Saturday 29 November 2014

Wincy ready for bed wearing floral winceyette pyjamas and a quilted dressing gown.

It is 5.30 this Saturday evening 29th November and Wincy is ready for bed wearing a very pretty pair of pink floral winceyette pyjamas and a warm quilted dressing gown and pink slippers. He has been dressed in his night clothes since 2 pm. The church Christmas Fayre committee met here this afternoon and we wanted Wincy to serve the teas and generally make himself useful. Of course we knew the meeting could over run once six ladies of a certain age got chatting, so we wanted Wincy ready for bed beforehand. The committee members were most impressed with his outfit and Miss Bavistock took Wincy upon her knee to examine his pyjamas more closely. Unfortunately Wincy
put three sugars in Mrs Barrington-Smythe's tea instead of two and was soundly spanked by her for his error. As I type, Wincy is saying night-night to everyone and kissing each of the ladies on the cheek. His bedtime has been set at 6 pm so I had better close and help Aunty tuck him in.

Sunday 23 November 2014

One naughty boys weekly regime under the control of his strict mummy

Sunday to Thursday Daily Routine.

6.00 Wake, shower and get dressed for work.
7.00 Inspection by mummy. 4.45 Home from work, milky drink.
5.00 Bath-time and put into my pyjamas. 
6.00 Supper time.
6.30 Play time. Colour  picture for mummy.
7.00 Bedtime. Tucked into bed, windows and curtains closed. Story time. 
7.15 Lights out. Reminder that mummy loves me and Kissed goodnight.

Friday and Saturday 

 8.30 Woken by mummy, downstairs wearing my pyjamas and slippers.
 9.00 Breakfast time
 9.30 Dressed in my sailor suit
10.00 Shopping with mummy 
12.00 Lunchtime
1.30 Afternoon nap.
2.30 Play time. 
5.15 Bath time and put into my pyjamas. 
6.00 Supper time.
6.30 Quiet playtime. 
7.30 Bedtime.Tucked into bed, windows and curtains closed. Story time
7.45 Lights out. Reminder that mummy loves me and to be a good boy. Kissed goodnight. 

These naughty boys appear to be under the strict control of their female tormentors

‘Yes well, you only have yourself to blame Robert. Perhaps this will teach you not to tease young girls. Janice and her friends will be taking you down to the park in your pushchair to feed the ducks. When they bring you home you will be dressed in your babyish pink pyjamas and put straight to bed at four o'clock!’

Wincy regretted objecting when Aunty began discussing his bedtime with his girlfriend and whether he should wear his cosy, teddy bear winceyette pyjamas that chilly night.

“Oh no you don’t. When I say four o’clock is your bedtime I mean four o’clock! Now say night-night then we will get you into your jim-jams.”

“Stop that sulking at once. Just because you are eighteen I see no reason why you shouldn’t wear your pretty baby clothes for many a year yet. Now I want to see that dummy being sucked for the duration of my friends visit or you will be spanked and put to beddy-byes early!”

Saturday 15 November 2014

Not only is it pyjama time Anthony, it's time for your bedtime spanking too.

Mrs Green always said that as long as Anthony lived under her roof he had to abide by her rules. Sadly for Anthony, at almost twenty two years old, he had had never escaped his mother's malign influence. It was true, that on his twenty first birthday he had been granted a new bedtime of 9 pm, half an hour later than the 8.30 bedtime he had been given at age eighteen, but his pyjama time had remained at 7 pm since he was a thirteen. An hour ago, as she indicated it was time for his bath, Anthony had rebelled.

"Mother, I am twenty one. Far too old for a bedtime and pyjama time. Also, I am quite capable of taking a bath unsupervised."

He had been sure this confident, adult approach would hold sway with his mother. Even though, at the time of his speech we had been wearing, red plastic sandals, white knee socks, and a pair of yellow, bibbed play shorts.

Sadly his mother had not been impressed with his outburst. Half an hour later, Anthony had been divested of his play clothes, and, whilst being most intimately bathed, reminded by her that he always had, and always would refer to her as mummy.

As she buttoned him into his pyjama jacket and stepped him into his pyjama bottoms, mummy mentioned that perhaps he was too immature for "big boy pyjamas," She would have a word with Aunty Angela and ask her to sew him some new jimmy-jams that were more suitable for little boys who have temper tantrums about pyjama times and bedtimes. Which, incidentally, now that he had mentioned it, would be changed immediately. From tomorrow, she told her twenty one year old son, his pyjama time would be 5.30 and his new bedtime would be 7.30.   

And she would once again require the services of Mr Paddle to deliver regular bedtime spankings, just in case Anthony was tempted to question her authority again.

Saturday 8 November 2014

Perhaps some of you may be envious of "Mummy's Boy" ?

Mummy’s Boy was a strip about the most possessive Mum that ever was, and her nine-year old son whom she treated as a baby and wouldn’t let him engage in normal kids’ stuff because she thought her Choochkins was too delicate. She wheeled him in a pram, dressed him in baby clothes, made him wear nappies and a silly baby bonnet, go to bed at 5:30, drink milk from a baby bottle and do all the other baby stuff which a grown lad like him found very embarrassing. Mumsy never addressed her boy by his proper name (it’s not even clear if he had one) and embarrassed him even further by calling him Diddums, Babykins, Kiddiwinky, Darling Duck, Cherub, Cutie Pie, Oody Boody Baba, Cuddlekins, Choochiface, etc.

Mumsy’s little treasure hated being treated like a baby, especially in public. He often ran away from ‘the silly old fusspot’ and acted naughty but she always tracked him down and re-organized things her way. 

Sometimes ‘the cherub’ was glad that he just couldn't lose with Mum around:

In fact, Mummy’s Boy was a naughty little devil and a nuisance – a kind of Sweeny Toddler brought to heel, but with a crazy Mum like his that’s hardly surprising. I am trying to picture Mumsy’s relationship with her husband - yes, Diddums did have a Dad but in MFC he was only seen once, in issue No. 21; perhaps he took every opportunity to be away from home and his nutty spouse… I am sure Mumsy would have made an ideal Mum-and-son pair with WHOOPEE!’s Scared-Stiff Sam. This cross-over never happened but there were a couple others that did – in issue 33  Babykins tried using Teddy Scare’s tactics and in No. 51 he got some help from Brainy and his Monster Maker (in case you didn’t know, I’ll mention that Teddy Scare and Brainy and His Monster Maker were concurrent MFC strips).

Mummy’s Boy is one of the few strips in MFC with a dubious connection to the horror theme. On the other hand, come to think of it, having a Mum like this would certainly be a nightmare, so the strip takes horror comedy to the dimension of psychological terror.

Mummy’s Boy started in MFC issue No. 2 and continued till the last number (missing issues 16, 25, 47 and 57 in-between); all episodes were in b/w, except for the full-colour one in issue No. 33. The main artist was Norman Mansbridge; Terry Bave stepped in for him in issues 7 and 8. Mummy’s Boy made the jump to BUSTER when MFC was merged into it in 1976. The strip must have done really well in the popularity charts: it continued for more than a dozen years and was last seen in BUSTER cover-dated 12th September 1987. Of all the strips which originated in MFC,Mummy’s Boy came second only to X-Ray Specs in terms of the length of the run.