a while now."
Timothy sucked at the rich air. His mind and body were in turmoil. He had never imagined that he could have experienced such feelings. He could feel his heart beating within his chest. He could, he imagined, feel every inch of his skin, and still impossibly feel their hands roaming over every inch of his body.
Paramount to all these feelings was the utter humiliation he felt. He knew that his face was as red as a beetroot. Not just with the physical and overwhelming experience of his first ejaculatory orgasm but with the already deeply carved humiliation, that he had suffered at the hands of his cousin and the doctor and nurses.
These feelings had been made even acuter by the presence of Susan and her mother and of course the head girl, Gail.
They had not only heard him have his bottom smacked in public, but had also witnessed his nakedness and humiliation, being made to stand with his hands clasped behind his head, unable to stop his penis from erecting in front of them. Now they had witnessed his utter shame as he had been made to reluctantly ejaculate. He shivered again at the thought of the utter humiliation of recent events, his young body shaking visibly.
Had he known or been able to foresee the events that would follow, he might well have died of shame and humiliation. Or even had he been able to hear the conversation centred around the doctor's desk his unease would have been multiplied tenfold.
Both Hazel and Vicki were seated in front of the doctor. Susan and Gail had gone back to their seats rather hurriedly as the proceedings with Timothy had finished. Although they were sat some way away from the desk they could hear the conversation quite clearly.
Lucy Ashcroft was, without doubt, one of the brightest young doctor's that visited to take school medicals. But there was much more to Lucy's persona than mere skill and efficiency. She had realised for some time that her leanings towards an authoritarian management of young boys had been hidden and recessed in the back of her mind. That was until she had been appointed to carry out the medical examinations of young school teenagers. She had however discovered that only the most physically perfect would excite her. In Timothy, she had found the most perfectly proportioned young boy she had ever seen. His young body had delighted her more than she thought possible as she had thrust her finger up into his bottom. His naïve reactions and utter distress had sent thrill after thrill through her body.
She knew that she had experienced great sexual pleasure from the morning events and was already planning to repeat the episode. Not for her the pimply, greasy skinned adolescents that she had to deal with from time to time. For her, it was the huge significance that she had actually experienced the pleasure of toying with the emotions and physically exploring the body of the most perfect young male individual she had ever seen.
Her thoughts turned to her college friend who was now operating her own private IVF clinic in London as well as several days a month at Lucy's own private practice in town. A quiet and hugely successful establishment that relied upon, apart from the necessary skills, what she now held in her hand; a test-tube full of the reluctant emission of the perfect donor she had ever seen.
Lucy looked at Hazel and Vicki Grant and held up the test-tube.
"I have never seen such an amount ever... and from one emission. He must obviously have been in physical discomfort as well as the emotional one of not daring to masturbate. I think we have an obligation to the boy to make sure that he is well managed over the next few weeks."
She looked thoughtful for a moment before continuing.
"I don't know how you both feel but I think it would be wrong of us to set him on a course of masturbatory habits at his age. Apart from the clandestine and furtive approach young boys seem to have to this activity, it can be physically damaging to the penis. The penis can become bent and malformed with vigorous and constant masturbation. Therefore I propose that we keep it on a supervisory and clinical basis as we have already discussed. There is one other thing - and that is that I would rather like a colleague of mine in London to see him at some time, a second opinion is always welcome."
Lucy smiled at Hazel and Vicki as she stood up from behind her desk and placed the test-tube in a holder.
"Would you like me to have a word with his mother and tell her what I am proposing? I think it would be best if she was kept informed right from the start."
Hazel spoke, her voice confident and steady. Although she was only nineteen years old, her confidence and manner were of a much more mature woman.
"I will ring my mother tonight and tell her of the events so far. We have a relationship as such, that I can easily talk to her about such things, I am sure that she will be able to talk to his mother, my aunt, and explain what the poor boy has been going through."
Hazel thought to herself, that what he had gone through would be nothing to what she was going to do to him. She had thrilled at the boy's humiliation and her total dominance of him, where at a whim she could play with his body as she wished.
Susan and Gail had been sitting quietly listening to the conversation. Susan had known for some time that Timothy's popularity with her and her mother had not been just for his practical usefulness with the various jobs he had done for them. She remembered when he had once been emptying a pail of water, that he had wet his shirt and shorts so much so that they were wringing wet.
Her mother had instantly rushed to the boy and started pulling his shirt from his body with which she succeeded, however, when she had tried to pull his trousers down, he had resisted and quickly elected to return home in the sodden garments. Susan thought then that her mother had been rather keen to divest the boy of his clothes, however well-intentioned her motives.
What had surprised Susan more today was that her mother had seen nothing untoward in Susan seeing the boy in all his nakedness - and that in fact she had encouraged Susan and Gail to go and talk to him while he was being made to stand naked with his hands on his head, obviously knowing that his penis and testicles would be completely on display for the girls to see.
Susan spoke;
"Mummy, will Timothy be alright now, I just heard him moaning, he seemed to be very distressed while you were with him in there."
Vicki Grant smiled at her daughter and before answering her question, looked at the young doctor.
"Will it be alright for Susan to see Timmy for a moment? Susan seems a little concerned about him... and of course, she is a going to have to babysit him while his mother is away if Hazel needs a night off, which I am sure she will."
The doctor smiled at Vicki, understanding immediately the implications of what she was asking.
Hazel almost chuckled at Vicki.
"That sounds a nice idea... I mean the night off; are you proposing to show me the bright lights of this agricultural county?"
Vicki laughed; "Well I thought I might take you out for a meal while you are here and perhaps the theatre afterwards... there is a good rep company here."
The doctor answered Vicki's question;
"But of course Vicki, How remiss of me. I think it would be very sweet of you girls if you were to go in there and keep him company. I am going to extract some more semen from him and then measure his testicles. He has been in quite some discomfort I imagine, but I am sure that he is going to be much better in a few days."
Susan looked at Gail, the mischievousness in her eyes made the head girl smile as Susan took her hand.
"Come on Gail, let's go and cheer him up."
Susan led Gail through the gap in the screens. Both Susan and Gail stood and stared at the sight that greeted them. The boy's body was raised up as if in supplication, his bottom supported upwards off the bed and spread open by slim clear plastic pads. His legs were fastened high in the air and his hands were loosely restrained above his head on the padded surface of the examination couch.
He looked at the two girls as they entered and groaned. Both nurses were standing at the side of the bed as the girls entered the screened-off area. The dark haired nurse smiled at the young girls and spoke.
"He seems to have recovered from his little ordeal."
She looked at his penis that was now hanging down between his legs and saw a globule of clear liquid, which had emerged from the tip of the urethra.
The nurse took a gauze pad from the instrument trolley and moved between his legs, gently lifting his penis she wiped the moist teardrop of liquid from the opening. Susan watched Timothy turn his faceaway from the girls in shame. He blushed, his cheeks colouring immediately into a bright red hue. Susan moved to his side and took his burning face in her hands;
"Don't worry Timmy, the doctor says you will be feeling a lot better in a few days. Mummy and Hazel are going to milk you every day to make sure that you don't get... erm, big balls again."
Gail nearly laughed out loud as Susan described his condition so innocently. Her amused expression was not lost on Timothy as Gail bent right over him, her firm breasts pressing against his chest as she looked into his eyes.
"Are you feeling better now Timothy?"
He could hardly bring himself to answer as he looked into the beautiful faces of the two girls. He was aware that their soft hands were placed casually on his chest as they looked at him with expressions of concern. He could barely stammer an answer, as Gail casually placed her other hand on his lower tummy and moved it downwards over his freshly shaven pubic area
"Er... erm... yes... err miss... "
Timothy did not know what to say... his embarrassment increasing with every moment as the girls looked at him their hands gently stroking over his body. Gail looked at the nurse and spoke sweetly.
"Have his testicles reduced in size much? The test-tube the doctor had looked really full."
The nurse almost nonchalantly moved around to stand in-between the boys widely spread legs.
"Come and have a look, you can see that the scrotum is no longer stretched and that they seem to be hanging normally. They are very large for a boy of his age, but you can see even though he is not erect that his penis is well developed too. Some boy's do develop early, but even so, his penis is unusually large."
To Timothy's horror, he felt the nurse lift his testicles and take hold of his penis. He could not help but look down at himself as the nurse spoke once more.
"Take them in the palm of your hand, you can feel the weight of them, you will notice if you roll them between your fingers, that they are now able to move freely in the scrotal sac."
The nurse casually held his penis upwards so that Gail had completely free access to his testicles. Timothy groaned in anguish as Gail gently lifted his testicles and moved the softballs around in her hand. He could not believe that such a thing was happening as Susan spoke.
"Let me have a feel, they look awfully large."
She too moved to stand between the boy's legs. Timothy's mind was in turmoil, his embarrassment like a wave washing over him as he felt the nurse let go of his tingling penis and her soft hand stroke over the sensitive skin between his legs, feeling his testicles being gently lowered as Gail let them hang freely between his legs.
He was in anguish as his humiliation continued. Gail spoke sweetly to her friend.
"I will hold his penis for you so that you can lift his testicles. They feel very soft and delicate."
Timothy sighed in utter embarrassment as Susan took his sensitive scrotum in her cool fingers; her touch was soft and sensuous as she moved the soft orbs to and fro within their sac. Worse still he felt his penis throb as Gail delicately took it between her finger and thumb.
Not content with holding the tumescent flesh, he felt her slide his foreskin back down the shaft. The cool air of the examination room was apparent against the unprotected flesh, fully accenting his rude exposure.
He groaned inwardly as he felt his penis throb involuntarily. To his horror, it seemed to be becoming erect. He groaned in utter anguish as he felt it began to pulse and stiffen as her delicate fingers nonchalantly encouraged and stimulated the sensitive skin. He tried to pull back as her thumb casually rubbed over the sensitive rim of the glans. Both Gail and Susan looked at each other as they let go of him, almost giggling as they left him with his penis completely erect and standing straight up between his legs. The nurse smiled as she saw the effect the girl's hands had had upon the young boy.
"Well girls, he obviously doesn't seem to need a lot of encouragement, does he? You might as well help us turn him for the doctor, He seems to be rested enough."
The nurses experienced hands soon had the boy released from the confines of the apparatus and laid flat on the bed with his legs hanging over the end.
"Right young man," the young nurse said brightly to Timothy: "Let's have you over on your tummy, I want you up on your hands and knees."
The nurse was perfectly aware that the boy would not be able to turn over with his penis so stiff and erect. So, as he groaned in embarrassment at their positioning of him, the nurse casually took hold of his penis and at the same time gestured to the other nurse, as well as Susan and Gail, to help him up onto his knees.
Their hands were everywhere, under his tummy, between his legs and buttocks as they positioned him upon the examination bed. His final humiliation was when he was forced to rest his head on his hands and lay with his elbows flat on the bed to each side of his head.
His knees had been spread wide with his bottom high in the air and his testicles hanging freely between his legs. His penis was jutting forward under his tummy with the tip almost touching his stomach well above his navel.
Both Susan and Gail were absolutely delighted with his new position. Susan instinctively ran her hand over his buttocks, marvelling at how vulnerable the boy was positioned.
Gail looked at Susan, her beautiful lips set in a wide smile that showed her perfect white and glistening teeth. She could not have explained her excitement at having a young boy so completely exposed and humiliated before her. Of course, there was the curiosity of being able to examine a young boy so intimately; but her enjoyment and excitement at his humiliation were a revelation to her. Gail was also aware that her feelings were very much echoed by her friend Susan - and as she quickly glanced across at her friend, she could see a similar sexual excitement written clearly across her face.
Rather than dismiss her feelings or try to hide them, Gail was confident enough to explore them and felt no embarrassment at all in perhaps exposing her newly acquired desires. She spoke to Susan, her words really intended for the young boy so rudely exposed before her.
"It is a good job that young Timothy here is being well behaved, he is in a most suitable position to have his little bottom smacked."
Delivered with the sentence was a light tap on his upturned bottom, her delicate fingers immediately stroking over the quivering cheeks of his buttocks where she had smacked him.
Gail looked at his face to see the effect her words had had upon him, the deep blush to his cheeks immediately rewarded her. His bottom lip had begun to quiver and his eyes had a look of anguish as he turned his head to look over his shoulder at the young and beautiful head girl.
It was the nurse who put a stop to his embarrassment, at least for the time being, by addressing both Susan and Gail. Her voice was soft and gentle although she was smiling at the obvious pleasure that the girls were experiencing as they examined the boy.
"Poor Timothy is quite embarrassed by all your attention and... I think it is perhaps time for the doctor to see him again. If you would like to go through and tell her that he is ready."
She raised her eyebrows in a questioning look to which both Gail and Susan, rather disappointedly, obeyed.
"Bye Timothy," Susan said as she turned and walked with Gail through the gap in the screens to the first part of the room.
Timothy was in turmoil; his body was shaking with pure anguish and deep-rooted embarrassment. It had been several years since anyone had seen his body completely naked, apart from the communal showers after sports lessons while at school. He had jealously guarded his privacy and had avoided situations even where he would have had to take his shirt off in front of a female unless it was at the swimming pool or the beach.
He looked up at the nurses as they stood beside him, their starched uniforms touching his body as they leaned over him to adjust his position. He blushed as one of the nurses smiled at him before touching the inside of his thigh and indicating that he should position his knees even more widely.
He was acutely aware that his penis was erect and that it was in plain view for all to see between his widely spread thighs. He looked back and watched as one of them took a tube of lubricant from the trolley and unscrewed the cap. Subconsciously he contracted the muscles of his sphincter, shuddering involuntarily at the thought of her gentle fingers invading his bottom.
Suddenly he was aware that the nurses were standing more to attention and looking over his body towards the other part of the room. He could not help groan as his eyes followed theirs to the procession of people that were walking towards him. He was acutely aware of his humiliating and vulnerable position as he knelt helplessly upon the examination table.
"Well Timothy, let's see what we can manage this time shall we. Now be a good boy and try and relax your bottom a bit more this time."
Timothy groaned not just at the embarrassing and intimate nature of what the doctor had just said but also at the fact that both Susan and Gail had followed the doctor and Susan's mother into the screened area. He tried to turn his head away as both Susan and Gail looked him in the eye, but was halted by the doctor's next words.
"I want you to listen to what I say and follow my instructions, do you understand me, Timothy?"
He blushed immediately at the authoritative tone of the young female doctor as she laid a hand gently on the cheeks of his bottom.
"Now relax please, there's a good boy."
Her words were followed by a couple of gentle pats on his bottom as in horror he watched, not the doctor, but Mrs Grant takes the lubricant from the nurse and gently placed her soft hand on his bottom.
"Now Timmy, be a good boy and relax, I promise I won't hurt you."
Vicki Grant's voice was soft and soothing as she gently pressed her hand between his widely spread buttocks and applied a cool gel to his upturned bottom. Her fingers delicately sliding over his delicate flesh until her fingertips rested against the tightly closed rosebud of his sphincter. He shuddered as deftly she inserted the tip of her finger. Vicky watched the young boy's flesh almost quake with sensation as she deliberately slid her finger all the way up into his bottom.
Susan looked at Gail, both girls visibly excited as they watched the boy being rudely impaled by a slender finger. "There's a good boy," Vicki said as she rotated her finger until she was able to agitate the boy's sensitive prostate gland.
Timothy could do nothing but groan, his face showing the anguish and humiliation he was feeling.
"Now be a good boy for the doctor. You wouldn't want to make a fuss in front of Susan and Gail now would you?"
Timothy looked over his shoulder in abject dismay at Mrs Grant, feeling her finger move sensuously over his prostate gland. He watched almost mesmerised with fear and trepidation as the doctor moved to his side and sat on a stool before reaching underneath him. Her fingers gently wrapped around his erect penis enveloping him in a firm grasp, as one of the nurses lifted up a test tube from the trolley and rolled one of the smart leather covered stools so that she could sit at the other side of him.
He was acutely aware of the magnitude of his humiliation as he watched both Gail and Susan position themselves behind the second nurse. He was almost beside himself with embarrassment, as the girls looked at him, acutely aware that the nurse had moved closer and was gently stroking his burning cheek as if he was a baby.
Suddenly and involuntarily, his body jerked as he felt the doctor deftly squeeze his penis and quickly draw the foreskin back until it was stretched tight, exposing him fully to the interested gaze of both Gail and Susan.
He groaned as he felt the doctor let the palm of her other hand rub over the sensitive opening of his penis. As if on queue, a second finger was suddenly slipped up into his bottom; his widely parted buttocks and the slipperiness of the lubricant affording him no resistance Mrs Grant's rude invasion of his bottom.
His groans of anguish went unheeded as simultaneously Vicki and the young doctor stimulated the boy. Their hands seemed to elicit sensation from every nerve in his body as together, they began deftly milking his penis and probe and stroke over the soft pliant flesh of his prostate. He watched helplessly as the nurse leaned forward and gently took hold of his scrotum. Her cool fingers cupped the sensitive swollen orbs of his testicles in a deft and practised manner. He began to wriggle his hips in a reluctant and humiliating gyration as Vicki, in absolute synchronisation with the doctor and nurses, relentlessly stimulated the boy.
The young boy's wail of anguish signalled his approaching climax. His body shivered and shook as a plethora of delicate female fingers stimulated him to an anguished and humiliating climax. He raised his head and wailed aware of the utter humiliation of being forced to ejaculate as the nurse nonchalantly held the test-tube to the tip of his thrusting penis.
He seemed to have lost any semblance of control over his body; such was the intensity of his ejaculation. Spurt after spurt of semen entered the jar as the doctor slid her slender fingers up and down the shaft of his penis in a practised milking motion. Cleverly they prolonged his climax, almost nonchalantly using their expertise to stimulate the boy to greater heights of anguish and ecstasy. Easily they toyed with his emotions, watching him in an almost detached manner as he spurted his semen into the waiting test-tube.
Without warning, Vicki raised her hand and smacked him smartly three times across the left cheek of his bottom. Timothy's eyes opened wide in shock as he reared up, only to feel the quickening strokes of the doctor's hand over the timid flesh of his penis. He gasped in the horrible realisation of being spanked...his shame complete and overwhelming.
The shock of the smack and the smarting of his flesh allied to the quickening strokes of the doctor's hand upon his penis acted like an electric shock. His entire body being spurred onwards, becoming rigid and taut, as his muscles tensed and strained in a violent orgasm.
The doctor smiled up at Vicki, almost amused at her unusual stimulus, as she was rewarded with yet another mighty spurt of semen into the proffered glass test-tube. The second nurse stroked her hand over the young boy's back, gently but firmly pushing his shoulders back down onto the examination couch.
"There... poor baby... there now, it will all be over soon." Her words were soft and gentle as she stroked her hand over his naked body before bending her head down to his and kissing him softly on the cheek.
Both Gail and Susan moved forward to stand on either side of the nurse and began to gently stroke their hands over his back and shoulders. Their excitement was almost palpable as they felt his body shiver uncontrollably while the doctor milked the last drop of semen from his penis.
Timothy sat beside Hazel as they drove the few miles back to the house. He had not said a word but instead had listened to Hazel's admonishment in abject embarrassment and humility.
"Of course I can understand that you are embarrassed... any boy would be, but to be so tardy and slow to obey is quite beyond me."
Hazel had thought about what she was going to say well in advance and had chosen her words carefully.
"Now you would think when so many people are involved in your welfare that you would be a little more co-operative. Susan's mother, I am sure has enough work and responsibility, without her having to take on more. She has offered to help and what do you do... but be downright disobedient."
Hazel was referring to the end of the examination when Vicki had suggested that she take Timothy back to the lockers to dress. Much to his embarrassment, she had led him through the door only to be confronted by a room full of fourth form girls and their parents who had just arrived for their medical examinations. In horror, the boy had let go of Vicki's hand and had rushed back into the surgery. Both Vicki and Hazel had forcibly held his arms and marched him stark naked back through the crowded room.
He had struggled and pleaded in vain as the girls, who were still fully dressed in their school uniforms, had giggled and even pointed at the naked and blushing youth.
"Now what am I going to do with you, Timothy?"
He could not help looking at Hazel as she concentrated on the road ahead. Her exquisite face showed no emotion and yet the mere nearness of such a beautiful girl unnerved him.
"You had better make a decision... either I am going to deal with you or I am going to have to tell your mother and let her deal with you... and I am reluctant to trouble her in her present state of ill health. Well young man what is it to be?"
Hazel knew the importance of the boy's decision but was reasonably confident of what the outcome would be. She smiled to herself and felt a thrill run through her body as she thought of what the boy would have said had he known of what she had in mind for him.
"Oh, Hazel... er, miss... I mean... er please don't tell my mother. I promise to be good I really do."
"Well what about your behaviour so far, do you not think that that needs remedying you will have to learn to modify your behaviour somehow."
"I am sorry... I promise I will be obedient... but please don't tell my mother, I couldn't bear for her to know."
"Alright Timothy, I promise not to tell your mother, if you promise me that you will accept my authority in her absence." Hazel was careful to make no mention of anything specific, or indeed the actual word `punishment'.
"I promise miss... I will be good." Timothy managed to stammer as Hazel glanced at him quickly.
"In that case, we will say no more about it for the moment, now cheer up and I will make you a nice late lunch or early tea... whichever you prefer to call it."
Hazel had deliberately lightened her tone and proceeded to put the boy more at ease. She had won a small battle in getting the boy to agree to her authority and unbeknown to him her punishment of him. She patted him on the knee and smiled at him as she drove steadily down the country road.
"Now you can be the navigator and tell me in plenty of time when I should turn right or left." She watched the boy relax as they continued the journey, Making sure that he had no inkling as to what was to follow.
The journey went without further incident, Timothy relaxing and feeling far more at ease as they finally pulled into the driveway of the house.
Timothy had eaten his tea and was watching daytime television as Hazel finally finished her hour-long phone call to her mother.
She had decided to use the bedside phone in the guest room so that her conversation would be well out of earshot of the boy. During the conversation, she had leisurely painted her long fingernails bright red. She held out first one of her hands then, the other to admire as she walked to her wardrobe. Feeling relaxed and yet excited at the prospect of what was to come she changed into a white shirt, which was tightly waisted and she knew, fully accented the firmness of her breasts.
She wore no brassiere, rather choosing to let her nipples rub sensuously against the fine cotton fabric. Her skirt was a fine cotton navy pleat, the hem of which came to mid-thigh, showing off her beautifully firm and tanned legs. She completed her ensemble with a wide patent leather belt: this she knew would draw even more attention to her slender waist and full breasts.
She now carefully applied new make-up to her face before examining herself in the mirror. Bereft of false modesty she knew the effect her exquisite appearance would have on the young boy. She stepped into a delicate pair of Gucci slender high-heeled shoes and fastened the minute straps around her ankles. One last look in the mirror confirmed the effect she had been hoping for.
From her shiny black hair to the glint of the patent leather shoes, she was dressed to perfection. She stooped down and unhooked a leather belt from one of her suitcases and placed the broad safety-strap upon her bed. She twirled once more in front of the mirror, revelling in the sight that greeted her. Standing still she held her face in a stern expression before turning and walking slowly and deliberately through to the sitting room.
"Right Timothy, I have just talked to my... your auntie and she says that your mother is doing fine and feeling a lot better for a little care and attention. Now turn off that television and we will have a little chat."
Timothy had been lounging upon the settee and had turned his head almost lazily towards the sound of Hazel's voice. He was wearing his school uniform but had changed his shoes to a pair of comfortable tennis shoes. The thought of getting undressed again had been quickly dismissed from his mind.
As he saw her, he sat bolt upright, his face immediately colouring to the shade of a beetroot, her beauty and cool demeanour immediately denuding him of any semblance of self-confidence. He jumped up as if he had been stung and quickly switched off the television set. He felt strangely faint as he sat down, this time in an upright position with his hands placed primly upon the knees of his school trousers. Hazel moved to stand before him, her legs astride as she looked at his blushing face.
"Right Timothy my boy, I have reluctantly done as you requested and withheld the knowledge of your behaviour from your mother. However you must be dealt with and I intend, as your temporary guardian, to take you firmly in hand."
She watched his face turn from a deep crimson to an almost livid purple as each word deepened his utter embarrassment and total humiliation. She gave him one more cool appraising look before moving through the room and taking a hard-backed chair from beside the table where he would normally have been doing his homework at this time of day. She placed the chair in the middle of the room and sat upon it, her skirt falling around her legs to reveal even more bare thigh. She sat with her knees together, totally aware of her own beauty and the electrifying effect she was having upon the young boy's emotions.
"Right, Timothy, come and stand in front of me. Stand up straight with your hands by your sides." She waited, coolly watching as the young boy struggled to his feet and shuffled shamefaced and embarrassed to stand in front of her.
"Stand to attention and look at me while I am speaking to you. This is a serious matter and I want your full attention."
Timothy was quaking in his shoes as he managed to meet her gaze, standing straight with his arms by his sides he felt himself begin to shiver. Hazel could not have been more pleased with the effect she was having upon the young boy as she delivered her coup de grace.
"I am afraid that it has been left to me to instil in you some proper discipline and good behaviour. To make sure that I have your cooperation and compliance in the future I am going to punish you."
She felt a thrill run through her body as the young boy almost wilted under the word punishment. I am going to punish you, as all young boys need to be punished. I don't want to do it... but it is my duty to correct your behaviour before it gets out of hand. Now I hope you are going to take your punishment with good grace and without fuss. If you disobey me in any way whatsoever, I shall increase your punishment... do you understand me?"
Timothy was almost mesmerised by the combination of her beauty and her authority. He could not believe that he could feel so humiliated and embarrassed... to be punished by a young girl of such beauty... it was unthinkable...and yet here he was standing trembling and ashamed in front of her! He shook visibly as she spoke to him again. Timothy looked at her in absolute horror as she waited for his answer. This beautiful girl that he had met only yesterday, the girl he would have loved to have had been able to impress with his maturity and helpfulness, was now to punish him!
`Surely she did not mean to punish him physically...his whole body shuddered at the thought!'
He managed to stammer a reply... almost incoherently through his haze of embarrassment. "Y'y... yes miss."
"Now take off your Jacket and trousers, you had better take off your shoes and socks first. Place your clothes over the chair by the table and then come back here and stand in front of me again... oh and Timothy..." She paused, savouring the moment. "Bring me one of your tennis shoes."
`So she was to punish him physically'
Before he could protest she held up her hand.
"If you protest or plead with me, I will call your mother and tell her of your behaviour and that I am about to punish you. If you resist physically I will call Mrs Grant and Susan and ask them to help me restrain you... and I don't think you would like the embarrassment of being spanked on your bare bottom in front of them... do you? Now off you go and do as you have been instructed. You may keep your shirt and underpants on"
Timothy, blushing and trembling with abject embarrassment moved over to the table; his trembling fingers just managing to undo his shoelaces. He shivered with humiliation, aware of Hazel's stern glare as he divested himself of his clothes until he was standing in just his shirt and underpants. He felt utterly ridiculous as he bent down to pick up one of his tennis shoes. `The ignominy of having to carry one's own implement of punishment!'
His school shirt, which had long flaps at the front and back, thankfully hid his underpants from view. He returned to stand in front of her, his eyes downcast and his bottom lip quivering with embarrassment. Slowly he raised his eyes to look at her, feeling utterly foolish and small as she raised her beautifully manicured hand and took the tennis shoe from his trembling fingers. Placing it on the floor by the side of her chair, she reached forward and placed her hands on each of his hips and pulled him forward until he was standing with his knees touching hers.
Without a word, she reached under his shirt, her soft hands making him shiver as she touched his bare flesh. She slipped her fingers into the top of his underpants and deftly drew them down until the elasticised waistband was tight around his knees. Hazel knew that he would find this even more embarrassing than her having taken them off completely. He could not help watching, almost mesmerised as she pulled her skirt up until her thighs were completely bare.
"As you will have gathered, I am going to spank your bare bottom. I hope that it will be a lesson well learned. This will be the first part of your punishment only. The second part will be more of a taste of what is to come if you disobey me further."
Timothy shuddered with embarrassment and trepidation as she looked into his blushing face. She took hold of his hips once more and positioned him to her side, his feet shuffling to follow her bidding as his underpants held his knees together. Quickly, with an almost practised motion, she lifted up the front flap of his shirt and suddenly tipped his body over her knee. She heard him gasp, as in an instance; he was positioned with his head hanging down and his hands touching the floor, the right cheek of his blushing face now touching the smooth skin of her shapely calf.
He gasped once more as she opened her knees slightly, allowing his penis and testicles to hang between the firm silky flesh of her thighs. She felt a thrill run through her body as deliberately, she squeezed her knees together, holding his genitals firmly between her legs.
The baring of his bottom was done in a silent and almost ritualistic manner. He was aware of every nuance of the humiliating action, as slowly and deliberately she raised his shirt flap. Her soft fingers gently uncovered the naked cheeks of his bottom, eliciting an involuntary gasp of embarrassment from her victim as she folded the flap over so that it lay on the small of his back.
The placing of the cool palm of her hand over the very centre of his quivering bottom completed his total humiliation. The softness of her thighs was already adding another element to the unthinkable humiliation that Timothy was being subjected to.
To his horror, he felt a throb and an unwelcome swelling in his penis. It was to his utter chagrin that he realised that his penis was beginning to erect. He blushed unable to control himself or his actions; he spoke even though he had been warned not to. He just could not help pleading.
"Please er.. miss... please n no"
Hazel knew the trauma the boy must be feeling and prolonged his degradation by smoothing her hand gently over his bottom cheeks, the objects of her intended chastisement. She thrilled as she felt his penis stiffen and throb uncontrollably between her thighs. She had known that it would not be long before the softness of her skin against his freshly shaven flesh and the intimacy of his position would stimulate him to a delicious erection between her legs.
"Now take your punishment like a brave boy."
Her words were spoken softly as she picked up the tennis shoe and with an apparent cool detachment raised the soft rubber sole to shoulder height. She grasped his waist and held him tightly as she delivered the first stroke.
As the rubber shoe bit into the soft left cheek of his bottom, his body stiffened in an immediate response and a loud gasp was emitted forcibly from the back of his throat. He had no time to think or deal with the unexpected severity of the painful smack against his flesh as a second stroke landed accurately on top of the first. The sharp smack, bringing another vivid blush to the already marked flesh.
He cried out loudly, his body wriggling and shivering as Hazel took aim once more, deliberately hitting the same part of his left buttock with the third stroke. She watched as the white smooth bottom cheeks shivered and shook with the pain she was inflicting upon her helpless charge.
He screamed in pain, trying to raise his head and plead with his beautiful tormentor as she watched him, her face, not for a moment betraying the thrill she felt, as she delivered the next stroke equally hard and in the very same place.
His wail of pain and anguish did not stop but was a continuous cry as she delivered the fifth and sixth stroke, again to the very same spot upon his left buttock.
The boy was beside himself... unable to control the jerking and trembling of his body, his buttocks twitching from side to side while Hazel deliberately and methodically delivered another six strokes of the rubber tennis shoe, this time to the right cheek of his bottom, each stroke landing in the same place as the previous one. The boy was wailing incessantly, his face covered in tears as she put the tennis shoe down and placed her hand gently across both bottom cheeks.
He shuddered and wailed, trying to voice a plea for mercy but it was minutes before his voice became coherent enough for her to hear his pleading.
He sobbed and groaned as he regained some of his senses, his bottom cheeks on fire from the pain of the biting rubber shoe. Hazel watched and waited until he had regained some composure. She slipped her hand between his buttocks, her hand moving under him, feeling his erect penis and heavy testicles before she held her hand flat against his tummy. She almost lifted him to his feet as she herself stood upright.
He stood cowed and humiliated, sobbing uncontrollably as she nonchalantly unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it from his shoulders. She stooped down and drew his underpants down to his ankles. She made him lift his feet before taking them off. She noted that, even after such a painful punishment, that his penis had remained not just stiff, but fully erect.
He looked into her face, his body shaking with his sobs as she coolly looked at him, her beautiful face bearing not even a hint of a flush, in fact betraying none of the efforts she had afforded in his chastisement. He tried to clasp his hands to his genitals to hide his shameful erection. Hazel was aware of what he was trying to do and slapped his hands before he could fully cover himself.
"Hands at your sides and stand up straight."
She placed her delicate fingers under his chin and lifted his head so that his eyes met hers.
"You have three strokes to come young man. These are to show you what your pain will be like should you ever dare to disobey me again."
She watched his face crumple as he started to cry once more, the tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Turn around and spread your legs as wide as they will go, come along now we have a busy evening ahead of us."
Timothy shook and sobbed as he turned around and placed his feet as wide apart as he could, acutely aware of the humiliating view that Hazel would have of his young body.
He gasped with shame as she spoke once more. "Bend over and grasp your ankles... each time you move from that position I will add one more stroke. Now Do It!"
The sharpness of her last three words jolted him into action. She watched delighted with the sight that greeted her as he bent over, his buttocks spreading and his testicles and penis coming into full view as he grasped his ankles.
"Stay there and don't you dare move." Her voice was firm as she turned and quickly walked to the guest room, admiring herself in the mirror as she reached onto the bed for the luggage strap and doubled it, letting the long loop dangle as she walked back into the sitting room.
Timothy could not believe the humiliation he felt, bent over in the most demeaning position imaginable... like an errant schoolboy, stark naked and ashamed... awaiting the salutary punishment of a beautiful headmistress.
Hazel walked around the trembling youth, admiring his perfect form at her leisure, his body bared before her in subjugation, every part of him open and available for her to examine and touch as she wished.
She moved behind him, resisting the impulse to reach between his widely spread legs and grasp his testicles firmly... perhaps the ultimate gesture of her supremacy over him. Instead, she stood back and spoke to him firmly but not unkindly.
"These next three strokes are to demonstrate what will happen if you displease me in future. Move from that position and you will be a very sorry boy."
Leisurely and with a delicious tingling between her thighs, Hazel raised the strap and quickly brought it down to the centre of his quivering and acquiescent buttocks.
The staccato sound of the strap biting into his flesh was accompanied by a howl of pain from his trembling lips. His body shook as he fought to hold his ankles rather than to give in to the overwhelming desire to stand and clasp his hands to his burning bottom.
"Two more to go. Hold on and take your punishment now." The warning tone of her voice was accompanied by the long, almost slow motion, swishing sound of the strap descending. The leather bit into his buttocks, it's imprint of searing pain, this time delineating another red stripe of inflamed flesh lower down on the crease between buttock and thigh.
The sound of the strap was an instant staccato prolonged as the leather bit into the flesh of his bottom. This was immediately and satisfyingly followed by an abject wail of pain and despair, the muscles in his throat tightening, delineating every vein and sinew as he cried out.
The wail of pain and anguish escaped from his lips and lifted in volume as he fought to hold onto his ankles, his distress causing his whole body to shiver and shake as the fiery torment of acute concentrated pain coursed through his body.
Hazel knew that he would not be able to retain control after the next stroke, but she also knew that her purpose had been fulfilled. He was hers... his obedience at taking his punishment... his timid emotion, so apparent at her delicate touch or severe look, were evidence enough. She raised the strap and brought it down between the scarlet stripes of her first two strokes.
She thrilled at the effect of the stroke as he straightened up. It was if a red-hot poker and been pushed up into his bottom. He behaved, as she had unconsciously thought he would, his hands clasping his buttocks and his back arching towards her. His body became rigid for a moment of pure anguish before he raised his head and opened his mouth. The frozen moment in time gave way to a series of jerks and gyrations as the pain infused into every nerve of his body, the silence was broken by a strangled cry which increased in volume to a crescendo as he suddenly wailed in utter despair.
His mouth, which was now wide open, continued to emit the most plaintive of wails as he hopped around vainly trying to rid himself of the biting pain.
He continued to cry out as every vestige of self-respect washed away in a wave of utter torment.
He seemed unaware that his penis was bouncing wildly from side to side as he fought to control the searing stripe of biting torture that now seemed to have spread from his buttocks to his whole body. Hazel watched, her delight well hidden as gradually he brought himself under control. She moved across to him and took hold of his wrists and pulled his hands from his bottom. She could feel his body trembling as she held his arms out behind him and propelled him to face the corner of the room.
"You are to stand here and you are not to move or touch your bottom. Now put your hands on your head."
She lifted his arms and placed his hands on his head. She stroked her hands down his back and over his buttocks, feeling the boy flinch as her fingers traced the welts left by the belt.
"Stand with your legs apart... come along, I want your utmost obedience."
She slipped a hand between the cheeks of his bottom and moved it downwards, tapping the inside of his thighs until he had parted his legs sufficiently for her purpose. Hazel stood back and admired the sight before her. The perfect naked form of a young boy, quivering and blushing in shame and humiliation, his buttocks clenched in pain... pain that she had inflicted at her whim and pleasure. "You must stand like that until I tell you otherwise, you may use the time to reflect on your punishment and a suitable apology which you may give me when I return."
Timothy stood shaking, his bottom was on fire and yet he could feel his penis throbbing mightily as Hazel once more stroked her fingers gently over his bottom before turning away and leaving the room.
He felt utterly shamed as he stood shivering, legs apart and his hands pressed tightly to his head thinking about the events of the day. He blushed as he relived each humiliating and embarrassing moment. He could not help the tears that rolled down his cheeks, or the trembling of his lips as he thought about every detail of his ordeal, unable to shut out the plethora of images that were being replayed over and over in his mind.
It was half an hour later when Hazel approached the boy. She noted that the redness of his buttocks had receded to a mere blush, although the three marks that she had made with the strap were still quite clearly visible across the cheeks of his bottom. She stood behind him and without speaking took his wrist, making him lower his hands from his head. Still holding his wrist she led him away from the corner and upstairs to the bathroom. She noted that his face was already blushing as she stood him by the bath, which she had just filled with water.
"Get into the bath and remain standing. I want you facing me with your hands on your head and your legs apart. I have not put the strap away and I will use it on your bare little bottom if I think you are not paying attention to my instructions. Now, do as I tell you."
Hazel watched as the boy timidly took hold of the side of the bath and stepped into it. Blushing profusely he turned to face her, his face bore an expression of utter dismay as Hazel dipped her hands in the water and began to rub the soap in her hands.
"Now let's have no fussing." She said as she began to soap his legs, her gentle fingers and soft palms caressing his skin as she worked her way up to his thighs. She ignored his genitals and instead soaped his chest before moving her hands down to his tummy.
She felt him quiver and flinch as her hands moved lower, soaping the delicate and sensitive flesh just above his penis. For Timothy, the sensation was acute as her fingers moved almost sensuously over the smoothly shaven flesh above his penis. He trembled, a shudder running through his whole body as suddenly her fingers encircled his penis and pulled his foreskin back revealing the sensitive flesh beneath. He could not help jerking his hips back as she soaped behind the foreskin. He could feel his penis becoming even stiffer as she applied more soapsuds to his sensitive member. "Keep still, I am going to make sure you are thoroughly clean before I take you over to Mrs Grant's."
He could not help looking at her face as she pushed his foreskin back as far it would stretch and hold it there while she applied, even more, soapsuds to the head of his penis. He jerked involuntarily as she deftly handled him as if he were some prized animal. Seemingly she seemed to ignore the embarrassment and intimacy of the situation. His penis was throbbing with sensation, the flesh totally hard and engorged as she moved it this way and that, apparently oblivious of his acute humiliation and throbbing erection. She moved one hand from his penis and reached between his legs, her hand sliding upwards between his buttocks. He could not help jerking his body and gasping as a slender finger was suddenly pressed against the tightened muscle of his sphincter.
Without preamble she teased the orifice, probing gently but insistently until her fingertip was able to slip upwards into him.
"Argghhh." He gasped as she nonchalantly slipped her finger further upward into his anus, the soap acting as a lubricant, denying the tightening muscle of his sphincter any resistance.
"Now keep still, I shall not hesitate to take you over my knee if you are going to be naughty again."
He looked into her face, his own cheeks burning with pure embarrassment as she coolly appraised him. To be standing in front of her, legs outstretched, with her hands firmly holding his penis and penetrating his bottom was almost too much embarrassment for Timothy to bear.
"Now young man, you will have to get used to doing as you are told while I am looking after you. I am going to insist that you are properly bathed before you have your therapy; I have never known a boy make so much fuss at taking a bath. Now just stand still while I soap inside your little bottom and then I will dry you off."
Timothy endured the rest of the humiliating bath in silence. Her beauty completely overawed him as she made him look into her face while instructing him. She handled him like one would a small child, ignoring his obvious erection as if it were to be expected. Her fingers were everywhere as she dried him, prising open the cheeks of his buttocks and then making him bend forward so that she could visually examine him, before having him stand up straight before her with his hands stretched high above his head as she dried under his arms.
The final ignominy was almost too much for Timothy to bear as she took him through to the bedroom and instructed him to lie on the bed.
"Now I want you to lay on your back with your legs open like this." She moved his legs until his knees were wide apart.
"That's the way, stretch them wider so you can put the soles of your feet together."
Her gentle touch helped him position himself to her satisfaction. Timothy tried to turn his head away in shame as he lay looking down at himself with his knees widely spread and the soles of his feet pressed together. His shame knew no bounds as he looked at his erect penis standing upwards from between his widely parted thighs. He could not help looking at the beautiful girl as she bent over him as if he were a baby.
He watched her every move as she took a plastic container of talcum powder and sprinkled it over his genitals. He shivered as she casually rubbed it around his penis and over his testicles. Finally, to his horror, she lifted his legs, bending his body backwards and sprinkled the powder over his bottom, before rubbing it in, her hand moving almost sensuously over the cheeks of his buttocks.
Timothy was wide-eyed with surprise and embarrassment as she continued to treat him as if he were her baby.
"Now you stay there, while I find something loose to dress you in before I take you over to Mrs Grant. She leaned forward, her beautiful face touching his as she kissed him gently on the cheek. Timothy could not believe the rapture he felt as her soft lips touched his face, he was totally under her spell as she straightened up and stood back examining his naked body.
It was around ten minutes later that Hazel re-entered the bedroom. She was delighted to see that not only had Timothy stayed in the position she had left him in with his legs spread well apart and his hands down by his sides. Timothy, rather than trying to cover himself, turned his head away in embarrassment and blushed a deep beetroot red. She laid the tee-shirt and gym shorts, she had found in his chest of drawers, neatly down on the chair beside the bed.
She spoke softly and lovingly to him as she laid a hand softly on his forehead and gently turned his head back towards her. He blushed again as his eyes met hers; she could clearly see a look of love and supplication as she laid her other hand on his tummy. She could feel his naked body tremble as she stroked her hand delicately over his tummy, her slender fingers brushing over his smoothly shaven pubis.
She lowered her head and whispered to him.
"Your punishment period is over now so stand up a moment and let me sit down,"
She helped him to sit upright and then to stand by the bed. Sitting down with her pretty knees pressed together, she took the boy by the waist. Her delicate fingers played havoc with his emotions as she guided him so that he was sitting on her knees. His bare bottom was soft against her firm thighs, as she positioned him sideways across her shapely legs, his knees spread well apart.
She pulled his head to her firm pliant breasts before deliberately and slowly stroking her hand down over his chest tracing her fingers lower and lower over his tummy, before delicately taking the soft flesh of his penis between her finger and thumb. She heard him gasp as she tightened the hand that was around his waist and at the same time moved her fingers around his penis so that his foreskin was pulled back, revealing the intimate flesh beneath. She moved her head and kissed him tenderly on the cheek before whispering softly to him.
"Poor... poor Timothy! Did I hurt you very much when I had to smack your bare bottom? You were a naughty boy... and naughty boys have to have their little bottoms chastised when they have been silly and disobedient."
Her soft voice and gentle touch were too much for Timothy. He felt tears well up in his eyes... and to his horror, his penis began to throb, pulsing strongly between her finger and thumb. Hazel continued to stroke the turgid flesh of his penis, her slender finger and thumb delicately and sensuously arousing the captive flesh. So subtle and effective was her touch that she felt the boy shudder as his penis began to throb uncontrollably.
Timothy could not help himself from looking down at the slender fingers holding his most intimate part. Her red painted nails contrasted starkly against the virgin white flesh of his penis. He could feel the firm mounds of her breasts beneath the silkiness of her blouse as his cheek pressed against her. He sighed, his mouth open in rapture as she aroused him.
Hazel knew that the boy would ejaculate soon if she did not stop. She let go of his penis and turned his head towards her own. With an almost reverent tenderness, she closed her lips over his. Moving her tongue slowly and sensuously between his parted lips, she kissed him deeply. She could feel his young body tremble with emotion as she moved her head away and looked at him. At last... the look she had waited and worked for... there so obvious and innocently displayed... the look of surrender and supplication.