Wednesday 30 November 2011

Silent Night

The music blared loudly from Primrose Cottage;
next-door, sisters Miss Agatha Cathcart and Miss Hilda Cathcart thumped
desperately on the wall to no avail.

Both ladies were desperate to become unacquainted
with Ozzie Osborne. Noel meanwhile, idly sifted through his almost infinite Black Sabbath vinyl collection.

Christmas Eve morning and the two Ladies are nursing their Earl Grey in the village tea-shop. What had Evelyn Jessup been thinking of to let her
seventeen-year-old nephew stay alone in her cottage while she visited her
daughter at Christmas? This could not go on.

Noel was surprised when asked to assist Miss Cathcart and Miss Cathcart to put up their Christmas decorations. After all, he had been quite dismissive when they had asked him to turn down his music; he liked loud music.

Still, no harm in giving the two old dears a hand, he thought.

Perched precariously as he was at the top of the ladder it may well have been an accident waiting to happen, nevertheless, when Agatha accidentally closed the living room door trapping his fingers in the door frame, this caused him to topple from the ladder, as he fell, he grabbed the bare live wire with his other hand. The shock then threw him backwards. He landed awkwardly and let out a scream as his knee buckled beneath him.

‘You poor boy, are you hurt? Queried Hilda, as he lay at her feet in a crumpled mess.

He tried to stand but the pain from his knee was too much to bear and he sank to the floor. The fingers on his left hand were already swollen and painful and his right hand was badly blistered from the electrical burn.
The two ladies got him to his feet and somehow manoeuvred him into their spare bedroom lowering him onto the pink floral patterned bedspread and rested his head onto the matching, frilly pillow.

‘Get me an ambulance,’ he wailed pitifully.

‘Don’t be such a baby, superficial injuries at best. Hilda and I are well capable of nursing you,’

Agatha said dismissively as she
began to remove his trousers.

‘Stop! What are you doing.’

‘We need you naked to assess your injuries, now be

He lay on the bed, totally helpless as the two women divested him of his
clothing. When he was completely naked the two ladies set about dressing the
burn on one hand and strapping his fingers together on the other.

His painful knee was prodded and probed until they decided to administer a strapping and
announce only immediate immobilisation for at least a week would cure the problem.

‘Well Noel it looks as if you are to be our guest
for Christmas,’ Agatha announced gazing down at his naked body and sniffing

‘It seems young man that you are in need of a wash. Hilda, a bowl of water and a sponge, please. Time for this little boy to be given his first sponge bath!’

‘My what a baby you are.' scolded Agatha.

‘But you’re hurting and the water is cold,’he whined.

Agatha Cathcart lifted up his tiny wee-wee. ‘I don’t think
the cold water has affected this wee Willie- Winky,’ she laughed.

‘Right all done, now let’s get you into some cosy
jim-jams and tucked into beddy-byes.’

‘Pyjamas!’ I’m not wearing pyjamas, they are for

‘You will wear pyjamas because we insist upon it, young man,
we are not having you naked between our clean flannelette sheets.’

Noel watched as Hilda opened a drawer and removed a
pair of pyjamas.

‘No not those,’ he cried. No, I won’t wear them!’

Hilda smiled as she held up the pale pink, floral
patterned winceyette pyjamas.
‘Do you think we keep a supply of men’s pyjamas you silly boy?
Besides, these will keep you nice and cosy.’

Noel could do nothing to prevent the two ladies as they covered his
nakedness in pink floral winceyette.
‘ Does our sweet little babykins feel all cosy-wosy in
his jimmy-jams then?’

Noel was enveloped in the voluminous pyjamas and
soon he found himself tightly tucked into bed underneath frilly pink bedspreads and flannelette
sheets and pillowcases.

‘Off to sleepy byes now for a nice long nap.
Oh do be quiet, your cries are almost as
loud as that dreadful music you play. Be quiet at once!’
Noel was abruptly silenced by the insertion of a
baby’s dummy into his mouth. Agatha tied it tightly with a ribbon around his head
and patted his cheek.

‘We told you to be quiet, perhaps this will teach
you to do as you are told.’

The curtains were drawn and Noel was left tucked up
in bed in the artificial darkness at eleven am.

Was it a bad dream? No. Noel woke to find he really
was wearing ladies pale pink floral winceyette pyjamas and tucked tightly into
bed with a baby’s dummy fixed firmly into his mouth.

The two women entered carrying a tray. Noel was
propped up with pillows.
‘Hmm, time for your din-dins,’ Hilda said removing
his dummy.

Noel was force fed a concoction of pureed vegetables. He gagged at each mouthful.

'I think a baby’s bib would be in order don’t you
Agatha dear?’

Noel tried to protest as the towelling bib with a
baby duckling printed upon it was fastened around his neck but a spoonful of
gooey mush interrupted him.

When he had finally swallowed the last mouthful Agatha
cleaned the food that smeared his face and tucked him tightly into his bedtime prison once again.

Hilda sat on his bed. Helpless as he was it was a simple matter for her to push the teat of the
baby bottle into his mouth. He almost choked a few times as the warm, sweet
milky liquid cascaded into his throat. Eventually, he was forced to empty the bottle.
Hilda wiped his mouth with his bib and quickly re-tied his dummy.

Agatha, who had been hovering nearby, pulled back the
bedclothes and removed Noel’s floral pyjama bottoms.

‘We need to take a few precautions,’ she said
pinning him into three thick fluffy nappies.
Once we put you down for beddy-byes
that is where you will stay, no jaunts to the bathroom for you, your nappies
will keep our flannelette sheets nice and dry.’

She covered the nappies by positioning a pair of pink plastic baby
pants over them.

‘And these,’ she said triumphantly, ‘will complete
your Christmas lunch outfit.’

Noel’s eyes bulged.

‘Oh yes,’ she laughed you will be fed your din-dins
tomorrow just as if you were a helpless baby dressed just the way you are now.’

Agatha eased Noel's legs back into his pink
winceyette pyjama bottoms. One he was attired the way they wanted he has tucked
into bed once again.

‘Off to sleepy-byes sweet little Noel and when you
wake up Santa will have been’

Noel was
being put to bed for the night at two pm!

‘You’re the first Noel we have ever had spend time
with us as our guest.’
They said waving ‘Nighty-night’ to him as they
closed the bedroom door.

That night, the two sisters sank into their beds wistfully
thinking of the special Christmas present they had given themselves and
gratefully listened to the sound of silence.  

A letter detailing the problems encountered by Peterkins Pyjamakins

Dear Miss Good

Please accept my thanks for your help in turning my husband Peter into a delightful little babykins these days he is completely unrecognisable from the unruly spoilt brat he once was.

I have followed your advice to the letter. At 5 pm exactly I run his bath and lay out his pyjamas. Last night he wore the yellow bunny rabbit pyjamas that you thoughtfully provided the location of the shop that sold the required material for. (It didn't take my mother long to sew them)

After his bath, I soon had him dressed ready for bed. Once he is wearing his infantile jim-jams he must, as you recommend, be addressed by and answer only to his baby name.

It was great fun, each of us devising a name and as you advised, we ended up putting them into a hat and making him "choose" his own baby name. Peter Peepeepants, Lindy Lollipops and Susie Sugar Plum were all excellent but my mother's suggestion, Peterkins Pyjamakins was the one that came out of the hat. (His baby bonnet actually).

At first, he was quite reluctant to answer to his baby name but luckily my mother spent twenty minutes with him draped over her lap while she persuaded him otherwise. Mother only has to take off one of her pink furry slippers and he rushes into my arms, fearful of a spanking.

"Is Peterkins Pyjamakins fwightened of Mrs Slipper den?" She will tease, laughing as he clings babyishly to me while she brandishes her slipper mischievously.

My sister never misses a chance to tease him either. She called around at 5.30 last night when of course he was already dressed for beddy-byes.

"Oh look at the ickle baby in his pwetty jim-jams, whoever could it be? Tell Aunty Susan what your name is sweetheart?" She asked.

He shuffled his bunny slippered clad feet and turned beetroot red but Susan was prepared to persevere to get the response she wanted.

"Peterkins Pyjamakins" he mumbled.

"Oh dear, Aunty Susan knows you can do better than that let's try again shall we?"

His eyes flickered from me to my mother. "Mummy and Nanny can't help you, what is your name?"

"Please, Aunty Susan my name is Peterkins Pyjamakins."

The three of us howled with laughter while my husband stood with his head bowed and looking very foolish and babyish wearing his bunny rabbit pyjamas and slippers.

After he has kissed and waved night-night to Aunty Susan and Nanny and they have fussed over him, adjusting his pyjama bottoms and smoothing down his pyjama jacket collar, I take him up to bed at 6 pm. As you so rightly said, Peterkins has benefited from a regular bedtime. He now sleeps in the spare bedroom. Nursery rhyme paper decorates the walls and apart from a soft pink carpet, there is only a small child's bed and a chair that I sit on to read his bedtime story.

I make sure the curtains are tightly closed so that no chink of daylight can intrude. Of course, at first he was upset at having to go to bed at 6 pm but I was able to cure him of that. One evening despite receiving a spanking Peterkins was still having a tantrum about going to beddy-byes. I tethered him to the washing line by putting baby reins over his teddy bear jim-jams and sat him on his baby rug. Peterkins had nowhere to hide and once Miss McPherson our neighbour spotted him over the garden fence and decided to have a little chat there has been hardly a murmur of objection. If there ever is I just have to say, “shall I fetch your baby reins,” and he is as good as gold.

Before bedtime, I pin him into his nightimes nappies. Since you recommend two baby bottles of milk at bedtime it has become essential that he is securely nappied and protected with rubber pants.

Once he is safely tucked into bed I pin the ribbon attached to his dummy to his pyjamas and pop the dummy into his mouth. These day's he accepts it quite readily and there is no need to tie it in place. I tuck his dolly, Flora Frillikins in beside him and spend ten minutes reading from his book of bedtime stories that my mother thoughtfully bought for Peterkins Pyjamakins birthday. Then it's lights out and off to sleepy-byes for Peterkins.

As you suggested, at the weekend he is punished for any misbehaviour with over the knee spankings dressed in his pyjamas and put to bed immediately regardless of the time of day

Often, on a Sunday when I return from my round of golf at 4 pm, I am met by my mother dealing with a spanked, tearful, and pyjama clad Peterkins begging not to be put to bed at such an early hour. Of course, his pleadings are ignored and on these occasions, I always follow your advice not to overrule any decision made by my mother or sister or indeed any female who has reason to discipline Peterkins Pyjamakins.

With your permission, I will give you another update soon.

Mrs Agnes Harecourt

Sunday 20 November 2011

The first parts of Thomas' story

This story is about the time I spent my summer holidays with my
Aunt, because my mother who worked as a travel agent had the
opportunity to work abroad and needed some one to look after me so I
didn't get into trouble, I was 15 at the time and almost 16.

The conversation I didn't hear took place when mum went to visit her
sister Sally, after she'd found out about working in Greece for six
weeks, as I wasn't there, I imagine it went something like this.

"Sally, I hate to ask you this but could you look after Thomas for
me, over the school holidays, he's been a bit of a problem lately,
cheeky, won't go to bed at a decent time, the usual, really and I
couldn't trust him on his own, I don't want to miss this
opportunity and your so good with children."

" If I agree, then he's under my rules, I won't put up with cheek
and he's not too big to be put to bed with a smacked bottom, I’ll
expect him to help me as well, but I'd wouldn't mind the company, I'm
a bit lonely since the girls left home and there's plenty to do around
the place."

(The place was a small holding on the Fens that her husband had given
her as part of a painful divorce and she was coming close to 50 but
still extremely strong as I was to find out.)

Then mum said," this is a giant favour Sal, he breaks up next
Friday, can I bring him then and I shall be off on the Saturday, and
when he's with you, he’s under your rules, I'll explain that to him
and make sure he has money and all the clothes he'll need so it won't
put you out of pocket."

At the time I had stopped wearing pyjamas but mum didn't mention that
for some reason to Sally.

The final week of school passed and I promised mum that I would be a
good boy when I was at Sally’s, and so I arrived at 2 'o' clock with
my two suitcases.

Mum had a cup of tea with Aunty, and then she left with a good-bye kiss
and gave a small envelope to Aunty to pay towards my keep.

When she'd gone the first thing Sally said was," while your here you
will call me Aunt Sally or Aunty, now let's get you unpacked, follow

I followed her upstairs to a bedroom at the back of the house, which
was just as her daughter now at university, had left but as she was
travelling abroad over the summer was free for me to use.

The room was wall papered in a very girly way with flowers and
teddy bears sat on the bedroom furniture, the curtains were pink and
the bed itself had fluffy white frilly pillows to match a frilly
white cover.

The two suitcases were placed on the bed and my clothes were taken
out and put into drawers or hung up, when the last of them were out
and put away, Sally said," where are your pyjamas!” in a cross voice.

I said," Sally, I don't wear pyjamas, I don't like them and I
haven't brought any."

Aunty replied, " I told you down stairs it's Aunt Sally or Aunty,
and now your giving me this nonsense, you will wear what I want you
to wear not what you want TO WEAR, DO YOU UNDERSTAND, IF YOU DON'T
CHLOTHES, WAIT HERE," all this was said in a very loud voice and I
could see she was very angry.

Aunty left the room and came back a few minutes later with pink and
blue things under her arm," stand up and let's see if these will

I did as I was told, and Aunty put the clothes on the bed, I
could see now that they were a pair of blue and pink girls
pyjamas, made of what I was later to know as winceyette with flowers of
the opposite colour on each, also Aunty placed a nightdress on the
bed which was a soft yellow and had frilly cuffs and a lacy
neck, it seemed to have a lot of buttons as well.

Aunty held the jackets and trousers of the pyjamas against me and
said," these will do fine, a little bit big but nice and
comfortable, the nightdress you will wear when you’re particularly
naughty, I hope you like it,"

All I could say to this turn of events was," please Aunty, I don't
want to wear these, can’t we buy some pyjamas tomorrow, and I'm never
going to wear that silly nightdress!"

The next thing that happened was totally unexpected in it's speed,
Aunty turned me around and pushed me face down on the bed, with one
hand she held me and with the other pulled off my shoes, then my
trousers and underpants, then she pulled me up and removed the shirt I
was wearing, saying, "you are a cheeky naughty boy, well you'll soon be
in bed and if your lucky it's a 5 'o' clock bed time for you for the
next week!!"

She then tried to put the nightdress on me but I resisted and she
couldn't get the neck over my head but she countered by pulling me
over her knee and began a very hard and fast spanking,” I TOLD YOUR

At first I tried to be brave but after a good 10 minutes my bottom was
glowing red all over and Aunty guessed my rebellion was almost over,
so she stood me up and this time managed to get the garment over my
head, pulled the hem down which touched the floor and pulled the
sleeves down, then she told me to do up the buttons to the neck, I did
as I was told, and it felt very soft on my body.

"Yes it suits you, a winceyette nightdress is just the thing for a
naughty boy to go to an early bed in but to make sure you've learnt
to do as your told, your going to get a hairbrush over that naughty
bottom," and she dragged me by the ear to her bedroom picking up
the brush off the dressing table, sitting down on the bed and pulling
me over her knee again and began slapping my winceyette clad bottom
with the brush before lifting the hem to continue my bare bottom


Finally it was finished and Aunty took me back to my bedroom, pulled back the
bedclothes and ordered me into bed, then she put the covers to my
neck and drew the curtains on a fine summer day.

As she left the room, she told me I could come down for tea at 5 but
I would be going back to bed afterwards and when she came for me at
just before 5 'o' clock she gave me a dressing gown and slippers to
wear downstairs but I was back in bed at 5:30 for a long night.

As I lay in bed, I thought about what Aunty had told me over my
tea, that I would have to wear the nightdress all next day which
meant I would be helping her with housework inside, while she would do
some things outside, all was to be explained next day but under no
circumstances was I to leave the bedroom without her permission apart
from a toilet visit and I must await her presence the next morning to
leave my bed.

She also confirmed the one-week sentence of a five ' o' clock bedtime
although I would be prepared for bed considerably earlier as was her
wish, only regretting the limited amount of appropriate nightwear
available to me.

The sun shone through the thin curtains and I had to lay on my side,
as the spanking I had received earlier had made my very red bottom
throb against the soft winceyette of the nightie, which I tucked up
to protect my rear. This wasn't my first introduction to an early
bedtime though.

My own mother had a been a firm advocate of this form of discipline
and until I was 13, like most of my friends I could find myself being
warned whilst I was out that," it's bed for you the minute I get you
home, I can't wait to get you into your pyjamas, you naughty boy!"
If we were at home then she would usually just appear with my
pyjamas, undress me and drag me up to bed and there I stayed for the
night, unlike some of my friends who had much shorter sentences of a
few hours.

This could happen for any number of reasons but usually it was
because of a complaint from a friends mum, or for misbehaviour while
shopping but in one respect Mother was more kind than some of my
friends' mothers, she never deliberately let others see me in my

I can still remember, calling on a friend to play out and he
answered the door in his pyjamas at 1 'o' clock in the afternoon,
with his mother in the background saying," tell Thomas, why you
can't play out," and he had to tearfully blurt out," because I'm
going to bed for the day,"
and then she told him to say goodnight and close the door.

I watched from the other side of the road as his mother closed his
bedroom curtains and felt very sorry for him, but this was the late
1960's and children were punished more readily, I'm sure now many
years later that some mothers loved discipline their children this way
because it kept them small, when the world was changing so quickly
and others just loved the feeling of control, I have the feeling that
Aunt Sally was one of these. My own mother abandoned early bedtimes
when I was more or less 13, preferring financial sanctions and began
a new career in a more or less new industry as a travel agent.

Eventually I fell asleep, but awoke with moonlight shining through
the window, so I knew it was quite late and as I couldn't hear Aunty
moving around or her television on, I assumed she had gone to bed,
so I decided I could safely look out the window at the stars, a very
rare sight where I came from, so I got out of bed and took off the
frightful nightdress as a further act of rebellion.

I stood by the curtains and looked out at the stars, for which the
Fens are well known, when suddenly, after at the most, 5 minutes,
the bedroom door flew open and the light was switched on, there stood

And she approached me, wearing a voluminous white Victorian
nightdress billowing in her wake, picking up my nightdress, she
turned it quickly to the right side and forced it back on to me and
then dragged me to her bedroom, telling me on the way," YOUVE LEARNT
Picking up the hairbrush from her dressing table she placed
me over her knee and lifted the hem of my nightdress to lay into the
still pink cheeks of my bottom, holding me fast with one leg to stop
my wriggling, she was a very strong woman, and she began my spanking.
LONG TIME BEFORE 5,SLAP! SLAP! " And on and on it went till eventually
she tucked me back into bed.

When I awoke on a fine Saturday morning, I heard Aunt Sally
vacuuming downstairs, but I didn't dare go down to her, in case I
incurred her displeasure, so I waited for her to give me permission to
get up, the spanking last night was still fresh in my mind and I was
in no hurry for a repeat performance.

I didn't really have an idea of the time but I assumed it must be
around 9 'o' clock but I lay in bed until Aunty appeared and she
said," it's almost 10 and you can get up now, your still having an
early night but I want you to have a shower now and then your helping
me outside but you'll be going to bed very early, I haven't forgotten
your disgraceful behaviour last night and any nonsense today and you'll
regret it, DO YOU UNDERSTAND! "

I confirmed that I did, and threw of my nightdress, when I was
sure Aunty was downstairs of course, then I did as I was told and had
a shower and put on some old clothes to work outside and went down

Aunty had set out some bacon and eggs for me and I sat down to eat,
just as the first mouthful had gone down, I heard the phone ringing,
and as it was it was only a few feet away, I answered it, it was Mum,
"hello Thomas, are you enjoying your stay, I'll be flying soon and
it will be hard to speak to you from Greece (this was 1971 after

All I could say was," Aunty spanked me and put me to bed when I
wouldn't wear a nightdress,
and then she spanked me again and told me I'm going to bed early

"Thomas, when I was a girl if we had to wear stripy boys pyjamas ,
we would have, you’re the one who didn't want to wear pyjamas ,so
Aunty imposed her rules, I don't see the problem and if you were
disobedient ,I'm sure you only received what you deserved , you're in
her house and she's doing both of us a big favour by looking after
you, now behave and get her for me,"

I shouted to Aunty that Mum was on the phone and she appeared from
the kitchen and took it over , then there was then a lot of laughter
from Aunty who also glared at me , as if I had
been an informer, only later was I to reap the whirlwind .

After about 15 minutes they finished talking, and I finished my
breakfast, and then Aunty turned to me and said, softly at first, "how

She added, "Your mother, and I both believe in the
benefit of an early bedtime, she put you to bed early enough didn't
she? She just stopped too early,"

My day was spent chopping wood, not hard work but monotonous, and I
did my very best because I so wished I hadn't moaned to Mum, and it
was clear their would be consequences from the testy way that Aunty
had spoken to me, and continued to, as the task was performed.

Finally, and I didn't have an idea of the time, Aunty said,"
that's it inside," when I saw the wall clock it was only 2.30, then
Aunty said, " it's an afternoon BEDTIME! For you, but first a
bath, then I'm putting you in the blue pyjamas, as you don't like

Aunty followed me in, told me to take of my shoes then told me to go
to the bathroom. Following behind, the bath was full, she must have
slipped in and run it while I was chopping, but it was clear where I
was headed, yet another early bedtime, I felt like screaming.

She undressed me, I'd like to say I resisted, but I didn’t, as she
took of my shirt, then trousers with me sitting on the bath and of
course my underpants and socks and then she soaped me fully, and
cleaned every bit, all the time saying," you'll be in your pyjamas
soon and I told you it was 3 ' o' clock bed, I always keep my word
and with a good spanking to come."

When she'd finished bathing me, I was dried with a soft fluffy towel
and then a pair of blue floral pyjamas was produced from the airing
cupboard, the same ones I had seen yesterday.

Before Aunty put me into them she sprinkled talcum powder all over me
and asked me which I wanted first," a good spanking or a supper,
even though it's not 3 'o' clock, my little joke!"
Then she started to put me into my pyjamas, jacket first and then
holding out the trousers, she invited me to step into them and I
staged a very minor and rather pointless rebellion.
" Aunty, this isn't fair, it's only very early, I shouldn't be
going to bed, I've done everything you wanted, you said my bedtime
was five, and that's early anyway,"

She flew at me, dragged me to her bedroom, one hand on me and the
other holding my pyjama bottoms, throwing the bottoms on the bed, she
picked up the hairbrush and really laid into me, Oh! How it hurt, "
I see you've chosen a spanking before food, fine with me, HOW DARE
YOU COMPLAIN TO YOUR MOTHER!" and the brush came down, very hard and
fast on my still sore rump, finally I begged her, " Aunt Sally I'll
do what you want, put me to bed but please can I have some supper,"
and after another rapid burst with the back of the hairbrush, she
said, in a gruff voice,"all right, put your bottoms on, you'll soon
be in bed, the second early bed for you but I doubt the last."

I stepped into the pyjama bottoms which she waved in front of me, and
she tucked the jacket into the trouser waistband and then she took me
downstairs to my very early supper and afterwards I was led to my
bedroom, a little after 3 but I wouldn't call that a victory.

Once in my bed, Aunty reminded me of the rules and she told me she
would check on me to," avoid last night's misunderstanding, I'll get
you up for Church, don't you dare come down before then!

 When you've 17 hours or so to look forward to, confined to bed,
 in silly girlish pyjamas, it's hard to be optimistic but I felt that
 Aunty and I had reached an understanding, I couldn't think of
 anything that she could hold as a grudge, she'd punished me for
 getting out of bed on Friday night and for complaining to my far
 travelling mother, so a level playing field, I've always been a
 little bit naive.

 I kept to the rules," Aunty, I’m going to the toilet and then I'm going back to
 bed," she'd told me to shout this to avoid more spankings, as I
 used the upstairs loo.

 After my long night in bed Aunty let me up, with a," get dressed your breakfast
 is ready and the service is 11, so no messing,"

 Religion wasn’t my strongpoint and less so now but most
 people seem to be able to play along when there's a good tune and it
 gives some people comfort and it's nice to think there's something
 else, above the selfishness and pretence.

 So in good time, Aunty drove me down the Fen Drove to the church,
 in my smartest clothes, and we took our place in the service, we
 were a little early and it is quite a remarkable Church which I have
 to admit, reminded me as all Churches still do to this day as museums
 but sometimes there's something more and at least they're peaceful.

The service was calming in the anodyne way of the Church, I liked sitting in that Church and like all 15 year olds I was full of contradiction, wanting to believe, and
knowing how very English it all was, so Aunty and I enjoyed the
service and I hadn't earned as yet an early bedtime or pyjama
punishment which was a bonus.

A few Hymns made me feel alive and before I knew it we were outside
and the Vicar stood in front of me, shaking hands and wishing everyone goodbye.

" Who is this Sally, a nephew perhaps?"

" It's my nephew, but he can speak for himself."

And then I spoiled a perfect Sunday, by saying, " I can't
understand why God picks and chooses, maybe he just watches and let's
us get on with it."

The Vicar, as they all did then started talking about divine
wisdom, and I just said, " Is this a job or a way of life?"

The vicar looked down at me," this is a way of life, and I
believe, which you clearly don’t, he's quite out spoken, isn’t he

Aunt Sally just said, "you’re a rude, cheeky boy, well we will have
a conversation about this when I get you home and into your pyjamas ready for bed!"

Of course I picked up on the implications of this straight away, and
the vicar said," a bit of quiet contemplation, I'm sure will do him
the world of good and see you next Sunday, in a better mood I hope,
good day or will it be goodnight young man," and he smiled.

Aunty gave me a tug towards the car but was stopped by another lady.

"Hello Sally, I overheard that, he's a bit cheeky isn't he, your
nephew I presume"

" Hello Sue, I was hoping to bump into you, I've a bit of a favour
to ask and this will save me a call, come back if you fancy some
coffee, I'm afraid Thomas won't be in our company long, as he has a
date with his pink winceyette pyjamas."

" Please Aunty, not bed again, Aunty please no more pyjamas please,
I'll do anything."

" This is what I have to put up with for 6 weeks, get to the car you,
I'll see you in a few minutes Sue," and she tugged me by the ear to
the car, while Sue went to fetch hers.

We were soon home and I was marched into the living room and stood in
the corner while Aunty disappeared upstairs, she came down a minute
later with the hairbrush and the pink floral pyjamas but I was told to
keep my nose in the corner.

Another couple of minutes passed in silence and then we heard Sue's
car pulling up, so Aunty went out to let her in.

When Sue was in the living room, the first thing she said was,” what
lovely pyjamas, I’m looking forward to seeing him in those!" and then
Aunty brought me out of the corner and started to take of my shirt,
and I resisted, saying, " please not bed, not in front of this lady." and knocked her hands away. She responded with a slap and said, “ Sue will be seeing plenty of you in your pyjamas little boy and she will get to spank you too!”

To prove the point Sue gave me a push onto the sofa.
Aunty then swiftly removed my shoes, socks, trousers and underpants
and turned me over her knee, "pass the brush Sue please," and she
began spanking me,

 Sue chipped in, "he seems a very naughty boy, cosy pink pyjamas and bed is certainly the best discipline for him, but not before a good spanking."

her loud voice seemed to give her strength and she carried on with a
will, then she said," Sue, my arms a bit sore would you finish him

she took the hairbrush and pulled me over her lap, and if Aunty
spanks hurt, Sue’s were twice as hard and after 15 minutes I was
crying and begging her to stop.

 "Shall I put him in his pyjamas Sally"

"Please Sue, here they are, a pretty floral pattern aren't they and just the
thing for him,"

Sue took off the rest of my clothes and guided my arms into the pyjama jacket swiftly buttoning it up on me. Then she held out the pyjama bottoms for me to step into, pulling them up and finally tucking the jacket in, "that's it already for bed , are you taking him up?"

"Would you like to, it's the bedroom at the back, tuck him in good and tight.
He'll be down for tea and a refresher course to his bottom but
that's it for today and I'm going to advance his bedtime as well, it
was 5pm, now it's 4pm for the rest of the week.

Sue dragged me by the ear, still sniffling, up the stairs, found my
bedroom, pulled back the cover and told me to get in, then as advised
she pulled the cover up to my neck and gave me a goodnight kiss, after
she closed the curtains, just before she left she said.

"I enjoyed spanking you and it was obviously just what you needed, I'll ask your
Aunty if I can help get you ready for bed again and I've some pyjamas for you that you'll just look so sweet wearing!

Little did I know how soon that would be!

Downstairs Sue, told Aunty that I was safely confined to bed and
Aunty made some coffee, and then Sue, whose surname was Robinson and a
widow to an agricultural accident, as I found out later, said," I
know I shouldn't but I really enjoyed that, thanks for letting me warm
his bottom and get him to bed, if you ever need a babysitter let me
know, you couldn't trust him on his own."

"I know and that’s what I wanted to talk to you about, I'm going away
on business next week but I fancy a bit of a break, so I was thinking
of being away Tuesday to Friday, I know it's short notice but could
the girls keep an eye on him, make sure he keeps to his bedtime, the

" Think nothing of it Sally it will be a pleasure for all of us,
maybe not Thomas, I presume there will be no objection to any
discipline required and what would be best if he stayed at ours, we've
a large house and there's a spare bedroom off the girl's one, so no
night wandering, bring him over at 2 tomorrow and I'll have a
little surprise for him"

Sue outlined what it was and they both had a good laugh, I of course
was oblivious to all this and lay in my bed until my all to brief tea
and return to the bedroom but at least I wasn't spanked again

Monday 7 November 2011

A visit to Mrs Robinson continued..

Amazingly I didn’t wake up until Pamela opened the bedroom door.

“Get your self downstairs quickly, your breakfast is on the table.”

I got up and unbuttoned my pyjamas, dressed and quickly dashed down as I was quite famished and looking forward to breakfast. The three females stared at me. Pamela spoke first. “ What on earth… did I tell you to put clothes on? Go and put your pyjamas back on at once, that’s another spanking you’ve earned.”

“But that’s ridiculous, “ I began to argue. Aunty Sue said.

“Do you want to spend the day in bed? No, well I want you back here dressed in your bunny rabbit pyjamas in 2 minutes.”

I rushed off again and buttoned back on the babyish winceyette pyjama jacket and hurriedly pulled on the pyjama bottoms. Aunt Sue looked me up and down before saying. “One spanking for not having your top button fastened and another for not tucking you pyjama jacket inside your pyjama bottoms. Come along.” She patted her lap and I reluctantly lay across her lap. Her hand made circular movements on my pyjama clad bottom before she began to spank.

“Oww… stop!” I cried, my legs flailing wildly. Aunty Sue could certainly spank very hard and very painfully with just the palm of her hand.

Much to my surprise Aunty Sue stopped spanking but kept me balanced across her lap, her hand gently caressing my blistered bottom through the winceyette material of my pyjamas. Suddenly her fingers grasped the elastic of the pyjama waistband and pulled them back to reveal my pink bottom. I felt her cooling breath as she gently blew on my exposed flesh.       

“Let’s play the question game again first. I want you to pick your bedtime today. I will say a time and you will answer, yes please Aunty Sue I want to be put to bed at… today please. If you don’t answer I will ask the question again but this time the time will be an hour earlier, let’s start.”

The spanking resumed, “Does Thomas want to go to beddy-byes at 5 o’clock today?”

She asked. Stupidly it took me a few more painful whacks before I gave in and blurted out. “Yes please Aunty Sue I want to be put to bed at 3 o’clock today.”

“Susan, Pamela, take this naughty boy and get him dressed in something suitable for our visit to Miss Kettle.”

Pamela gripped and twisted my earlobe, marching me upstairs as Susan gloated,

“ How are you enjoying your visit with us so far Thomas, there’s lots more surprises in store for you yet!” 

Sunday 6 November 2011

Friday 4 November 2011

Philips Spanking

Anyone want to be in Phillip's shoes? Or should that be slippers?

A Visit To Mrs Robinson’s

The next day, I was woken by Aunty in her white nightdress around 8
’o’clock, the truth was I had been awake for hours after my very early
bedtime, the third in three days, some people wouldn’t get that in a
lifetime and my bottom was still a little pink from the careful
ministrations of Mrs Robinson, but I pretended to be asleep.

Aunty said,” still asleep, maybe even earlier bedtimes are what you
need, now get up and put your pyjamas under the pillow, so I’ll know
where they are if I need them quickly, your helping me outside today,
just brush your teeth, and wash your hands and face, then get dressed
and come down for breakfast.” I could see my other pyjamas and
nightdress had been washed and where drying over the clothes-
horse, with her clothes.

I did exactly as I was told and breakfast was soon over, Aunty told
me to go outside and showed me exactly what to do and told me to do it
well, if I wanted to stay on my two feet that is. She gave me the
tools I needed, it was only weeding her vegetable plot but I had to
be careful to not damage anything or I was warned something else would
be a damaged.

I started weeding and as it was a hot day, was soon perspiring, she
on the other hand had said she had some housework to do, little did I
know that included packing a bag for me for the visit to Mrs
Robinson’s, discussed when I was in bed. Her car was out of sight of
where I was working so I didn’t see her put it in the boot.

Around midday, as you could hear the village church clock striking
even though it was quite far away, Aunty let me have a break and gave
me some orange to drink and some sandwiches and I ate them outside,
then she told me to carry on, with a minor compliment to my efforts.

Later she came back and said “I promised we’d pop in and see Mrs
Robinson later, it’s 1.45,and I said we’d be there for 2, so just
wash your hands and face, those clothes will have to do, just take
off the Wellingtons and put your shoes back on and bring your pyjamas
down, if there’s any naughtiness I might have to put you in

This was Aunty teasing me as she had a very good idea what was to
come, but I looked at her horrified at the thought of being dressed
for an early bed again in front of Mrs Robinson, then she said, “ all
right leave them under the pillow, your going to bed anyway at 4, as
I promised you yesterday, and that pretty nightdress might be dry when
we get home.”

I decided to be very careful and did exactly as I was told, appearing
a few minutes later when she told me to get in the car. We set off
and Mrs Robinson’s wasn’t far away, as I soon found out, only a few
minutes. She lived in a big house, detached and as private as you
can be in the wide-open Fens, which were created through a series of
waterways and originally used the expertise of Dutch prisoners from
an early war, so it looked a lot like the Netherlands.
In the flat landscape we could see her house from Aunt Sally’s but I
hadn’t known which it was until now.

Mrs Robinson opened the front door, she was expecting us, and we went
in, behind her stood her two daughters, twins aged 17 and very strong and determined.

Mrs Robinson said, “Hello Thomas, did you have a good sleep, you were in bed nice and early, you look hot and bothered, have you been working for your

” Yes, I was doing some weeding, and I would have liked a shower but
there wasn’t time,” I replied, then Mrs Robinson said,” in that case,
Thomas, please go up stairs with the girls, I’ve a nice surprise
for you and take your shoes off.” and the she said to Sally, “I’ve a
nice cup of tea for you, come into the living room.”

I wasn’t really thinking what she meant and did as I was asked, the
girls introduced themselves and were called Susan and Pamela, and
they led the way into a bedroom. Their bedroom was Pamela’s and was the
usual pink and frilly sort of layout with soft toys and there seemed
to be a room off it .I didn’t ask what it was but would soon know.

”Now Thomas let’s get your clothes off and then we’ll give you a
bath, you look like you need one,” this was a surprise, I said,” I
can do that myself.”

Susan placed her hand on my chest and pushed me onto the bed. I was shocked that she and Pamela forcibly removed my clothes so easily swiftly removing my socks,
trousers and underpants and it wasn’t long before I was naked.

Susan looked at me and said “Thomas you are such a tiny little boy are you really 15, you look more like you are 8 years old rather than almost 16?

I was led to the nearby bathroom, the bath was full of foamy water, “ now
get in Thomas, it isn’t too hot and no need to blush, we’ve seen it
all before,” and I did as I was told, they both began to wash me
with flannels and sponges and no area was spared,” we want you nice
and clean for your real surprise downstairs!”

When Aunt Sally entered the living room, she saw all the things,
she’d seen before on other visits, like the three piece suite with its
big armchairs and the dining room table but on top of the table her
eyes were drawn to the garments laid out and she inspected them,” oh!
Oh my! Aren’t they lovely, just as you said, I can’t wait to see the
look on his face.” Then they drank their tea in the expectation of my imminent arrival.

In the bathroom, I had now been thoroughly cleaned and washed
including my hair which was quite long as most boy’s were in the early
Seventies and the girls nodded to each other and Susan told me to get
out of the bath, then I was subject to a rigorous drying as two
towels worked away and finally talcum powder was applied.
Pamela said, “ he looks ready now,” and they wrapped a dry towel
around me and pulled and pushed me to the stairs .All I could say
was,” can I put my clothes back on, WHY AREN’T WE GOING TO THE

Susan said, “Thomas you’ve got all you need on for now, now
downstairs with you and don’t get excited,”

I followed Susan down the stairs with Pamela behind me to the
living room and we entered the room, Aunt Sally spoke first,”
Thomas I’ve some news for you,” and I turned to face her sitting on
the sofa next to Sue,” I’m going away until Saturday but you can stay
here, where I know you’ll get the attention you need, you’ve some
spares clothes in the car and perhaps one of the girls will get them
now for you, but you won’t need them today,”

I hadn’t seen the table and it’s contents and was taking in the
ominous news when Mrs Robinson joined in,” Thomas you’re welcome to
stay here till your Aunt comes back, but from now you will call me
Aunt or Aunty Sue , the same thing applies to Pamela and Susan , “ the
girls giggled at this ,and then she went on to say , “I can see your a
naughty type of boy and it will be necessary to control you, but we
can do that , now have a look at the table ,”

I walked over to the dining room table and my eyes filled with a
mixture of terror and horror as I saw, laid out in matching pairs,
what looked like childish pyjamas.

”Have a good look, Thomas, you can pick them up, you’ll be wearing
them anyway and Sally’s going to pick a pair for you tonight, he’s
still having a 4 ‘o’ clock bedtime, is he Sal?”

”Yes Sue, you heard me promise him that, he should be in bed for
then but I’ll leave it up to you to set his bedtime for the rest of
the week, when he’s back under my control, his latest bedtime will be
6, and only if his behaviour is very good, and the yellow one’s will
be fine for tonight.

While this was going on, I looked down at the patterns of the
nightmare and saw blue teddy bear pyjamas, pink space men and
rockets, white footballs, red racing cars and yellow bunny rabbits,
but I saw something else as well, there seemed to be another pyjama
jacket poking out in the same colour as each pair.

”Thomas, I see you’ve noticed the nightshirts, show him the blue one
girls, he needs to put something on now anyway, lets see what the
length is like.”

As the girls positioned themselves by me, and Susan picked up the
garment from the blue pile, I shouted out,” I’M 16 ON FRIDAY, NOT

Sue said in a calm voice,” get him into it girls! “

I saw Aunt Sally reaching into her handbag and the handle of a
hairbrush appeared, saying, “he needs a good spanking, bring him
here, such nonsense, I’ll teach you to be so cheeky!”

” No need for that Sal, the girls know what to do, they’ve had some

Pamela held me my arms down, as I struggled and Susan forced the
’nightshirt’ over my head and pulled it down, removing the towel as it
fell on me, then they both pulled my arms through, and Susan buttoned
it up to the neck and folded down what I learnt later was a peter
pan collar.

I looked down at the blue cloth with its teddy bears; I couldn’t see
my feet and my hands were covered to the fingers by the soft material.

Sue then said, “ boys do wear nightshirt’s Thomas and you look
lovely, unfortunately the lady who made these and the pyjamas, made
them in a girls style because that was what she was used to, so they
do look a bit like nightie, but Sally put you in one of those didn’t
she, so I don’t see a problem.”

”He’d be back in one by now, if he was at home and sobbing with a
very sore bottom, in bed, for that outburst!”

Then Susan pulled out a chair to the table with my intended nightwear
lying there and sat down and Pamela pushed and tugged me over Susan’s
knee, with my hands resting on the floor, giving support.

Susan said.” now Thomas we are going to play the yes and no game,
that’s all you have to answer, works like this, I ask you a question,
then I give you a little spanking, then you give me the answer, if
you give the wrong answer, well it’s a bit more spanking, then you
can have another go, do you understand, yes I’m sure you do! “

While she was telling me this, I felt the hem of my ‘nightshirt’
pulled back to bare my bottom and her hand resting there, and then
she began.

”Thomas, are you a good boy?” she raised her hand high in the air,
pushing me down with the other.


”Well Thomas, are you a good little boy?”

” Yes I am,” I managed to say through the stinging, she had a
very heavy hand, the equal of her mother.

”Wrong ANSWER!!” and a flurry of spanks began again.


Her hand had fallen so quickly, it was only at the end I could let
out my response.

” Same question, are you a good little boy?”

This time I answered,” NO!” and felt the beginning of a tear.

”Correct, your a very naughty boy, by all accounts and won’t do
what your told!”

Then Aunty Susan said, “ Pamela has a question she needs an answer to,
will you make Thomas some sandwiches and get him a drink, because
when she’s finished, he’s going into those yellow jim jams, so Sally
can see how lovely they are and he can sit on my knee for a cuddle and
then it’s time for him to see his bedroom and bed, a little before
4, but you were naughty complaining before Thomas! Is that all right

” That sounds perfect, nice to see his bottom getting the attention
it deserves,” and she gave a little laugh, which made everyone smile
except me.

Pamela tugged me up, and took her place on the chair, lifting up
the hem and letting the others see my reddish bottom, and then Susan
left the room.

Pamela said, “ now here’s my question, should a naughty boy, which
you just said you were, be put to bed, very early Thomas? “

Again her arm was raised very high, and I thought to myself I should
say yes, as I’m going there anyway, and my bottom was so sore.


I felt the tears coming, as it really hurt and then Pamela said with
her hand resting on my rear, “well, what’s the answer?”

I said,” yes! Yes! They should!! “

” Thank you Pamela, very impressive, Sal will you get his pyjamas
and we’ll get him ready for bed,”

Aunt Sally, picked them up off the table and Sue came to me, “ now
Thomas, arms in the air, let’s get your nightie off, sorry
”nightshirt” you’ll soon be ready for bed, it’s just after three,
Sally, jacket or trousers first?”

I put my arms in the air and Sally undid the buttons, and then
lifted the hem over my head and pulled it off me, and Sally said,”
I trousers like first.”

Sally held up the pyjama trousers for me to step into,” in you go,
you naughty boy, let’s cover that red backside, come on, hesitate
and this time it will be my knee you go over!”

I had no intention of hesitating but a tear fell down my face, which
Aunty Sue wiped with a tissue, she pulled from her pocket.

First I stepped into, one leg and then the other, and she pulled
them up, it was clear they were long, and she let the elasticised
waist crack back on my bottom which made me wince.

” Now on with the jacket Thomas, nearly ready for bed,” and Sue put
one arm through the sleeve and then the other, pulling both sides
together and doing up the buttons to the neck, finishing by tucking
the jacket into the trousers.

The pyjamas were too big for me and the pyjama legs flopped over my feet and the sleeves of the pyjama jacket completely covered my hands.

Sue said,” I think pyjamas that are too big create the right feeling in a naughty boy, making him feel small and babyish.”

Aunty Sally’s hand brushed over my crotch and I involuntarily reacted and immediately blushed. Aunty Sally was obviously aware of my arousal. She smiled slightly but continued, “ I see what you mean about these pyjamas being made from a girls pattern, there is no opening for his pee-pee and the buttons are on the left well, never mind Thomas, your pyjamas make you look just like a naughty little boy, just what we intended.”

Just as they finished, the girls came back in the room with plate of
sandwiches and a drink, and Aunty Sue told me to sit at the table and
asked the girls to put my nightclothes in my bedroom.

Susan put down the sandwiches and drink on the table and Pamela put
the folded pyjamas and “nightshirts” into a neat pile which they
divided up between them and then they left the room.

”I can’t stay much longer Sue, I’m leaving tonight, I better get
his things from the car, if he can stay out of bed long enough to
wear them that is and you know what I want doing while I’m away.”

Sue replied, “ thank you I’m taking him upstairs when he’s
finished, then I’m going to tell him a story, if you have to go
that’s all right, but do you want to see his bedroom, Thomas let’s
show Aunt Sally your bedroom, and then you can come back down to
finish your tea and then it’s bed for the night.”

Sue told me follow her and Aunty followed behind me up the stairs
and she went into the bedroom where I’d been undressed for my bath,
which seemed hours ago, but wasn’t really, and then Sue opened the
door I’d seen earlier and told me to come in. Before I did I could see
my clothes had been tidied away.

”Thomas this is your bedroom, either Pamela or Susan will sleep
next door, and you are not to leave it without permission or you will
get a spanking you won’t forget.

I looked around the bedroom it seemed to have two pairs of curtains,
one black and one pink, the bed was a single and it had a white
bedspread and white pillows and there was a teddy bear, poking out
from under the covers. A large chair sat in the corner, like part of a
3-piece suite, and there were a couple of chests of drawers and a
clothes bin, which had my clothes in it, but no pyjamas or
nightwear. Sue looked in the drawers and found everything had been put

”Oh! , They’re good girls, now, Thomas this is your bedroom, so
you have to keep it tidy and clean, you’ll be spending more time here
than anywhere else.” Before she could continue Sally said, “it’s a
lovely room, perfect for discipline and punishment, excuse me though
I have to go. Be a very good boy Thomas while I’m away or else!”

We followed her downstairs to the door, she popped out for
my clothes and gave them to Aunt Sue said goodnight to me and then we
waved her goodbye, me in my yellow bunny rabbit pyjamas and then
Aunty told me to finish my tea before bed.

It still wasn’t 4 ‘o’ clock when I ascended the stairs back to the
bedroom, and then the girls appeared to say good night, gave me a
little kiss and left, but not before patting my sore bottom.

Aunt Sue, put my clothes in two drawers and put my spare pair of
shoes outside the room to take down later, then she sat in the chair
and told me to sit on her lap, I did as I was told and she said “ I’m
going to tell you a story but you’ll be in bed for that, you’re
probably wondering about the two pairs of curtains, well one pair
let’s in the sun and the other makes this dark for when you need to
sleep, there’s a chamber pot under the bed, if you need to go to the
toilet but I’ll take you there before I close the door for the night,
it has a key, so there will not be any naughty wandering , but after
10 one or the other of the girls will be next door but I wouldn’t
disturb either of them or you’ll get more of what you experienced this
afternoon, be warned.”

As she told me this she stroked my hair and held me close to her chest, then she said, “ your bedtime can be very early Thomas, and if it’s early it means you’ve been naughty, so your bottom will be sore, if you keep to a set bedtime, it’s on with your
pyjamas or nightie at least 2 hours before bedtime and because of your naughtiness today your pyjama time will be 3 hours before bedtime tomorrow.”

Your Aunt has left strict instructions on how your punishment will develop
I have some ideas of my own, so you’ll be getting used to some changes in your daily routine, hopefully you will be tired and ready for bye-byes when you’re tucked in and always remember you can be put to bed even earlier than this. “

I didn’t like the sound of any of this and tried to speak but she put her finger gently against my lip. “Hush now, you don’t want a bedtime spanking do you?”

I shook my head. “Now into bed with you but first you can close your pink curtains,”
and I got off her knee and drew the curtains and she pulled back the
covers to the bed, holding it open for me to get in, which I did a
few seconds later and she tucked in the sheets and pulled the cover
up to my chin. Then she sat down in the chair and said she would tell
me as story.

Then Aunty gave me a kiss and left the room, saying,” it’s
still early but I’ll be up at 8 to change the curtains and take you
to the toilet.” and I heard the click of the door.

As I lay back in bed, not really believing either that I had been put to bed early wearing yellow bunny rabbit winceyette pyjamas or how I easily I was becoming used to early bedtimes like a naughty boy.